Chapter 220
"If you change to a humble minister, you must govern and expand your territory!"

Zhang Liang said solemnly.

"Yes, if it's you, if it's Zhen, if it's me, everyone in the Central Plains knows this truth. In this world, it's for sitting down, not for the autumn wind."

"But how did the Huns do it? They just burned, killed, and looted. They treated this place as a gold mine. They only plundered it, but they didn't manage it. Is this different from your idea?"

"Now that you think about it, the Xiongnu would never dare to take the risk of attacking the Great Wall, but will they really do what you want?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, his tone full of arrogance.


Zhang Liang sucked in a breath of cold air. Before this, he really hadn't thought of it.

People say that the heart of a villain is used to measure the belly of a gentleman, but today Zhang Liang discovered that he actually used the heart of an ordinary person to measure the belly of a wild wolf. This is simply extremely stupid!

"Your Majesty, the minister is guilty, but he did not think of this matter. If the Huns really act like this, the minister will simply die for a hundred times!"

Zhang Liang clasped his fists violently and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Military Advisor, it's not your fault, it's just that you think of others too easily. After all, your experience in dealing with the Huns is still too shallow."

"I believe that in time, with the ability of a military advisor, the Xiongnu will be able to be applauded, and there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said to Zhang Liang.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding!"

Zhang Liang lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, there is no need to mention this matter again. Just in case, I have decided that the cavalry training of the [-] troops will certainly continue, but this is a matter for the future."

"Starting now, stop the training of the army for the time being. The army will return to its position. Tonight, we will be ready to go, and tomorrow we will prepare to fight the Xiongnu to the death!"

Ying Shou said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, such a decision is too hasty, isn't it? If the army returns to their respective positions, even if we really fight the Huns, we will not be able to catch up with the Huns!"

Wei Liao said hastily.

"Don't worry, Generalissimo, I can only make such a decision with certainty."

"For the [-] army, you only need to hand over [-] Qingqi to me, and the remaining [-] army, you can stay behind and play by ear at any time."

"With [-] light cavalry, plus the real [-] white horse righteous guards, even if I can't exterminate this Xiongnu for the time being, I can beat him so that he will never dare to enter our Great Qin Xiongguan!"

Ying Shou sneered and looked very confident when he spoke.

Before coming here, he had already thought through the tactics of this battle, and he had a lot of confidence, one battle will determine the universe.

"Since that's the case, the final general will obey the order!"

Wei Liao knew very well that the emperor was very talented, so he never did anything he was not sure about.

Since the emperor had already made such a decision, he didn't say much.

Soon, a pilgrimage will end.

The next day, the army gathered, and the talisman of [-] light cavalry was handed over to Ying Shou, and Ying Shou began counting troops in front of the commanding platform.

At this time, a bad news came. The Xiongnu cavalry rushed to the Northeast Great Wall for several days, aiming at the [-] Great Wall guards.

As soon as the news got out, Wei Liao and Zhang Liang turned pale with shock.

Before the two of them did not expect that the Xiongnu would dare to act like this.

This really echoed Ying Shou's words, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of an eventuality. Sure enough, this eventuality still happened after all.

"Your Majesty, the Xiongnu's intentions are clearly revealed. Our army must not stay any longer. We must immediately rush to the Northeast Great Wall to fight to the death with the Huns. Otherwise, once the Northeast Great Wall is broken, our Great Qin will be in danger!"

Wei Liao hurried forward, clasped his fists and said.

"That's right, Your Majesty, this matter cannot be delayed any longer!"

Zhang Liang also said quickly.

Because before this, it was expected that the Xiongnu would not be in danger, so they did not take any precautions.

At this moment, the Huns were really in danger, but they were anxious instead.

"The Huns asked for their own death!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head and said, "You two lovers don't need to worry, since I have already predicted that they will do this way, I have my own solution."

"It's fine if they don't take this step. Since I have decided to take this step, I want at least 40 of the 30 Xiongnu army in my Great Qin Pass!"

As he said that, Ying Shou gave the order directly, saying, "Consolation Zhang Liang listens to the order, and I order you two to lead an army of [-] to the Northeast Great Wall day and night."

"I will lead the light cavalry later, and I will fight the Huns first, and the Huns will definitely be defeated. Your biggest task is to catch all the lone Huns, kill or escape, and never let them go! Have you ever heard clear?"

When the two heard the words, they hurriedly responded: "The last general takes orders!"

Afterwards, Wei Liao and Zhang Liang led an army of [-] to fight out, heading straight for the northeast city gate.

Here, Ying Shou officially began to order troops and generals.

"Li Yuanba obeys the order!"

"Brother, Yuanba is here!"

"Li Yuanba, I ordered you to be the vanguard general. In this battle, you will lead three thousand white horse followers. When I give an order, you will immediately enter the Huns' army."

"Remember, you are famous for your ferocity, but when it comes to military strategy, you have to obey Sima Xun's orders, have you ever understood?"

Ying Shou shouted.

"Don't worry brother, I know!"

Li Yuanba nodded and said very obediently.

"Lieyang listens to the order. I ordered you to be the general of the left, leading five thousand light cavalry. When the Xiongnu army is in chaos, fight from the left. At all costs, do your best to cause casualties to the Xiongnu army!"

Ying Shou turned to look at Lie Yang and ordered.

"Lieyang takes orders!"

Lie Yang hurriedly cupped his fists and said.

"Your Majesty, what about me?"

Xu Chu hurriedly stood up and asked.

Before the Battle of Baiyue, he had no chance to participate, but now he must not miss the Battle of the Huns, which is why he came to Julu non-stop as soon as he arrived in Xianyang.

"Don't worry, I can't do without you!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled. From the beginning of the Battle of Xianyang to the later Battle of Baiyue, this guy had no chance to make a move. He believed that Xu Chu had already suffocated, and going to the battlefield at this moment would be absolutely invincible .

"Xu Chu listened to the order. I ordered you to be the right general and lead [-] light cavalry. After the left general attacked, you immediately took action, and at all costs, you did your best to cause casualties to the Hun army."

"Of course, if you can kill the Xiongnu and the tribal leaders, or the head of the Xiongnu Chanyu, I will definitely reward you a lot!"

Ying Shou ordered.

"Your Majesty can rest assured that the last general will take the order. In this battle, the last general will surely scare the Huns!"

Xu Chu was overjoyed and quickly responded.

"Leave your own troops and set off immediately!"

Ying Shou didn't hesitate, and with an order, the army set off.

Because the [-] Qingqi, plus the [-] white horse soldiers Yingshou were all cavalry, and they were Qingqi, even though they set off at the back, they passed the [-] army that set out in the front and approached the Great Wall in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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