Chapter 224
"Hey... Jinniang, Jinniang, why are you doing this?"

Xuantongzi looked at Jinniang, muttered to himself, and couldn't help but close his eyes.

In this battle, everyone was determined to die. Even if they couldn't kill the Huns, they must stop the Huns.

Before that, Xuan Tongzi never thought that this woman would come to the battlefield at this time.


"Can you feel it?"

On another mountain, here, there is no one inhabited everywhere, only two people and two horses standing on the top of the mountain.

One of them, dressed in a golden armor with fighting spirit, held a gold-plated phoenix wing, majestic and majestic.

Behind her was a petite girl with a pretty face, but her eyes were full of pity, and said in a low voice.

"Feel what?"

The big man in golden armor said silently.

"Aura of death!"

The woman smiled lightly and said: "A few months ago, when Qin's army slaughtered our nobles from Zhao, it was this kind of breath."

"Look, now that there are hundreds of schools of thought and masters from all sides gathered together, this kind of aura is even more dignified. This battle will probably be very tragic!"

Hearing this, the big man in golden armor sneered and said, "A group of ordinary people are trying to stop the Huns' army with their own strength. They are beyond their limits."

"In this battle, less than one out of ten survived. How can this death spirit not be heavy?"

The woman was dissatisfied when she heard the words: "At this time, you still keep claiming that they are ordinary people. If they don't take action at this moment, when the army of the Huns and the army of the Donghu merge into one, who in this world will be able to fight against it? Do you think Daqin Majestic, but now, where is your Qin army? Can't you just hide in Handan?"

The golden-armored man frowned slightly, and said coldly: "I'll say it again, if you dare to slander me, Daqin, I will kill you now!"

The woman was taken aback, then shook her head slightly, changed the subject, and said, "Yuwen Chengdu, can you stop saying 'you' all the time in the future, I have my own name!"

Yu Wencheng was taken aback, and said, "You didn't tell me your name!"

The woman rolled her eyes and said, "If people don't tell you, don't you know how to ask?"

Yu Wencheng didn't speak, as if he didn't care about other people's names at all.

" name is Zhao Qian, and I am the daughter of Zhao Wangxie. Ying Shou killed my father, destroyed my country of Zhao, and slaughtered my people."

"Now that the Xiongnu are fighting, I know that I may not have the chance to go back, and I may not have the chance to seek revenge from Ying Shou."

"I also know that you are a very good general. You choose to follow Yingshou. I don't blame you, but I hope you will stop thinking about Qin's goodness and Yingshou's goodness in front of me. I really hate it." them!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian lowered her eyes, as if recalling the scene of being slaughtered by Ying Shou.

Yu Wencheng's heart moved, and he looked at Zhao Qian in disbelief, but he didn't expect that she would have such a background and experience.

Now, he finally understood why Zhao Qian would not obey Qin's edict and would rather die than leave Zhao.

This place is her country, her home. Relatively speaking, Qin is her empire, and the emperor is her enemy.

Similarly, he also knew why Zhao Qian hated Qin so much.

In the final analysis, no matter what, Qin Guo was always her sworn enemy to her. Under such hatred, let alone a woman, even a man, how could she ignore it?
"I hope you can live in this battle. In this world, there are many things that are not right or wrong. Two countries fight against each other, and two armies fight against each other. They only talk about victory or defeat, life and death, and don't talk about who is right and who is wrong. You are a descendant of Zhao State. I hope You can continue the incense of Zhao Guo."

"Similarly, I also hope that you are alive. One day, you will be able to see clearly what kind of person I am, the Great Qin Emperor. At that time, I don't expect you to be able to eliminate the hatred in your heart, but you can also resolve the grievances between the countries in the past!"

Yu Wencheng was silent for a while, then suddenly turned and walked to the side, talking while walking.

Zhao Qian looked at his back, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she muttered to herself, "Is it possible to resolve the hatred between countries?"

With that said, she also walked towards the other side.


" drive..."

There is still a thousand miles away from here.

A rapid march is facing the night, hurrying on its way.

"Report to Your Majesty, our army is still eight days away from the northeast of the Great Wall!"

A voice sounded in front of the army.

Ying Shou galloped his horse and shouted loudly: "We travel day and night, can we make it in five days?"

On the side, Sima Xun said while hurrying: "No, Your Majesty, we have been traveling day and night for three days in a row, with only a few hours of rest during the period, this man can bear it, but the horse can't bear it. The horses of many soldiers have already collapsed from exhaustion, and they must rest immediately, otherwise our army has lost its combat effectiveness before we reach the northeast of the Great Wall!"

As soon as Sima Xun finished speaking, he heard an urgent voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, another eighteen horses fell to the ground, unable to run anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, a soldier rode up to Ying Shou's side, looking at Ying Shou eagerly.


Ying Shou frowned slightly. At this moment, it was time to burn his brows. It could be said that every minute and second was racing against time, and he must not rest.But the situation does not allow him to continue on his way, what a dilemma!
"Your Majesty, let's rest for a night first, otherwise our army will be really powerless!"

Sima Xun looked at Ying Shou and tried to persuade him.

Ying Shou slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, he suddenly said, "How far is the Xiongnu from us?"

Sima Xun hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the progress of the Xiongnu, they should have arrived at Huishui City, but I still have three days to go to Huishui City!"


Upon hearing this, Ying Shou reined in the horse and stopped.

Seeing this, the people behind also stopped.

"Your Majesty, are you resting?"

Seeing this, Sima Xun hurriedly asked.

"You're right. The army must not hurry like this. Let's rest first. Otherwise, when we arrive, we will be a tired army and can only be beaten passively. This must not be the case!"

Ying Shou sighed, and said: "The order is passed on, the army will rest for six hours, and sleep for the first four hours, and the horses for the last two hours, on their way!"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he clasped his fists and said, "No, Your Majesty!"

As he said that, Sima Xun immediately went to deliver an order, saying: "Your Majesty has ordered that the army rest on the spot for six hours!"

All the soldiers were overjoyed when they heard this, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After dismounting, they fell asleep.

This is a rapid march, within a radius of hundreds of miles, there is no enemy army, so there are no guards left.

All the soldiers who hadn't rested for several days fell asleep like something, it can be said that the sky is dim and the earth is dark.

While these people were resting, Ying Shou recruited Li Yuanba and gave Li Yuanba a new task.

(End of this chapter)

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