Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 225 The Huns Prepare for War

Chapter 225 The Huns Prepare for War
"Brother, what are you looking for from me?"

Li Yuanba came to Ying Shou, puzzled.

"Yuanba, you have also seen that the horses of these soldiers are different from your Wanliyun."

"Your Wanli cloud can travel fast for a long time. It can travel thousands of miles a day and eight thousand miles at night."

"I know that you are already tired after two days of rest. Rest for one night tonight. Tomorrow, you will first break away from the army, go to the northeast of the Great Wall, and tell the [-] Great Wall guards that no matter what happens, you must stop the Xiongnu for three days. Three days Within the time limit, reinforcements will arrive, don't let yourself be confused!"

Ying Shou took out a piece of cloth, handed it to Li Yuanba, and said, "This is my will. You must personally call the General of the Hundred Thousand Great Wall Guards, Chen Kui, understand?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanba nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, brother, do you want me to help fight the Xiongnu?"

Ying Shou pursed his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to touch Li Yuanba's head, and said with a smile, "Of course I need to help. In this battle, my brother will rely on you."

"Now that the army is here, as the emperor, I must not break away from the army and act without authorization at this moment. You must not let your brother down, you understand?"

Li Yuanba nodded happily, and said: "Don't worry, brother, with me here, if the Huns never come back, I will definitely kill them!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said, "Don't welcome us. This battle is different from the past. My brother knows that you have undeserved courage, but if you break into the Huns army, even you will never be able to please you. After arriving at the Great Wall , Everything has to be ordered by General Chen Kui, understand?"

"All right……"

Li Yuanba was helpless, he would never refute Ying Shou's words, since his brother told him to listen to Chen Kui, he would listen to Chen Kui.

In the early morning of the next day, while the army was still resting, Li Yuanba had already stepped onto the Wanliyun and galloped away first.

As Ying Shou said, at this moment in this army, he is both the emperor and the commander in chief, and he must not leave the army, and he can only rely on Li Yuanba for everything.

But he forgot one thing, Li Yuanba himself lacks intelligence, so we can know the result of rushing away this time.

Early in the morning, all the soldiers started to get up to prepare horse hay for the horses, and after the horses finished eating, they continued on their way again.

On this side, Ying Shou and others rushed towards the northeast of the Great Wall non-stop, and on the other side, the Huns' army had already reached Huishui City when the sky was getting dark.

"What's going on, why are there still enemy troops in this city?"

From a distance, the Xiongnu army saw the torches all over the city, Xiongnu Shanyu frowned slightly, and said coldly.

"I don't know, Shan Yu, it's better for the army to rest first, let me go and find out later!"

A tribal leader said in a deep voice.

"Alright, my army has been on the move for many days, and it's time to rest. Pass down the order and set up camp on the spot!"

Xiongnu Shanyu nodded.

"Pass down the order, the army will set up camp and rest on the spot!"

As the Xiongnu Shanyu opened his mouth, someone immediately conveyed the order, and soon, a large camp stretching for more than ten miles appeared here, with white flowers and flames bursting into the sky, echoing Huishui City from a distance.

Not long after, the Xiongnu army found out and reported that the city was full of hundreds of families from the Central Plains, and when all sects and factions gathered here to block their own progress, the Xiongnu Shanyu was furious.

"Bastards, a group of mobs who don't know how to live or die, really think that with their mere 4 people, they can counter my Hun army?"

"Come on, pass the order down, the army is assembled, and go to the city for me first!"

The Xiongnu Shanyu's eyes were piercing. For Daqin, this moment was a race against time, and for the Xiongnu, it was the same.

This action is extremely dangerous for Daqin, and it is also dangerous for the tribes of the Huns.

Once the Huns succeed, Great Qin will perish.Once the Daqin reserve reinforcements catch up, the Huns will surely endure the situation of two-sided attack, and they will also be defeated at that time.

Therefore, Ying Shou was racing against time, and the Huns were also anxious.

At this time, a group of people suddenly popped up to try to stop the Xiongnu's footsteps, and the Xiongnu Shanyu naturally couldn't agree.

If the opponent is the regular army of the Qin Dynasty, even if there are only 4, he dare not underestimate them, but this is just a group of Jianghu people. Although most of them have unique skills, but in the army, no matter how powerful the task is, it is difficult to cause a wave.In his opinion, the extermination of these [-] people is nothing more than a simple effort, and it's all done at will.

Following the Xiongnu Shanyu's order, the army assembled, and soon, 40 troops approached the land less than ten miles below the city. From a distance, it was densely packed and black, like ants.

Facing so many people, not to mention fighting, if you were a group of people, you would be scared to death.

On the top of the city, disciples from hundreds of schools and sects couldn't help their legs trembling when they saw this scene.

As the saying goes, there is great strength in numbers. When the number reaches a certain level, there is no need to fight, and the momentum can oppress people so that they can't breathe.

The masters of various schools are better, after all, they have seen the big world, but most of those disciples have never been on the battlefield. Facing this scene, they inevitably feel guilty, and even involuntarily wonder whether they can really stop the battle. Can live with this army.

This scene was seen by Hui Songzi on the top of the city. He couldn't help frowning slightly, and shouted: "Have you seen it clearly, that is the army of the Huns, with a total of 40 people, ten times the number of our army. I I know that at this moment, many people will be afraid, but now is not the time to patronize fear."

"You have to think clearly, if the Xiongnu army crosses this city, kills to the north of the Great Wall, and leads the Donghu army to enter the pass, my Central Plains will be devastated, and there will be no way for us to survive."

"Now, what I'm waiting to do is stop the Huns' army at all costs, and we will win if the Qin army joins us!"

"You can rest assured that there are traps set up by our side outside the city, and the equipment we have already prepared on the top of the city. As long as everyone works together, we will be able to stop the Huns. The Huns will never be able to cross this city!"

Hui Songzi's voice reached everyone's ears, but unfortunately, facing such an army, it was still difficult for everyone to raise their morale.

At this time, the difference between the regular army and the people in the rivers and lakes is fully reflected.

To put it nicely, these people are called knights of the rivers and lakes, each with supernatural powers, but in the army, they are a group of mobs, and it is not easy to mobilize them at all.

Seeing this, Hui Songzi couldn't help but sigh, and this battle was a little more decadent.

"The peasant disciple listened to the order. When I came here today, I never thought about going back alive. Remember, I am not even afraid of death. Why should I be afraid of the Huns' 40 army? If you don't want to be ashamed, just show me a little momentum. If you kill one, you won’t pay, but if you kill two, you will make a sure profit, don’t let me be dejected and frightened!”

At this moment, Situ Yuan, the leader of the farm family, suddenly opened his mouth to reprimand.

(End of this chapter)

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