Chapter 226 Siege
"The disciples of the Mohists listen to the order. Now that the Xiongnu army is approaching the city, our Mohist Guild has always upheld God's will and helped the world for the people. Tell me, can you let the Xiongnu cross this city, lead the Donghu army into the pass, and slaughter our Huaxia people?"

Mo Nian, the giant of the Mo family, shouted in a deep voice.


As soon as Mo Nian said this, tens of thousands of Mohist disciples shouted loudly.

"Since you can't, then show me some courage. I know that my disciples of the Mohist school pay attention to non-offensive, but today, non-offensive must be attacked, and the Xiongnu must be defeated. Otherwise, the ancestors will be ashamed, and the people will be ashamed. Do you understand?"

As Mo Nian and Situ Yuan opened their mouths, hundreds of schools and sects mobilized their morale one after another. For a moment, all the disciples finally calmed down and looked fiercely at the Hun army assembled in the distance, ready to kill at any time.

On this side, Hui Songzi and the heads of various factions are mobilizing morale, and on the other side, the Huns' army is also arousing their fighting spirit.

"Is the army ready? The front is Huishui City. In Huishui City, [-] Central Plains rivers and lakes have gathered in Huishui City. It is an unforgivable crime to block our army's progress. Today, our army will definitely kill this city and take it. The Great Wall of Northeast China, leading the Donghu army to enter the customs."

"At that time, the products of the Central Plains and the beauties of the Central Plains will all be ours. Tell me, our army has already arrived, can we let this mere [-] mob stop us?"

The Xiongnu Shanyu shouted angrily.

"No, absolutely not!"

The 40 army roared to the sky, with great momentum, and the roar of the horses under their crotches shook people's hearts.

"Very good, since I can't agree, I will kill you guys. Go into the city, cross this city, and take the Northeast Great Wall. The Central Plains is our pasture!"

The Xiongnu Shanyu shouted, "Kill..."




The sound resounded through the sky, and the 40 army, all Qingqi, turned into a torrent directly, setting off smoke and dust all over the sky, and killing like the wind towards Huishui City.

"Siege the city, prepare to fight!"

On the top of the city, Hui Songzi narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"The city is under siege, keep an eye out for the smoke!"

Outside the city, among the many ambush soldiers headed by Daojia, Xuantongzi said hastily.

"Dong dong dong..."

The earth is shaking, 40 cavalry, the sky is full of smoke and dust, mighty and mighty, from a distance, it seems that the flood has broken through the tyrant.

At the waists of these Hun cavalrymen, there were shining scimitars pinned to their waists.

The 40 cavalrymen have already taken off their bows and arrows, and when they reach Huishui City, they will send out a wave of arrows to suppress the city.

As time passed, the Xiongnu moved extremely fast, getting closer and closer to Huishui City.

"Nine miles..."


"Seven miles..."

"Six miles..."


Hui Songzi fixed his eyes on the army below, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Boom boom boom..."

As his words fell, thousands of people were directly plunged into a mass grave in front of the Xiongnu army.

In the mass grave, the wood had already been sharpened, directly killing the thousands of soldiers screaming, and the dead could not die again.

The people behind couldn't stop for a while, and rushed into the mass grave one after another, losing thousands of people one after another.

"what happened?"

Behind, Xiongnu Shanyu's face changed, and he couldn't help shouting.

"Trap, there is a trap ahead!"

Someone hastened to report.

"Bastard, these people are really a mob. It's ridiculous to block our army with such small things. Pass on the order and go to the city at all costs!"

As the order was issued, the courage of the Huns was fully demonstrated.

This is no longer a group of people, but a group of hungry wolves, for their own food, one after another, not in a hurry for life and death.

The mass grave was filled by thousands of people in an instant.

Just when the Xiongnu army was about to cross the mass grave, they touched the next mechanism. For a moment, countless sharp lights flashed, and tens of thousands of feathered arrows shot from all directions in an instant.

Among them, there are countless sharpened woods, which killed the former soldiers of the Huns for a while.

Because the crowd was too dense, the Huns cavalry had no way to escape, but also because of the crowd, these tens of thousands of arrows only caused casualties to thousands of people on the periphery, while the people in the middle were not harmed at all.



The waves of obstruction did not make the Huns timid at all, but aroused their murderous intentions. I saw that the Huns cavalrymen, with red eyes, were really like wild wolves, desperately killing towards the city.

The Huns themselves are full of wolf nature. When there are few people, they may still feel scared. For example, when the Huns were divided into countless small troops, they would flee and evacuate once they couldn't fight.

But when the number of people gathers to a certain extent, just like the number of wolves increases to a certain extent, they never know what to retreat and escape.

Driven by this kind of wolf nature, the Xiongnu army continued to charge with red eyes and desperately.

However, ahead, there are many traps. The Xiongnu army sometimes faces a mass grave, sometimes faces a sudden prison, and sometimes faces a noose that comes from nowhere.

However, after the loss of tens of thousands of troops, the Xiongnu finally rushed to Huishui City as usual.

For them, it seemed that it was not ten thousand partners who fell, but ten thousand worthless things.

"Be careful to avoid the sharp arrows of the Huns!"

Hui Songzi narrowed his eyes when he saw the Xiongnu slaughtering the city, and suddenly scolded.

Although he had asked the Mohist disciples to prepare bows and arrows before, but the time was too urgent. The arrows prepared by the Mohist disciples had already been placed outside the city to make a trap. The pace of the Huns has become impossible.All they can do is to block them with soldiers and cover them with water.

At the moment when Hui Songzi's voice fell, the Xiongnu army had rushed to within three hundred steps of the city, and for a while, the sky was full of arrows, densely packed, like locusts passing through.

"Find a place to hide!"

"Quickly avoid it!"

One after another voices sounded above the top of the city, and everyone dodged to the sides and all directions.

Some people relied on the top of the city as a cover to hide, while others could only lie down and look for shelter.

However, no matter what, there were 2 people on the top of the city. Although they were trying their best to hide, facing the all-pervasive rain of arrows, thousands of people were directly shot in a short time.Some of them died on the spot and some were seriously injured.


Some people saw that their companions were either dead or injured, and they were furious for a moment. They quickly drew out their weapons and began to block the rain of arrows.

This Hun army is best at riding and shooting.

These people hide, they have plenty of ways to shoot.For these people to stand up, they are even more living targets.

(End of this chapter)

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