Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 228 The Brave Wins

Chapter 228 The Brave Wins
"Brother Situ, now is not the time to be on the defensive."

"We are all disciples of various schools and sects. We have never received military training, and we don't have enough military equipment. Facing the Huns' arrow rain, we can only be passively beaten. After all, it is difficult to use our close combat strength!"

"Similarly, if we rush out of the city at this moment and face the Huns coming and going like the wind, we can only be suppressed."

"Did you see that the [-] troops in front have put down their horses. Even if they step up to the top of the city, they have lost their strongest combat power and can only fight on foot, and this is our strength!"

"As long as these people step on the top of the city, the Xiongnu will not dare to continue shooting arrows. At that time, the top of the city will be so big. With the strength of the disciples of each family, it is enough to start a tug-of-war with the Huns. This is the best result so far! It is also the only one. A way to stop the Huns!"

Hui Songzi's eyes were sharp, and he analyzed Mo Nian and Situ Yuan very quickly.

When the two heard this, their hearts couldn't help but move.

I don't know if I don't say it, but when I say it, it seems that this is really the case.

All schools of thought, no matter the masters or disciples of each school and school, have not undergone systematic military training, and the two armies have suffered a loss when they fought.In addition, everyone has neither bows nor arrows, nor all kinds of equipment. Facing the rain of arrows from the Huns, it is even more detrimental.

After all, everyone is a group of Jianghu people, and the biggest advantage is to fight face to face.

But there are many Huns below, if they go out of the city, with the speed of the Huns' fast horses, they will be surrounded and strangled very quickly, which will also make them very passive.

On the contrary, the [-] Xiongnu army in front had abandoned their war horses. At this time, they had the greatest advantage in fighting face to face.

"All disciples obey the order, let the Xiongnu go to the city!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Nian and Situ Yuan shouted directly.

With an order, many peasant disciples and Mohist disciples immediately put down their attacks and began to guard against the rain of arrows with all their strength, launching this war of retreating as advancing.

As the Mohist disciples and the peasant disciples gave up their resistance, many Xiongnu troops below immediately climbed to the top of the city, raised their scimitars and fought with the peasant disciples and Mohist disciples on the top of the city.

"Clang clang..."

The flashes of swords and swords flickered non-stop, and the two sides were completely fighting together.

As Hui Songzi said, as these Huns stepped up to the top of the city, the Huns immediately stopped shooting arrows.

After all, at this moment, on the top of the city, the two sides have already fought together.At this moment, the room can't help but hurt the enemy army, as well as our own army.

Once circulated in this way, the appearance of the Great War completely changed.

The army of the Huns below was still climbing crazily, and the army that climbed up was immediately faced with the sword shadow attack of the peasant disciples and Mohist disciples.

The peasant disciples and Mohist disciples who participated in this battle were all martial arts practitioners, plus the weaker ones, almost all fell down in the rounds of arrow rain just now.

The rest are all elite disciples of the two schools.

On weekdays, it is definitely a one-to-ten existence.

These Huns gave up their war horses, climbed to the top of the city, and fought close to each other, and they couldn't get the slightest advantage.

Accompanied by the blood splattering everywhere, countless Xiongnu troops had just stepped onto the top of the city, and fell down before they had time to make a move.

At this point, the peasant disciples and Mohist disciples finally gained the upper hand.

However, this advantage is only temporary. With the rounds of fighting, more than half of the peasant disciples and Mohist disciples have been killed or injured, and there are only more than 1 people left to continue fighting.

But the army of the Xiongnu who kept climbing up from far below was ten times their number, dozens of times more.

The dead will be exhausted, especially in the face of the Xiongnu's continuous and frenzied culling. Even though the peasant disciples and the Mohist disciples are strong enough in combat, as the war continued, they began to retreat steadily.

"Clang clang..."

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy held a three-foot sword and held down the scimitars of two Huns. With a horizontal stroke of the long sword, the necks of the two Huns were directly torn.

Before the boy could get excited, he saw more than a dozen scimitars torn apart.

He hurriedly dodged and blocked, but he was still stabbed in the arm, and blood flowed down immediately, and the severe pain made him frown.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, a Xiongnu soldier kicked out suddenly, directly kicking the young man to the ground, and then seven scimitars came tearing apart, intending to put the young man to death.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this moment, three figures suddenly rushed out, flew up, and kicked the seven soldiers away.

Two of them helped the boy up, and only one said: "Junior brother, be careful!"

Before the man finished speaking, he saw dozens of Xiongnu soldiers encircling them. Under the shadow of swords and swords, they slashed and slashed randomly.

After a while, the three of them were cut to pieces.


"Senior brother..."

Not far away, a group of Mohist disciples who were fighting frantically with the Huns shouted loudly and came to kill them, but they were quickly overwhelmed by countless Huns.

This kind of situation continued to happen between the Mohist disciples and the peasant disciples, from the peasants and the Mohists who had just gained the upper hand, to the Xiongnu army who had the upper hand.

The peasant disciples and the Mohist disciples retreated after repeated battles, and gradually retreated to the top of the city, fighting with the enemy continuously.

Soon, the city was completely occupied by the Huns.

Of the 40 Xiongnu army, 30 troops simply gave up their horses and climbed to the top of the city frantically.

After taking down the top of the city, these people immediately rushed towards the city gate, and were about to open the city gate to let more Huns from outside enter the city.

"No, the city wall has fallen!"

Situ Yuan's eyes sharpened, he looked at Hui Songzi and shouted.

Hui Songzi's eyes were sharp, as if he had already expected this scene.

As the saying goes, the brave wins the battle between the two armies. This battle is inherently unfair to all schools and factions.

In addition, the Huns have always been known for their fierceness in combat. Perhaps their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the masters of various schools and schools, but when it comes to fighting bravely, it is by no means comparable to that of all schools and schools of thought. In this way, the fall of the city is basically a matter of time.

"No hurry, the two of you go to the top of the city first to prevent the enemy from opening the city gate!"

Hui Songzi said in a deep voice.

"it is good……"

Both Mo Nian and Situ Yuan knew that Hui Songzi still had a backup, so they flew up without hesitation and headed straight to the city gate.

The two of them brought dozens of Mohist and peasant masters. These masters were all masters of one against a hundred. They all gathered in front of the city gate, as if relying on dozens of people to contend against hundreds of thousands of troops.

When the tens of thousands of troops broke through the blockade of the peasant disciples and Mohist disciples, and rushed to the front and rear of the city gate, they immediately fought with these masters.

But with the blood splattering and swords and swords flickering, it was as if these dozens of masters had entered the land of no one, moving back and forth among the tens of thousands of Xiongnu troops.

(End of this chapter)

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