Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 229 The smoke rises, murderous intent 4 volts

Chapter 229

"Kill me..."

Faced with the sudden attack of dozens of masters from the peasant family and the Mohist family, the Xiongnu army did not feel any fear at all. Instead, they were red-eyed and rushed towards the gate of the city without paying any attention to their companions who were constantly falling to the ground.

The crowd became denser and denser until finally, it was almost too crowded to breathe.

Even dozens of experts from the peasant family and the Mohist family were extremely skilled. Facing this kind of crowd tactics, they quickly fell into powerlessness. They were directly overwhelmed and unable to use their hands and feet. attack.


Accompanied by a violent sound, the city gate finally opened, and the city finally fell.

"Kill me..."

Outside the city, [-] Xiongnu cavalry saw this, accompanied by an order, billowing smoke and dust, with earth-shattering sounds, vigorously, like a torrent, swept towards the city gate.


Seeing this scene, the Mohist disciples and the farmer's disciples looked desperate. After all, with their strength, they couldn't even last a day.

Under such desperation, the two disciples knew very well that they had lost their active position at this moment, and could only fight frantically, killing one without paying, and killing two for sure.

The war has come to this point, and it has completely entered the white heat.

On the entire battlefield, there was only one person with a dignified expression, but also very calm, and this person was Hui Songzi.

Seeing the Huns' army entering the city, he slowly looked up into the sky, only to see the setting sun, and before he knew it, a great battle had been fought for a whole day.

"it's time!"

He turned his gaze to the back of the Huns army not far away, with a smile on his face, the Xiongnu Shanyu who was following the Huns army to kill towards the city gate, and the leaders of the Huns tribe.

"Light up wolf smoke..."

Suddenly, Hui Songzi opened his mouth and said to several military disciples beside him.

After the words fell, Hui Songzi was standing next to a beacon tower at this moment, and those military disciples picked up the torches and lit the beacon.

"What's going on, the city gate has already been lost without lighting the beacon fire!"

"It's over, it's over, the city gate fell, the peasants and Mohist army in the city were defeated, and they will surely die. With us waiting, how can we continue to defend?"

During the battle inside the city, nearly 2 people were ambushing in the dense forest outside the city.

This includes a peerless swordsman from the Strategist, all the disciples of the Taoist School, all the disciples of the Confucian School, all the disciples of the Famous School, the four hundred disciples of the Medical School, all the disciples of the Legal School, all the owners of the Miscellaneous School, and everyone from the Military School, etc. Rangers, gathered together, a total of 2 people.

Before the war, Hui Songzi arranged for them to wait here, waiting for the beacon signal at any time, and attacking the Huns from the rear.

But this day has passed, and the fighting in the city has been extremely tragic, but they have not received any signal yet.

Seeing the tragedy in the city, these people's eyes were red, and they just wanted to kill them immediately and fight the Xiongnu to the death.

The bravery and ferocity of the Huns are indeed frightening, and everyone will be afraid of this.But it was precisely because of this fear that they wanted to go even more.

In the face of such Huns, if the Xiongnu were really allowed to gain a firm foothold in the Central Plains, it would explain that everyone in the Central Plains would face annihilation, which they would never allow.

"Come on, we can't wait any longer!"

The leader of the famous family is a middle-aged man named Gongsun Tan, watching the fighting in the city, his heart feels like a knife, and he can't help but say.

"That's right, let's go out, the Huns have already entered the city, if you hesitate, there will be no chance!"

Master Fajia, an old man with pale hair, named Xu Sheng, couldn't help but speak.

"No, everyone, don't worry, Hui Songzi is a master of military strategist, he will seize the opportunity, and I will just wait for his transfer."

"Since he hasn't sent a signal yet, he must have his own ideas, so wait!"

Daojia Xuantongzi frowned and stopped him.

"That's right, Xuan Tongzi is right. We have made a covenant before the war, and we will never act without authorization. Just continue to wait. War matters, after all, cannot sustain the courage of a man!"

Confucianism was idle, Master Xunzi echoed the Tao with his hands behind his back and solemn eyes.

"Hey, how long will it take to wait like this? Do we have to wait for everyone from the Mo family and the farm family to die in battle, and then I will kill them out later?"

Everyone heard the words and couldn't help complaining.

But thinking of the previous covenant, no one committed suicide after all.

"Look, Wolf Smoke..."

"It's Wolf Smoke, that's right, it's Wolf Smoke..."

Suddenly, voices sounded from behind.

Everyone hurriedly looked up, only to see the smoke rising from the city.

"The signal is coming, kill me!"

Seeing this, Xuan Tongzi's eyes sharpened and turned red instantly. He drew out his sword and shouted loudly.




Shouts of killing sounded from the forest, all families and factions, as well as rangers from all directions rushed out one after another, killing out of the forest.

"Everyone, see if it's there. It's the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the tribes. At this moment, the Huns' army is at the front, and only these people are behind. We will work together to deal with these people first."

"If these people are robbed, the Xiongnu will definitely be in chaos, which can relieve the pressure in the city!"

Great Confucian sage, Master Xunzi said.

"That's right, first deal with the leaders of the Huns' tribes and the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

Xuantongzi and the others responded, and immediately rushed towards the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the tribes in a frenzy.

"No, there are ambushes!"

The Xiongnu army was taken aback, especially Xiongnu Shanyu and others, their expressions suddenly changed, and they saw [-] masters in the jungle behind them rushing towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

Dozens of masters and rangers from all sides directly surrounded the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the various tribes, and with the flickering of swords, they came to fight directly.

"Enemy attack...Enemy attack..."

A series of shouts sounded, and the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of various tribes hurriedly responded to the enemy.

The Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the various tribes were able to lead the huge tribe of the Huns, and they were very powerful in themselves. Each of them could be called a fierce general who could fight against a hundred or a thousand with one.

But even so, in the face of masters who are several times stronger than themselves, these masters come from various schools and factions, as well as rangers from all sides who are not weak. It also has the combat power of one against a thousand.

Under such circumstances, the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the various tribes were directly beaten and retreated. They could only parry and had no power to fight back.

In front, the cavalry of the Xiongnu who were attacking the city one after another saw this, immediately turned their horses and came back.

"Line up and stop the Xiongnu army, and we must not let the Xiongnu army besiege them!"

A series of greetings sounded, and the disciples of various schools and sects, as well as rangers from all sides, lined up in a row, blocking the front, blocking the returning Xiongnu army.

(End of this chapter)

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