Chapter 230

After Hui Songzi's analysis, and with the addition of human-to-human transmission, everyone knows the power of the Huns in battle. Once surrounded by the Huns, everyone will die. Under such circumstances, the only thing everyone can do is line up. , and fought the Huns head-on without letting the Huns encircle.

However, with such a line-up strategy, everyone will suffer in the end.

The [-]-strong army of the Xiongnu, everyone's horses are flying like the wind, attacking and killing, the impact is simply beyond people's imagination.

In an instant, thousands of people were knocked into the air and killed.

The rest of the people reacted quickly, and they didn't touch head-on. The moment the horse rushed to them, they flew up, grabbed the horse's neck, made a direct round, kicked the Hun cavalry on the horse's back, snatched the horse, turned the horse's head, and killed the horse again. went back.

"Clang clang..."

"Pfft puff..."

Accompanied by the criss-crossing of swords, lights and swords, the two sides fought together completely, and blood was splashed everywhere between you and me. Whether it was the cavalry of the Huns, or the disciples of various sects and rangers from all sides, they all fell to the ground constantly.

The Huns were already fierce, and now that their leader was being attacked by surprise, they were even more eager to rescue them. For a while, it could be said that the more they killed, the more courageous they became.

Similarly, more than [-] rangers from each family and faction, all of them had already lost their temper because of the great battle in the city.

The two sides were fighting, and no one was willing to take a step back, and rushed towards the other side frantically.

The war became more and more fierce, and the Xiongnu were finally blocked. For a while, the cavalry lost their advantage, and it was difficult to encircle, and the casualties immediately showed a geometric rate.

On the other hand, although there were many casualties on the side of the rangers from all sides, compared with the Xiongnu army, they reached a ratio of three to one, or even four to one.

That is to say, every disciple of the various schools, as well as the casualties of the rangers from all sides, will take away at least three to four Hun cavalry as a price.

As soon as the battle started, it was obvious that the disciples of various schools of thought and the rangers from all sides had the upper hand.

But this kind of advantage is still like the previous battle on the top of the city, and it didn't last long.

After all, the Xiongnu army gathered a total of 40 people. Even if these 2 people leave again, one for three, to a certain extent, they still fall into an absolute disadvantage.

Especially after the situation here was learned by the Xiongnu army in the city, the Huns' generals immediately led the army to kill wildly.

After leaving the city, these Xiongnu troops immediately got on their horses and went in all directions, frantically surrounding them.

In the blink of an eye, the pressure from hundreds of disciples from outside the city and rangers from all sides increased greatly.

On the other hand, in the city, because of the Xiongnu's counterattack, it receded like a tide, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

The remaining peasant disciples and Mohist disciples, disregarding their tiredness and injuries, chased and fought in the rear with their weapons in hand. For a while, they took advantage of it and took away the lives of many Hun cavalrymen.


The Xiongnu Chanyu and the leaders of the various tribes were more unlucky, because the army was blocked outside, and they were directly defeated by masters who were several times their own, and they had no power to fight back.

Fortunately, the horses under the crotch of several people are all good horses, and their speed is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After some fighting, the Xiongnu Shanyu finally killed a bloody path. With a loud shout, the Xiongnu Shanyu fled towards the front army first.

When the leaders of the tribes behind saw this, they rushed out without any hesitation.

But the war has reached this point, even if many masters can't wipe them all out for a while, how can they let them escape?

I saw many masters headed by Xuan Tongzi immediately cast their killing moves and came to slaughter them.

"Pfft puff..."

In the blink of an eye, the two chiefs of various tribes were hit by dozens of swords one after another, their bodies were directly torn apart, and they fell to the ground dead.

Why did the rest of them escape? However, after killing the two chiefs of the tribes, the masters once moved around, leaped out, chased them, and killed three chiefs of the tribes. He and the other dozen or so tribal leaders fled into the army.

At this point, the masters of all parties wanted to kill the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the tribes, but they had no chance.

When they looked up, they could only see the darkness, and the countless Huns had gradually formed an encirclement. Everyone was shocked. They obviously didn't expect that although they had been guarding against the Huns, they still underestimated the speed and strength of the Huns.

"No, the Huns are encircled, kill them quickly, and don't entangle them!"

Master Xunzi, a Confucian sage, quickly scolded him. Because of his age, although he was brave, he also seemed out of breath after this battle, and he was still exhausted after all.

The moment his voice fell, there was a sound of ringing gold in the city.

"Back quickly, Ming Jin retreats!"

"Quick...quick, quick... Mingjin withdraws troops, the Xiongnu army has begun to encircle them!"

One after another voices sounded in the crowd, and the crowd began to frantically kill towards the city.

"What are you doing, go!"

Xuantong looked back and saw that Jinniang was still fighting the Huns crazily, he rushed up and grabbed Jinniang's hand and scolded.

"Ah, let's go..."

Jinniang came to her senses, looked at Xuantongzi, with a smile on her lips, followed Xuantongzi, and immediately headed towards the city to kill.

The masters of each faction are not fools, and they are not prepared to wait for the formation of the Xiongnu army. For a while, many masters gathered together, rushed to the front, snatched the horses, turned the horses' heads, as if an arrow was inserted into the enemy's interior , Wherever he passed, no one could stop him, leading the people behind him, and quickly killed towards the city.

One, one boy, with a sullen face, pointed a long spear, swept across, and the lethality of the land it passed was far superior to that of all masters.

His marksmanship is different from the moves of various factions. The moves of each faction are mostly suitable for private fights, not for the battle between two armies.

These people's moves and swordsmanship are exquisite and exquisite, making it impossible to hide, but the young man's marksmanship is open and closed, it is simply a set of marksmanship created for the two armies to fight.

His strength on the scene may not be the strongest, but his lethality is number one.

Gradually, the young man scattered directly in front of the army, rampaging all the way, leading the army, killing a bloody path, and rushing to the city gate.

"Quick... hurry into the city, hurry..."

When they came to the gate of the city, without hesitation, everyone rushed towards the city frantically.

In an instant, hundreds of schools of thought and knights from all over the world rushed into the city without a single one left.

Seeing this, the Xiongnu army outside the city turned their horses around and wanted to come back again, but with a fire burning, the suspension bridge on the moat was burned directly, and the city gate was closed in an instant, cutting off the way for the Huns to advance.

(End of this chapter)

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