Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 231 A Great Victory

Chapter 231 A Great Victory
The Xiongnu army was blocked outside the moat, unable to advance on horseback for a while.

Just as the army was about to dismount and cross the moat to kill them, an order was issued suddenly.


"The Chanyu ordered the army to retreat!"

"The army retreats!"

As the order was issued, the army immediately turned their horses and withdrew.

Among the large army, Xiongnu Shanyu was seen with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth and several sword wounds on his body.

Although he was lucky enough to escape from the encirclement of many masters during the battle just now, he almost died many times, which can be said to be close to death.

This made him both angry and scared.

In addition, the army had been raiding all night before, so early in the morning, they joined the battle before they even had time to take a bite of food.

Don't say that people will be hungry, even horses can't stand it!
Moreover, the sky was completely dark at this moment, if he continued to fight, even if he could win Huishui City today, the casualties would be too heavy for him to accept. At the moment, the only option is to retreat.

Eat and drink enough first, and then fight again in the future.

As the Xiongnu retreated, hundreds of families in the city and rangers from all sides breathed a sigh of relief, and they all fell to the ground one by one, feeling exhausted.He barely had the strength to even move.

The leaders of the Mo family and the peasant family lost more than half of them in this battle, and the rest were also seriously injured, which was very tragic.

After resting, the military strategist Hui Songzi made statistics on the results of this battle, and concluded that in this battle, more than half of the rangers lost.

There were 5000 farm disciples and 7000 Mohist disciples, a total of [-] people. In this battle, there were heavy casualties, and there were less than [-] people left, and all of them were injured.

The 2 people lying in ambush outside the city rushed to kill them in one round. Under the fighting between the two armies, many people were saved, but there were still more than 6000 casualties, and the [-] people who escaped were basically wounded.

Including the disciples of Mohists and peasants in the city, there are only more than 2 people left.

Forty-five six thousand people, in this battle, the loss was so great that the leaders of various factions could hardly accept it.

But looking at the casualties on the side of the Huns, everyone finally felt a little better.

In this battle, although their own side suffered heavy casualties, the Huns did not gain any benefits.Not to mention the failure to win Huishui City, but lost nearly [-] troops.

Waiting is a ratio of one for three. Although such a ratio is still unbearable to all scholars and rangers, at least this battle is not a loss.

Even in the eyes of Hui Songzi, he still made a fortune.

"What, you said we won this battle?"

Situ Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Hui Songzi with some dissatisfaction.

"That's right, although the enemy has more damage than ours in this battle, we can't say we won a big victory, right? My disciples from hundreds of schools, as well as rangers from all sides, which one is not the existence of one against ten? In this battle, But they only got a one-for-three result, which is obviously a huge loss, how can there be a big victory?"

The Mohist giant was also a little dissatisfied.

In this battle, the Mo family and the peasant family suffered the most casualties. Anyone would feel uncomfortable with such heavy casualties.

The two did not turn their faces because of this, and they blamed Hui Songzi for improper transfer, which was considered very graceful.

"Hehe, one against ten?"

Hui Songzi shook his head and smiled, and said: "Brother Situ and Brother Mo, although you two are people in the Jianghu, it doesn't mean that you don't use military tactics at all?"

"The two armies are fighting, how can it be compared to a private fight?"

"That's right, my disciples from hundreds of schools, as well as rangers from all walks of life, exist with one against ten at least, but have you two ever thought about it, if a person who can fight against ten with one, if he fights against a hundred with one, would What happened?"

"Let me tell you two, they didn't even have a chance to make a move, and they were defeated directly. Not to mention taking away ten backs, they can't even hurt a single person. This is the difference between the two armies fighting against each other!"

"The two feel that we have lost a lot in this battle. In fact, we have won a big victory. Not to mention exchanging one for three, even if we exchange one for one, our side will win a big victory. The victory of this battle does not care about casualties, but to defend the city , blocking the pace of the Xiongnu army!"

As soon as Hui Songzi finished speaking, an old voice sounded from the side.

"That's right, we won this battle."

"As Hui Songzi said, the battle between the two armies is different from the battle in the rivers and lakes. In the battles of the rivers and lakes, there are at most dozens of people, and hundreds of people fight each other."

"But the two armies are fighting, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, and using everything to their extremes, which is not comparable to the struggle in the rivers and lakes."

"In this battle, we don't want to exchange one for three. Even if we exchange two for one of the enemy, we will never lose. And what we have to do is to prevent the enemy from entering the city and attack the Great Wall!"

"Today we have achieved it, and we have won a big victory. We should be grateful to Hui Songzi for his mobilization in this battle. Otherwise, let alone exchange one for three, or even kill the leaders of the enemy's nameless tribes. If the entire army is not annihilated, we will fall here The city is already a blessing from the heavens!"

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see that the speaker was a Confucian sage, Master Xunzi.

While talking, I saw Master Xunzi walking directly towards this side, followed by Taoist Xuan Tongzi, famous master Gongsun Tan, Legalist master Xu Sheng, and other leaders of various schools of thought, as well as top fighters from all walks of life.

"Master Xunzi!"

Hui Songzi and others saluted Master Xunzi when they saw Master Xunzi.

Although everyone belongs to different sects, Master Xunzi's age prestige is there, and his seniority is one head or even two heads higher than the leaders of each family. Therefore, everyone still respects Master Xunzi very much.

"Master Xunzi is too famous!"

Hui Songzi clasped his fists and smiled, and said humbly.

"Master Xunzi is right. We are the ones who have been stunned and confused by the casualties of this battle!"

Situ Yuan and Mo Nian also clasped their fists together and smiled respectfully.

Master Xunzi, as a great Confucian sage, not only has a higher seniority than everyone else, but his field of study is beyond the reach of everyone.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period followed closely, and later the Rebel Army rose up and rebelled against the Great Qin Dynasty.

Witnessing the changing day and night, all the schools of thought, one generation after another, are arguing for each school. Only Master Xunzi, although he is a Confucian sage, is not only proficient in Confucianism, but also proficient in a hundred schools of thought.

There were even two legalist celebrities under his name.

One is Li Si, Prime Minister of the Qin Kingdom, and the other is Han Feizi, who can be called a legalist through the ages and is even more amazing than Shang Yang.

It's a pity that Han Fei's son was born at an untimely time, and he couldn't do much after all. Otherwise, by virtue of his combination of the three schools of Legalism and the new law created by magic power, it will surely surpass the previous law of Shang Yang.

It can be seen from this that, as his teacher, Master Xunzi is very proficient in understanding Legalism.

Similarly, Master Xunzi's academic understanding of other schools and schools is also unbelievable, and even reached the point of combining the studies of various schools and schools. He can be called a strange man through the ages, which is one of the reasons why everyone respects him very much.

(End of this chapter)

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