Chapter 232

Following Master Xunzi's opening, Mo Nian and Situyuan had nothing to say.

Since Master Xunzi said so, if they are still dissatisfied, it seems a little too much.

"Everyone, this battle is over, I have at least one night to prepare."

"Everyone has suffered heavy casualties. Instead of staying here, it is better to let the disciples help the medical family to treat the injured. Let us quickly think about the next countermeasures!"

Master Xunzi stood with his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice.

"Master Xunzi is right. This matter is indeed not a time to worry about who will win and who will lose. The right way is to save people first and prepare for the next countermeasures!"

When Master Xunzi spoke, Mo Nian and Situyuan immediately agreed.

Everyone is not a petty person, and they know exactly what to do at this time.

Immediately, disciples from all sects and factions, as well as heroes from all sides, joined in the rescue, while Xunzi and others gathered in the general's mansion and began to discuss countermeasures.


"There was a big battle just now, why didn't you go up and help?"

"Also, you said that the best way to deal with the Xiongnu at this moment is to cut off their food and grass. Now in all directions, within a radius of a thousand miles, all places are empty and there is no food and grass to take. As long as the Xiongnu is cut off from food and grass, the Huns will fall Desperate situation. Just now, when the Xiongnu came out in full force during the war, it was time to burn the food and grass, why didn't you take action?"

Inside the city, various schools of thought and knights discussed countermeasures. On the other side, on a mountain outside the city, Zhao Qian glared at Yu Wencheng very dissatisfied and said.

"In the battle of 40 troops, do you think that with the strength of the two of you and me, we can turn things around?"

Yu Wencheng sneered, and said: "This kind of big battle is different from attacking a small group of troops. If you and I go up, we can't help changing the occupation, and there is even more danger of death. Could it be that you want to die?"


Zhao Qian was anxious, and said: "But you have a lot of opportunities to burn the food and grass of the Xiongnu, why are you so slow?"

Yu Wencheng looked at Zhao Qian like a fool, and said with disdain: "Stupid woman, do you know that there is a saying that is to die and live?"

"Cutting off the retreat of the Xiongnu at this moment means cutting off the retreat of everyone in the city, and even cutting off all retreats of Daqin! At that time, the Huns may have a day of rebirth, and I, Daqin, will have no chance of rebirth!"

Zhao Qian couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, she was a little puzzled and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"If you were the leader of the Xiongnu army, when food and grass were cut off and there was no way out, you could only find a chance of survival by crossing Huishui City and walking for a few days. Tell me, what would you do?"

Yu Wencheng did not answer the question.

"Of course I will spare no effort to win Huishui City, remove all obstacles, and look for life!"

Zhao Qian said without thinking.

"Then tell me again, if the Xiongnu attack Huishui City at all costs, what will happen?"

Yuwen Chengdu said coldly.


Zhao Qian's heart trembled. She wasn't stupid. Although she didn't know the strategy of war very well, she had already said so much. If she still didn't understand, she would be a fool.

Now the Huns are withdrawing their troops only because the Huns' army has been exhausted during this battle and needs to go back to replenish.

But once they went back, they found that there was no supplement, and the only thing the Xiongnu could do was to kill the surrounding towns near the Great Wall.

Although the people with a radius of thousands of miles had been evacuated, the people near the Northeast Great Wall were protected by the [-] Great Wall Guards, but they did not evacuate.With no way out, the Xiongnu could only obtain food and grass by fighting here.

In this case, even if the Xiongnu Shanyu didn't want to lose too much troops, he would spare no effort to take down Huishui City overnight, grab what he saw, and even swallow human flesh alive, support him to the edge of the Great Wall, and then go crazy To rob, and then to fight with the Great Wall Guards at all costs.

At that time, under the cooperation of the Huns and the Donghu army, the Great Wall Guards could not compete at all.And because the Huns rushed on the road at all costs, it would be difficult for the Qin army to catch up.

At that time, Great Qin will be defeated, and the Central Plains will surely fall.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhao Qian suddenly felt a cold air coming from the soles of her feet and rushing straight to the top of her head.

"Sorry, I blamed you wrongly. I never thought that this so-called dead end is actually my Central Plains' dead end!"

Zhao Qian looked at Yuwen Chengdu and said in a low voice.

As she said that, her eyes couldn't help becoming a little weird again, and said: "But I'm very strange. According to my observations these days, you are obviously a very powerful general. You have always predicted the enemy first, and you are pregnant. Undue bravery."

"You like this, plus those [-] Great Wall guards who were invincible under your command back then, how could you be killed by the Huns overnight? Why?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Wencheng's eyes froze and his heart ached.

Speaking of this matter, until now, he himself has not explained clearly.

In the great wall battle that day, he defeated the Xiongnu steadily.

Originally, the army was exhausted, and he had already ordered to retreat to the pass to rest.

But before the army had a mouthful of hot food, he didn't know why, his head was hot, he just wanted to vent, and led the army into the enemy's interior, so that he finally rushed into the desert and lost his way.

Without eating or drinking for several days, the army itself was already facing a desperate situation, and when it was attacked by the Huns, it was beaten to the ground with no power to fight back.

As a result, the [-] troops with excellent equipment and strong combat effectiveness will suffer losses.

This was the shame of his life, and also his greatest pain, which made him feel sorry for His Majesty the Emperor, so that he no longer had the face to see the Emperor.

Thinking of this, Yu Wencheng didn't answer Zhao Qian, nor paid attention to Zhao Qian again, but turned around and left here.

"Hey, don't say it if you don't say it, why are you angry!"

Zhao Qian pouted, a little dissatisfied, and hurriedly chased after her.


"Give the order to rest on the spot for three hours, let go of the horse, and eat a full meal on the grass. After getting up, use some dry food and continue on the road!"

On the other side, Ying Shou led the army and went through another seven or eight hours a day. The horses were already foaming at the mouth from exhaustion. Ying Shou finally stopped on a large grass field and sent an order.


As soon as the order came out, all the soldiers immediately let go of their horses and lay on the grass. Sooner or later, they ate a little dry food one by one, and fell asleep in the end.

Three hours later, all the soldiers got up, used some dry food, and continued on their way.


"Report to Your Majesty, there are traces of the Huns ahead!"

Not long after they were on their way, a war horse galloped in front of them, and the soldier immediately turned around and knelt down on one knee.

"What, have you found traces of the Huns?"

Ying Shou said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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