Chapter 234
"But Your Majesty, this time the Xiongnu army is fierce and cruel. Isn't it very dangerous for you to go up alone?"

Yinyue asked with worried eyes.

After this period of marching, she also learned a little bit about the power of the Huns from other people's mouths, and she knew very well that the current Huns' army is not comparable to the previous hundred army.

The emperor is indeed very powerful, but trying to stop the Huns' army by himself is nothing more than a dream.

"Don't worry, it may be difficult for me to stop the Xiongnu's footsteps, but it is by no means so simple for the Xiongnu thieves to hurt me!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and while speaking, his gaze became extremely cold.

I saw him whistle once, and the next moment, there was a series of vibrations, and a war horse rushed out from the mountains, it was the dragon blood horse.

As soon as the dragon blood horse came out, the horses of the light cavalry army behind them all prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling all over, looking at the dragon blood horse, full of fear.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

A series of exclamations sounded, and many soldiers fell to the ground. They couldn't help but have doubts on their faces. They all couldn't understand why they suddenly fell to the ground under their horses.

Ying Shou ignored this, stepped on the dragon blood horse, and with a yell, the horse galloped away.

"Be careful, Your Majesty..."

There was a deep worry in Yinyue's eyes, and she couldn't help but look back at the soldiers behind her.

She seemed to be following the emperor, but when she looked back, it was as the emperor said, among the army, apart from Sima Xun, Li Yuanba, Lie Yang, Xu Chu and others were all reckless.

Let these people lead the army, and there must be chaos.

"Miss Yinyue, Your Majesty has handed over the army to you and me, what should we do now?"

Sima Xunzong immediately stepped forward and asked with a frown.

"set off!"

Yinyue temporarily acted as the military adviser of this army, and said to Sima Xun.

"it is good……"

Sima Xun responded, and then gave an order, the army rushed out immediately, chased after Ying Shou, and headed for Huishui City.


"Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Twenty miles away from Huishui City, among the Huns camps scattered all over the four fields, and in the tent of the Chinese army, the Xiongnu Shanyu slapped the table and shouted angrily with a face full of rage.

The loss of [-] troops in yesterday's battle was simply a great shame to him.

If this battle was a head-on battle with the Qin army, not to mention the loss of [-] troops, even if he lost [-] troops, he would not be so angry. The key point of this battle is that he was defeated by a group of Jianghu people. This is the most difficult thing for him to accept. of.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, the leaders of other tribes also sat here, but compared to before, there were a few fewer people.

The tribal leaders sitting here at this moment also had gloomy faces, all clenched tightly, and their eyes were full of fury.

Looking back on yesterday's battle, everyone almost escaped from the tiger's mouth and almost died on the spot.

Although they all managed to escape in the end, some people still died on the spot.

That was the leader of each tribe, and he was killed in front of his own army of 40. This is simply the most shameful way of death throughout the ages.

It would not be shameful if the opponent had an army of one million, but the key point was that the opponent only had 4 people, and they were all reckless at one time, which was even more unacceptable.

"Shanyu, just wait for a while. I believe it won't be long before they arrive!"

One of the tribal leaders said in a deep voice.

" much time do we have to continue waiting? The army of Qin is right behind. If our army continues to wait here, until the army of Qin catches up and attacks back and forth with the guards of the Great Wall, I and the [-] army will die. One, do you understand?"

Xiongnu Shanyu stared at a pair of big eyes, his eyes were full of eagerness, and couldn't help cursing: "The Central Plains scholars, these bastards, are so full that they have nothing to do.

Take it well in the mountains and quit, insist on running out to die, blocking the pace of my army.When our army wipes out Daqin, we will definitely wipe out all the schools and factions, leaving no one behind! "

While speaking, Xiongnu Shanyu couldn't help but look in the direction of Huishui City.

Yesterday's battle, although it was a heavy loss for the various scholars and rangers, it was not easy for the Xiongnu side.

Before that, the Xiongnu stragglers were rampant, and hundreds of schools of thought found an opportunity to wipe out nearly [-] troops.In yesterday's battle, another [-] troops were lost.

Although the loss of the [-] army was exchanged for the casualties of more than [-] knights from all sides, it was still unacceptable to the Xiongnu Shanyu.

He knew very well that if he attacked the city again today, everyone in the city would be wiped out, but the losses this battle would bring still made him hesitate.

This is not the most important thing. After all, although everyone in the city can be said to be a master of one against ten, they can't show their own strength at all before the army battles.

But these people are not good at fighting between the two armies, but it is undeniable that some of them have reached a certain level of mastery, and their swordsmanship and moves are simply exquisite and unheard of.

For example, those masters who besieged their leaders yesterday, if they give up the battlefield and come straight to them at all costs, they will also lose the power to resist after a long time.

If you are not careful, you may end up with a tragic death in the army, which makes the Xiongnu Shanyu and others even more jealous.

In order to prevent this from happening, they have not launched an attack again until noon today, just waiting for a group of people, a group of people who can solve all kinds of masters and masters.


"Prick, prick..."

"Boom rumble..."

Outside the large tent of the Chinese army, lightning and thunder rumbled, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, and a violent storm poured down once. This was the second heavy rain today.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind hit, making people feel cold and biting.

The cold wind directly opened the curtain door of the Chinese military tent, and through the curtain door, one could see a group of people in strange white clothes standing there outside.

There are 23 people in total, and the first one has white hair and white beard, and his eyes are lingering, just like the scorching sun shining on the white snow, reflecting endless light.


The Xiongnu Shanyu and all the tribal leaders turned their heads to look, and one of them said in a low voice.

"Snow Clan of Kunlun, Xue Baitao met Xiongnu Shanyu!"

A somewhat sharp voice sounded, and the middle-aged man with white hair and white beard grinned and walked straight into the large tent of the Chinese army without any hesitation.

"Everyone from the Snow Clan, why did you arrive at this moment?"

Xiongnu Shanyu said with a dissatisfied gaze.

He was already furious when masters from various schools and masters attacked the Huns cavalry.However, the whereabouts of rangers from various schools are erratic, and it is impossible for him to lead troops to target these people specifically, so he thought of seeking help from the Kunlun Snow Clan. Unexpectedly, the Kunlun Snow Clan did not speak until now.

(End of this chapter)

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