Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 235 Snow Clan

Chapter 235 Snow Clan
Kunlun, the sacred mountain of China through the ages, is also called Yinshan in this era.

When Ying Shou went to the Great Wall, he once read a poem by Wang Changling from the Tang Dynasty, Going Out of the Fortress.

There is a saying in his poems about going out of the frontier, the moon is bright in Qin Dynasty and the pass in Han Dynasty, and the long march of thousands of miles has not yet been returned!But let the flying generals of Dragon City stay, and don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan.

This poem describes the battle with the Huns and various feelings during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.The last line of the poem, Huma, refers to the cavalry of the Huns, while Yinshan refers to Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain is located between the Huns and the Great Qin Dynasty. As a sacred mountain in China through the ages, Kunlun has always maintained a mysterious veil. Here, it can be called a desperate situation for human beings. From ancient times to the present, no one has conquered Kunlun.

However, it is such a desperate place, but there is a group of people living in the era. These people are known as the Snow Clan. They are hidden in the Kunlun Mountains. They rarely appear in the world, and most of them appear in the Huns. their records.

The Snow people are very mysterious. It is said that in addition to their great strength, they also possess some strange abilities, which are difficult to compete with.

It was precisely because of this that the Xiongnu Shanyu thought of letting them deal with all kinds of scholars and knights from all walks of life to vent their hatred.As for the price paid for inviting the Snow Clan out, it is also very irresistible.

According to the Xiongnu Shanyu, as long as the Xue clan came out of the mountains, the Huns army would definitely help them with all their strength to wipe out the hundreds of schools. At that time, the Central Plains would be gone, and the Xue clan would be able to invade the Central Plains and become the largest sect.

This condition made it difficult for Xue Baitao, the leader of the Snow Clan, to refuse, so after getting the news, he rushed over without stopping.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Look at Shan Yu's behavior, he must have suffered a big loss in front of these schools of thought, it seems that the masters of all schools and schools are really not so easy to deal with ah!"

Facing Xiongnu Shanyu's questioning, Xue Baitao did not answer, but said with a smile.


Xiongnu Shanyu's face darkened, this Xue Baitao was really the one who couldn't open the pot.

Before the Xiongnu Shanyu could speak, Xue Baitao pretended to be surprised, and said: "Hey, there are only 12 leaders left in the various tribes of the Xiongnu? Could it be that they were all lost on this battlefield?" ?”

The Xiongnu Shanyu couldn't help being anxious when he heard the words.

On the side, the leaders of the major tribes also had gloomy faces, wishing to kill this hateful blood leader.

However, they are very clear that none of the Snow Clan masters brought by Xue Baitao, the leader of the Snow Clan, is easy to deal with, and their methods are even superior to the many masters of the various schools of thought.

Once they make a move, they will be restrained first before they can mobilize the army.

And even if the army is mobilized, these people can't compete with the army, but it is definitely not impossible to break out of the encirclement.

The most important thing is that they also plan to use these people to deal with masters from all walks of life. In this case, no matter how angry they have to bear it.

"Okay, Xue Baitao, don't need to continue talking nonsense."

"I invited you here today to let you deal with masters from various schools of thought, not to tease me. I don't know how confident you are in facing masters from all schools of thought!"

Xiongnu Shanyu snorted coldly, stared at Xue Baitao and said.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... How sure of this is not just talking about it. The most important thing is to see how many people there are in the other party."

"Over the years, in the Central Plains, between countries, you and the tribes of the Huns have never been allowed to set foot here. Similarly, in the rivers and lakes, all schools of thought are also unanimous."

"Although our Snow Clan is strong, we are not afraid of any one of the hundreds of schools of thought, but in the face of the alliance of the hundreds of schools of thought, our Snow Clan is still hard to resist."

"In such a one-on-one battle, I will bring the four masters of the Snow Clan and the eighteen protectors, and they will definitely be able to defeat all schools of thought, but if there are too many masters, it will not be so simple! "

Xue Baitao smirked, and when he spoke, his face was full of pride.

Although the Snow Clan swept across the Central Plains, they have stood in the snow-capped mountains for hundreds of years, and have fought many times with all the schools of the Central Plains.

They also want to take over the Central Plains, but unfortunately, the Central Plains's hundreds of schools stand tall, how can they allow foreigners to invade.Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu, and the imperial court doesn't care about them, but how can the various schools of thought ignore them.

Under the cooperation of many schools of thought, the Xue Clan was finally defeated, and could only live in the Kunlun Mountains and roam freely in the territory of the Huns.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for them to give up now that they have the opportunity to set foot in the Central Plains.

"You can rest assured on this point, your task only needs to deal with those few top masters, and the rest, my hundreds of thousands of troops, will deal with it!"

Xiongnu Shanyu waved his hand and said coldly.

"It's the best, Shan Yu can rest assured."

"The strongest of all schools of thought are none other than the farmer Situ Yuan, the Mohist Mo Nian, the Taoist Bai Weng Taoist, and the Taoist Xuantong."

"These four are all top-notch masters in the world today. If they were placed on a normal day, they could kill thousands of people on the spot with blood splashed on the spot, and thousands of people would be defeated. Even if they are placed in the army, it is impossible to sweep away an army of ten thousand people, but they can still kill them." Sifang is hard to deal with!"

"In addition to the above four people, there is also the Confucian Xunzi. This person is stronger than the above four people. However, he is old and can be called a first-class master at best."

"In general, there are famous scholars, military strategists, physicians and legalists, miscellaneous families and other leaders of various factions. These people are all first-class masters!"

"If these people join forces, regardless of the battlefield, to deal with you exclusively, I am afraid that even if there are thousands of troops to rescue the siege, several of them will die."

"But today, since our Snow Clan has arrived, we will only block the attacks of these people. However, none of the above-mentioned people can be regarded as the most difficult experts to deal with. Among them, the most difficult person to deal with is the vertical and horizontal swordsman from the Ghost Valley Sect, Ji Weather!"

With his hands behind his back, Xue Baitao listed all the schools of thought and the strongest masters one by one. When he mentioned Ji Tianhou, his expression was very serious.

"Ji Tianhou?"

The Xiongnu Shanyu and other leaders couldn't help frowning slightly upon hearing this.

They didn't know why Xue Baitao spoke of Ji Tianhou so fiercely. He didn't seem to have encountered such a powerful person in yesterday's battle. Otherwise, wouldn't it be extremely dangerous?

"That's right, Ji Tianhou!"

"Wait, you know, among all the schools of thought, who is the person who makes me fear the most?"

Xue Baitao narrowed his eyes and said.


The Xiongnu Chanyu said strangely.

In his impression, this Xue Baitao can be said to be a master of masters, coming and going without a trace, and his methods are weird and unpredictable.

It was hard for him to imagine that there were still people in this world that made him feel afraid.

"Ghost Guzi!"

Xue Baitao read these three words in a dignified voice, and murmured to himself: "If you say that the prestige of today's schools of thought is the highest, there is no one more prestigious than Xunzi. However, in fact, there is another person whose prestige is even higher than Xunzi's. This person is Guiguzi!"

"It is said that Guiguzi has lived for hundreds of years, from the period of the Spring and Autumn Five Tyrants to the present. There have always been two descendants in Guigumen, and there has never been a lack of them. If any one of these two descendants dies, Someone will take over immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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