Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 236 Ji Tianhou

Chapter 236 Ji Tianhou

"Guiguzi is proficient in the learning of a hundred schools of thought, and he has created a unique swordsmanship that is unparalleled in the world. Therefore, what his disciples of each generation have learned is different."

"And among the two descendants of each generation, what they learn is also different."

"These two disciples, one of them learns the law of governing the country and commanding the army, and every time he is born, he can make one of the princes dominate the world. Just like the Qin State won Quliang and won Shangyang to strengthen the country."

"Ying Si got Zhang Yi, and swept the world. Ying Ji got Su Qin's secret help, and won the throne of emperor. Ying Zheng got the help of Wei Liao, swept the six countries, and unified the Central Plains!"

"It can be said that almost all of Qin's lands and mountains are bestowed by the disciples of the Guigu Sect!"

Having said this, Xue Baitao's voice became deeper and deeper, and his expression became more dignified.

"The Guigu Sect is so powerful, so the Guiguzi who taught these disciples can control the world?"

Xiongnu Shanyu and a group of tribal leaders couldn't help gasping, and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, Guiguzi does have the ability to control the world, but this person's whereabouts are erratic, no one except his disciples has ever seen his true face, and he has lived in seclusion for hundreds of years, and he has no ambition to control the world!"

"Thus, although he is feared, if there is no accident, he will definitely not come out of the mountain. It is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, his other disciple is an existence that can make the world tremble!"

Xue Baitao said with his hands behind his back.

"Ji Tianhou?"

Xiongnu Shanyu blurted out.

"That's right!"

"The two contemporary disciples of Guigumen, one is Wei Liao and the other is Ji Tianhou. Wei Liao helped Yingzheng sweep the six kingdoms back then, and later retired to seclusion, and is now employed by Ying Shou. Needless to say. But for me, The strongest one is not Wei Liao, but Ji Tianhou."

"Ji Tianhou is the only contemporary master who inherits the ghost valley swordsmanship. I'm not sure how strong he is. If he doesn't make a move, I believe that everyone present will surely die!"

Xue Baitao took the words and said with a sneer.

The faces of Xiongnu Shanyu and the tribal leaders changed, and then they couldn't help laughing.

They had already fought with masters from various schools of thought yesterday, and they didn't think anyone could kill them in an instant.If so, how could they survive to this day?
"Xue Baitao, what you said is exaggerated, right? I just fought against those masters from various schools and schools yesterday. If someone is so powerful, wouldn't we be dead already?"

One of the Xiongnu leaders sneered.

"Oh, in this way, you must have missed Ji Tianhou. If this person doesn't make a move, it will be a thunderbolt. How can you resist!"

Xue Baitao raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"Hmph, if you exaggerate Ji Tianhou so much, you must be scared. If that's the case, I'll wait to see what kind of character this Ji Tianhou is!"

Xiongnu Shanyu snorted coldly, and while speaking, he waved his big hand and said, "Since you have waited for the Snow Clan master to arrive, don't continue talking nonsense. Immediately follow my army to attack the city and take Huishui City!"

As he said that, an order came out directly, the Chinese army's big account.

Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops gathered again, regardless of the pouring rain, they went straight to Huishui City.


"Have you finally launched an attack? Who is this Hun army waiting for? Those mysterious people just now, or... who are these mysterious people?"

Outside Huishui City, Yuwen Chengdu on the big mountain has been monitoring every move of the Xiongnu.

According to his calculation, the Xiongnu should have attacked the city long ago, but the Xiongnu waited until this time to launch a general attack, which made him a little hard to understand.

After thinking about it again, he could only guess what the Huns should be waiting for, until those mysterious people appeared, and the Huns launched an attack, he finally focused his attention on those mysterious people.

"Do you think today will be the last battle?"

Beside Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Qian couldn't help asking.

"There is no doubt that all schools of thought will lose in this battle!"

Yu Wencheng concluded this battle with a word.

"Is there not even a little room for maneuver?"

Zhao Qian couldn't help being surprised, she didn't understand why Yu Wencheng was so determined.

"Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops can pile up hundreds of families to death. Yesterday the Huns were careless and suffered a great loss. Today, the Huns will never follow in the same footsteps. Just watch!"

When Yuwen Chengdu spoke, he had an expression of being in charge of the world.

"Then can you make a move today?"

Zhao Qian asked quickly.

She really didn't want to just watch all the scholars and all the rangers die because of this. After all, these people are heroes who stood up for the Central Plains.

"Look at the situation!"

Yu Wencheng didn't answer, but only said three words.

As a general of the imperial court, although he is ashamed to meet the emperor now, in the final analysis, he is still the existence summoned by Ying Shou, and he is loyal to Ying Shou.

All he was thinking about was the overall situation of Ying Shou's country. As for whether these rangers were dead or alive, he didn't bother to care about them at all.

If there is a chance, he will naturally help stop the Huns army. If there is no chance, he can only give up and look for another chance.

On this side, when the Xiongnu army came out in mighty force, on the other side, above the city of Huishui, hundreds of schools of thought and many masters also gathered together.

"Brother Ji, it seems that today, we still have to rely on you to make a move!"

A middle-aged man sat quietly on top of the wall with a very calm face.Beside him, headed by Xunzi, masters from various schools gathered, among them, Hui Songzi spoke.

"My sword is already hungry and thirsty. If I make a move in this battle, I will definitely take off the head of the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

The middle-aged man said without looking back.

"Oh, it seems that Brother Ji has full confidence in this battle!"

Mo Nian said with a smile.

"I wasn't sure at first, but after yesterday's battle, there is no need to wait any longer. Today's battle is the best chance!"

That middle-aged man is the descendant of Guigu, the strategist Ji Tianhou.

In yesterday's battle, everything was dispatched by Hui Songzi.

According to Hui Songzi's arrangement, he did not appear on the battlefield, but kept hiding behind the scenes.

According to Hui Songzi, if everyone can't stop the Xiongnu army, they will all die on the spot. At that time, the Xiongnu army will relax their vigilance and enter Huishui City.

What Ji Wuye needed was this opportunity. When the Xiongnu army let down their vigilance, he would kill the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of all parties with one blow.

At that time, even if the Xiongnu army entered the city without a leader, the army would definitely be in chaos, and they would not know where to go.In this way, it can also stop the progress of the Xiongnu army.

But in yesterday's battle, the Huns' army was finally repelled.And in yesterday's battle, after all the masters from all sides came out, the Xiongnu army will definitely focus on the masters who fought yesterday.

Once the Xiongnu army traps these masters, they will relax their vigilance, so for Ji Wuye, today is the best opportunity to take the head of the enemy general among the thousands of troops.

(End of this chapter)

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