Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 237 The last battle

Chapter 237 The Last Battle

"Okay... Since Brother Ji is so sure, today's battle will depend on this blow!"

Hui Songzi's eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice.

"Huisongzi, is this the right way to fight this battle?"

Gongsun Tan, the leader of the famous family, looked at Hui Songzi solemnly and said.

After the continuous battle last night, Hui Songzi decided on today's tactics.

This method of warfare made it difficult for everyone to accept.

In their view, this is the tactics of self-destruction.

According to Hui Songzi's tactics, in today's battle, abandon the city gate and fight out of the city.

This way of fighting, in the final analysis, is to fill the war with life, but the Xiongnu has tens of thousands of people, and they only have 10 people. If they fill up, they can only lose and die.

And the goal of this style of play is to find a chance for Ji Tianhou to make a move.

"This battle must be fought in this way, and only in this way can our army's advantage be maximized!"

Hui Songzi said without any discussion, with his hands behind his back.

Before, he knew very little about the Huns, but after yesterday's battle, he knew very well that with their strength, there was only one way to kill and injure the enemy more, and that was to fight head-on.

If the enemy wants to attack the city, they must dismount first.After the army in front dismounted, they lost their advantage in speed. At that time, they would fight out and fight on the plain, and they would definitely be able to exert their greatest advantage in this battle.

At least it won't be like yesterday, facing the enemy's two rounds of arrow rain, and losing a lot of manpower.

And once the two armies fought in a melee, the enemy would lose their horses and the rain of arrows, which would be the greatest benefit for them.

Of course, the above two points are not the most important. The most important thing is that in this battle, everyone has no intention of surviving. As long as they can stop the Huns, what's the point of all dying in battle?
As long as Ji Tianhou succeeds with one strike, this battle will be the greatest victory, a victory bought with life.

"Well, since Hui Songzi has made such a decision, I have no objection. I only hope that in this battle, all my masters and masters from all sides will not sacrifice their lives in vain, otherwise the gain will not be worth the loss!"

Gongsun Tan sighed, turned and left.

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Hui Songzi looked up, seeing the enemy army getting closer, took a deep breath, and sent an order.

Without any nonsense, the crowd immediately led their disciples to gather under the city wall. After the city gate, they completely abandoned the city wall, and only waited for the Huns' army to dismount, and immediately rushed out.

"Boom boom boom..."

Thousands of troops and horses marched, earth-shattering, and in the heavy rain, it was really like a flash flood, majestic.

Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops came on horseback, each shouldering the sandbags on their shoulders, rushing to the moat, throwing the sandbags directly, instantly filling the moat with the dead suspension bridge, and waiting for an order, they immediately rushed to the tower.

"What's going on, why is there not a single person from all schools of thought on this city?"

Among the army, Xiongnu Shanyu squinted his eyes slightly, looking suspiciously at the top of the city.

"I don't know, could it be that these people have already fled on horseback?"

A tribal leader was a little puzzled.

"Impossible, the spies came to report just now, and the hundreds of families in the city are still there, how could they suddenly abandon the city?"

Another tribal leader spoke.

"Whatever, I will destroy this city today. It doesn't matter if these families have escaped or are still there, I will crush them to ashes and vent my hatred!"

Xiongnu Shanyu's eyes were sinister, and while speaking, he waved his big hand and shouted: "Siege the city!"


With an order, the [-] troops in front got off their horses, pushed the only heavy equipment, the siege ladder, and climbed up before the city wall.


However, at this moment, an earth-shattering shout of killing came from the city very neatly.


Immediately afterwards, the gate of the city was slowly opened, and a torrent rushed out of the city directly, rushing into the [-] troops in front of them who had dismounted from their horses, fighting frantically.

This move caught the Xiongnu army by surprise and killed thousands of people in an instant.

"Bastard, kill me!"

Xiongnu Shanyu was startled by this sudden scene, couldn't help being furious, and shouted loudly.


The Xiongnu army also reacted very quickly. After being caught off guard, they quickly reacted and immediately fought fiercely with various scholars and rangers.

Because in this instant, everyone has been fighting together. The [-] army wants to return to the horse to fight, but they have no chance. They can only face the crazy attacks of various disciples and rangers. .

But the [-] Xiongnu army who gave up and went back to fight on the horse was also weak and thunderous after they shot at the same time. The stormy one fought with many disciples of various schools and various rangers.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, if it is an ordinary rivers and lakes battle, it is easy to say, one is against ten, it is not a surprising thing.

However, in this kind of battle of thousands of troops, the battle between the rivers and lakes is difficult to achieve results after all.Facing the shadows of swords and swords in all directions, the [-] disciples of various schools who were directly suppressed by the [-] army couldn't breathe.

Only the leaders of various factions were present at the scene, those first-class masters, such as the famous Gongsun Tan, Legalist Xu Sheng, etc... and those super first-class masters, such as Taoist Xuantong, Mohist Mo Nian, farmer Situyuan, etc. The army came and went horizontally.

But when the war continued and the crowd became more and more crowded, even these people gradually felt the pressure, and could only protect their bodies and kill the enemy at the same time.

"Clang clang clang..."

Among the crowd, a woman threw dozens of Wandao in a row, and one was accidentally kicked to the ground by a Hun soldier. In an instant, swords, lights and swords came over, trying to tear her apart.

"call out……"

"Clang clang clang..."

Suddenly, a figure came galloping, a long sword cut off dozens of scimitars in an instant, and Taoist Xuan Tongzi flew up, kicking dozens of Xiongnu soldiers away.

"Jin Niang, how are you?"

Xuantongzi quickly pulled Jinniang up, and the sword in his right hand continued to fight with countless Hun soldiers rushing towards him.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me!"

Jin Niang said with cold eyes.

"It's this time to be brave, follow me!"

Xuantongzi snorted coldly, and while speaking, let go of Jinniang's hand, and fought around Jinniang, using all his strength to protect Jinniang.

Seeing this, Jinniang raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a warm smile, and waved the three-foot sword again, fighting side by side with Xuantongzi.

Under the protection of Xuan Tongzi, she was in no danger around her body. For a while, she gave up her defense and attacked the Xiongnu without mercy, and her lethality soared.

(End of this chapter)

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