Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 238 Kill! ! !

Chapter 238 Kill! ! !

"The boy is good at marksmanship, I don't know what to call him!"

In the melee, a young man held a spear and swept across all directions, making no one invincible.Among the Huns with an army of [-], there was a blank space.

During the battle, Hui Songzi couldn't help being amazed when he saw this scene, rushed over, greeted and smiled during the battle, "May I ask what family and sect the boy is from?"

The young man looked back and said coldly: "Wang Lin, I don't belong to any family or sect, I am a citizen of Great Qin!"

While speaking, I saw him waving his long spear to make an afterimage, and instantly strangled more than a dozen Hun soldiers.

"No wonder, I see that your moves are different from different schools and factions. Could it be that you were born in a royal family, and you are a descendant of the general family? This marksmanship is born for war!"

Hui Songzi said with a smile.

He was originally a master of military strategist, and he was amazed by Wang Lin's marksmanship at first sight.

This marksmanship is not as exquisite as the swordsmanship of various schools and sects. If it is a one-on-one battle, Wang Lin's marksmanship will never be able to beat the masters of the same level.

But in the army, its lethality far exceeds that of masters of the same level, and has even surpassed those super masters, such as Xuan Tongzi, Mo Nian, Situ Yuan and the like.

"Hahaha, who stipulated that only generals can fight on the battlefield and serve the country?"

"I, Da Qin Erlang, guard the Central Plains and defend the country. In my lifetime, I will try my best to enter the temple, serve the country, and make contributions to the country. Even if I can't go to the temple, how can I stay behind?"

Wang Lin laughed loudly. While talking, he saw his spear sweeping across, fighting vertically and horizontally. Facing countless swords and lights around him, he had no intention of dodging and defending at all, but instead attacked more swiftly.

He used his pistol technique to the fullest. Between opening and closing, he completely regarded attack as the best defense, making it difficult for the enemy to get within three feet of the surrounding area.

When Hui Songzi saw this, his eyes flashed, and he was deeply touched by Wang Lin's words.

At this moment, suddenly two figures leaped from the chaotic army and rushed to Hui Songzi's side.

"Huisongzi, if you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

These two people are really Mo Nian and Situ Yuan, and Situ Yuan said to Hui Songzi while fighting the enemy.

"That's right, it's time for me to gather my strength and wait for it to go. If the battle continues, we will be exhausted. It will be difficult to kill the Xiongnu Shanyu and others. This battle will definitely be defeated!"

Mo Nian also frowned and said.

For them, this battle was just a foreshadowing, with 2 people as bait foreshadowing.

These 2 people, from the very beginning of the war, had already made up their minds that they must die. Even in this battle, they didn't care how many people they killed. They only needed to exchange the lives of 2 people for Ji Tianhou's chance.

As Mo Nian and Situyuan gathered beside Hui Songzi, Xuantongzi, who was fighting in the midst of the chaos, looked over and grabbed Jinniang's slender arm behind him, saying, "Let's go... ..."

After the words fell, he jumped up in the air and rushed to Hui Songzi's side from the chaotic army.

"Do you want to do it now!"

Xuantongzi's eyes were firm, and his voice was silent.

No emotions could be heard from his voice, as if he had lost any emotion.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

As soon as Hui Songzi finished speaking, he saw figures gathering in all directions.

All the leaders of various families and sects, all of them are first-class masters, all gathered around Hui Songzi, plus the first-class masters of all rangers, there were a total of 30 people gathered.

All these people looked at Hui Songzi, and only waited for Hui Songzi to give an order, they immediately abandoned the battlefield and killed the leaders of the Xiongnu.

At the moment when these people gathered, disciples from hundreds of schools who were fighting around, as well as knights from all walks of life, also looked over.

Although they didn't gather around Hui Songzi, at this moment, as long as Hui Songzi gave an order, they would spare no effort to open the way for these masters.


"Did you see, those people are the leaders of various schools of thought, as well as the first-class masters among the rangers. Look at it, the focus of today's battle is not to defend the city!"

Among the army behind the Huns, Xue Baitao quietly came to the side of the Xiongnu Shanyu, and said with a half-smile.

"Oh, are they going to deal with me?"

Xiongnu Shanyu narrowed his eyes slightly, he is not a fool, how can he not see the opponent's intention at this moment.

If it was changed to yesterday, he would definitely let the army form a formation. As long as these people came to kill them, they would immediately fall into the formation and kill them at all costs.

But today, he didn't need to be so anxious at all, he didn't need to waste the strength of the army at all with many Snow Clan experts beside him, these people were enough for the Snow Clan experts.

"What do you think?"

Xue Baitao looked at Xiongnu Shanyu with a smile on his face, and said with a smile.

"You Snow Clan master, when will you do it?"

Xiongnu Shanyu didn't have any nonsense, and went straight to the topic.

Facing his question, Xue Baitao did not answer again, because at this moment, it was too late to answer.

As far as the eyes of a few people were concerned, as the leaders of various schools and factions, as well as many first-class masters in the Jianghu gathered together, everyone's gazes were directed towards this side almost at the same time.


Just listening to the crowd, Hui Songzi shouted loudly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In an instant, dozens of masters jumped out and went directly towards Xiongnu Shanyu and others.


Disciples from all schools and factions, as well as many knight-errants shouted loudly, and all of them immediately gave up and went out to fight at all costs. They quickly gathered together, like a torrent, and went straight to kill Xiongnu Shanyu and others. .

"I'll open the way..."

Wang Lin was in the chaos of the army, and when he saw this, he shouted loudly, jumped out, and rushed in front of the flood.

One of his long spears, like a swimming dragon, swept across thousands of troops, and his whole body turned into an arrow, marching forward bravely, killing a bloody path for the follow-up people.

"No, stop them!"

The hundreds of thousands of Hun cavalry in the rear saw these people leaving the battlefield in front and heading towards this side, they were shocked and turned pale. After hearing an order, the Hun army instantly turned into a huge disc.

The horses galloped wildly and saw hundreds of thousands of cavalry running wildly around the battlefield round after round, turning into a maze.

Under the city wall, those soldiers who had been left behind in vain also found an opportunity, and one by one quickly got on their horses and joined the army formation.

When many masters rushed into the army formation, they were already besieged before they got close to the Xiongnu Shanyu within a hundred feet.

Similarly, the disciples of hundreds of families and sects who were killed later, as well as many knights of the rivers and lakes, were also directly surrounded in the big formation.

Facing the charging horses, some people tried to resist, but they were trampled into flesh in an instant, and they didn't even have a chance to make a move.

This scene crazily stimulated the crowd, making them dare not confront the force head-on. Facing the crazy cavalry, they could only dodge quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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