Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 239 Shocking 1 Strike

Chapter 239

"Boom rumble..."

In all directions, hundreds of thousands of cavalry turned from the previous torrent into a vortex in the sea in an instant, spinning crazily, and the sound of their horseshoes stamping on the ground was deafening, dizzy, and almost lost all judgment. Can only rely on instinct to dodge around.

Under this kind of evasion, many disciples from various schools of thought, as well as rangers from all sides, were divided into pieces in a short while, and finally they were scattered and surrounded, and they could no longer fight together.

"No, I'm surrounded!"

Mo Nian was shocked. Although he knew that they would not escape being surrounded, he was still very surprised by the speed of the Huns.

He couldn't help looking at Xiongnu Shanyu, and saw that Xiongnu Shanyu and others were in the center of the formation at the moment, not very far away from them.

After all, their target is the Xiongnu Shanyu. Even if they are surrounded at this moment, it is still difficult to change their will.

Immediately, Mo Nian made a vertical leap, and then killed Xiongnu Shanyu and the others again, regardless of the other masters who were divided and surrounded.

The moment he shot out, many other first-class masters who were divided and surrounded also flew up at the same time, killing Xiongnu Shanyu.

However, before they took two steps, at this moment, a gust of wind blew up in front of their intuitions.

At this moment, there was already a torrential rain pouring between the sky and the earth, and this chill hit, making everyone stiff and almost unable to move.

Although this feeling was only for a moment, many first-class masters, including Master Xunzi, were all bleeding instantly.

But because they dodged very quickly, the sudden attack did not hurt the vitals.

Everyone reacted and looked up, only to see white-clothed masters coming from nowhere, blocking everyone in front of them.

These white-clothed masters didn't talk nonsense, and they missed a single blow. They all held a dagger in their hands, like a dagger like an ice sculpture, and attacked everyone.

Looking at the means of these people, each of them is at least a first-rate master, especially the few who stopped Xuan Tongzi, Mo Nian, and Situ Yuan among them, they are the masters of the first-rate masters, comparable to the first-rate masters.

Because of these people's sudden strikes, Xuan Tongzi and the others suffered a huge loss in the first place, and in a short while, they were beaten into a difficult situation.

Especially in all directions, the Xiongnu army was besieging and suppressing, and swords and swords were attacking everywhere, and many masters could only parry and have no power to fight back.

"Hahaha, a group of mobs dare to provoke my army of the Huns. Today, I want you all to die!"

When the Xiongnu Shanyu saw this scene, he burst out laughing.

Sure enough, it was still his own wise decision-making, and he called many experts of the Snow Clan in advance, otherwise there would be another very critical scene today.

But at this moment, all the first-class masters and super-class masters among the rangers of various schools have been stopped by others, so he has no worries about the future, and instead appears particularly arrogant.

In particular, many disciples of various schools of thought, as well as the rest of the knights of the rivers and lakes, were divided and surrounded by the army. It can be said that the Xiongnu had already decided the outcome of this battle, and the haze in his heart was swept away.

Xue Baitao on the side was different from the Xiongnu Shanyu's joy, but his expression was very dignified.

Beside him, there was a middle-aged man who was quietly watching Occupy.

"Dharma Protector, if you take action immediately and kill these people, I don't believe that Ji Tianhou can keep hiding!"

Suddenly, Xue Baitao spoke.

He was in a very bad mood at the moment, because he had been looking for all these masters, but he couldn't find Ji Tianhou.

He wasn't sure if he would be able to take it down if Ji Tianhou made a sudden attack in the dark.

"pass it to me……"

The great protector is the hand of the four great protectors among the Snow Clan. These four protectors, in today's world, are all super masters, and they are at the same level as Xuan Tongzi and others.

At this moment, Xuan Tongzi and the others have been entangled by the other three guardians. He can take advantage of the opportunity and kill these masters frantically.

However, at the moment when the Great Protector killed him, suddenly, Xue Baitao's heart moved, his eyes froze, and he looked in the direction of Chengtou.


On the side, the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the tribes almost instinctively gasped. For some reason, at this moment, they suddenly felt shrouded in death.

The cold feeling from head to toe made it difficult for them to resist.

"call out……"

The sound of a sword piercing the sky resounded, and a long sword shone with dazzling light, reflecting in everyone's eyes, causing the figure of the long sword to appear in everyone's eyes.

Behind the long sword is a man in his 30s and [-]s. The man's eyes are cold and his face looks like a sculpture.

This man's sword is very sharp, so sharp that it can almost cut through the void.

Under his sword, there seemed to be a kind of magical power, which completely bound the people he wanted to kill, making them unable to move at all, as if they were bound.

His speed was very fast, one moment he was still on the tower, but the next moment, he was in front of the Xiongnu Shanyu, and the tip of his sword pointed directly at the Xiongnu Shanyu's eyebrows.

Seeing that the sword was about to hit the Xiongnu Shanyu's eyebrows, suddenly, there was a loud shout.

"Go away..."

After the voice fell, a big hand directly blocked the long sword.

I saw a glove on the big hand, the glove was like an ice sculpture, but it was very soft.It was a thin layer, but after grasping the long sword, the sword edge could not leave even the slightest trace on the glove, and was directly held firmly by this arm.


Ji Tianhou was taken aback, and couldn't help looking at the owner of the glove, only to see that the owner of the glove was also looking at him immediately.

The two looked at each other, Xue Baitao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Ji Tianhou, you finally made a move!"

As soon as the words fell, his other big hand, also wearing a pair of gloves, slapped Ji Tianhou with a palm.

Its palm was so strong that it brought up gusts of strong wind, before the palm reached, a gust of cold wind had already blown people's hair and skin sorely, almost freezing Ji Tianhou on the spot.

However, what kind of character is Ji Tianhou, as a descendant of Guigu, her swordsmanship has already reached the pinnacle.

Without waiting for his palm to fall, Ji Tianhou spun around in the air and dodged in an instant.

"Clang clang!"

At the same time, Ji Tianhou swung the long sword in his hand, colliding with Xue Baitao thousands of times in an instant.

The two fought together. As the number one swordsman in the world, Ji Tianhou's swordsmanship had already been mastered, and the blow just now was a sure-kill blow.

The strength of his sword intent directly turned into an opportunity to lock the enemy, making it impossible for the enemy to hide, but he didn't notice that there was a master like Xue Baitao standing beside his enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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