Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 241 One Tragic Song

Chapter 241 A Tragic Song
"call out……"

A dagger struck from behind him, Xuan Tongzi leaned aside, dodged the blow, reached out with his left hand, and grabbed the arm of the comer suddenly, the long sword in his right hand was about to pierce the enemy's chest.

"Bang bang bang..."

But at this moment, I saw the big protector on his left sweeping across the hall, sweeping across the bends of his legs like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Xuan Tongzi, who lost his balance, fell to his knees in an instant.In front of him, a figure rushed out, and the second guardian kicked his legs in a row, instantly lifting him upside down and flying away.

"Ah ah……"

A soft shout sounded, and the Four Guardians who had been grabbed by his arm broke away from his control, and returned with a dagger, chasing after him, piercing his heart.


Xuan Tongzi spat out a mouthful of blood, facing the blow, his eyes inevitably showed despair.

After all, he is a human being.As the saying goes, when manpower is limited, no matter how strong a master is, in the face of successive battles, he will feel exhausted after exhausting all his strength.

With the power of one person, he faced the second of the four guardians of the Snow Clan. With the thousands of troops around him, he was exhausted. , making her powerless to fight back.

At this moment, he felt a burst of soreness and fatigue all over his body, his internal organs were writhing endlessly, and he was in severe pain. Blood spurted from the corner of his mouth, and it was very difficult to even move his fingers. It was impossible for him to block the blow.

Thinking: "Am I going to die?"

Xuantongzi's eyes were a little loose, with a strong sense of death in his eyes.

It seems that everyone will fall into this flashback situation before they die. At this moment, the flashback person will often flash everything they have experienced in their minds.

He used to be the son of a wealthy businessman in the Qi State, with a wealth of wealth, but because he lived a life of leisure and disliked business, he eventually left his hometown and worshiped in the Taoist sect.

His talent is very strong, he has already become a first-class Taoist master at a young age, and now, only in his forties, he has already established himself in the world, he can be called a super first-class master, with few enemies.

However, looking back at the past, he suddenly found that he regretted it.

For a long time, in his heart, his way is to live freely in the world, to be unrestrained, to punish evil and promote good, and to roam the world.

But thinking about it now, he realized that he had wronged too many people in his life.

A broken family, dead parents, and...

He couldn't help looking at Jinniang who was not far away, who was fighting in the army and had been beaten all over her body.


"Jin Niang..."

Xuan Tongzi read these two words in a low voice, and in an instant, everything in his mind disappeared except for the figure of the woman.

The two were originally a pair of childhood sweethearts, both belonged to a business family, and the two families were even family friends.

He still remembered that when the two met for the first time, they were still children, and that meeting had already sealed their marriage.The parents of both parties made a marriage agreement, knowing that the day of adult crowning will be the time of big wedding.

But all these years, he finally lost this marriage.

"Feel sorry……"

Xuantongzi looked deeply at Jinniang and said these two words.

He is very clear that even if he regrets again in this life, all opportunities have already died, and everything can only end with regret, and he hopes to make up for it in the next life.

"Do not……"

Just when he decided to trade his life for his life with the heart of death, and hit the final blow, suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jin Liang who was not far away desperately rushing towards this side.

"Pfft puff..."

In an instant, two scimitars scraped across, tearing Jinniang's arms apart.

Jinniang's two arms fell in the air, but she herself had already rushed to Xuantongzi.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Xuantongzi's sword and the daggers of the four protectors rushed towards the enemy's heart at the same time.

Facing the daggers of the four guardians, Xuan Tongzi had no way to avoid them.

Similarly, before dying, Xuan Tongzi's final blow, the swiftness of his sword, cannot be avoided by the four guardians.

Seeing that the two were about to die together, Jinniang's body suddenly broke into the space between them.

"Pfft puff..."

The sound of sharp weapons entering the body panted one after another.



Jinniang and the four protectors of the Snow Clan spat out mouthfuls of blood one after another.

The daggers of the Four Guardians and Xuantongzi's long sword all entered Jinniang's body.

The length of the dagger was limited, and it failed to penetrate Jinniang's body after all. However, Xuantongzi's three-foot long sword penetrated as far as possible and pierced into the heart of the four guardians.

"Do not……"

"Do not……"

"Do not……"

A series of exclamations sounded.

Xuan Tongzi's eyes turned red instantly, he put down the hilt of his sword, and hugged Yang Tian who was vomiting blood.

The four guardians of the Snow Clan have deep affection for each other. Seeing the four guardians fell to the ground, the other three also rushed up and hugged the body of the four guardians.

"Fourth brother!"

The three guardians stared at each other, their attention focused on the wound on the heart of the fourth guardian.

With a sword in your heart, no one in the world can live, no matter how strong your cultivation is, you will still die without a doubt.

"Jin Niang!"

Ignoring the four protectors of the Snow Clan, Xuantongzi quietly hugged Jinniang's body. This Taoist carefree person who lived a happy life never shed tears. However, at this moment, tears burst down the embankment.

"How can you be so stupid, how can you..."

Xuantongzi cried heart-rendingly, trembling all over, and his voice hit Jiuyou directly.


Jinniang's face was extremely pale, and her snow-white clothes were covered with the blood of the enemy and herself at the moment, like blossoming plum blossoms, proud and charming.

"Brother Sheng, I... I still... still won... but... but you lost..."

"Ahem... I... I said, I can't be with you in this life, and after death... I have to share the same acupuncture point after death..."

"Once...once abandoned I will take a step ahead!"



Jinniang held her last breath, and the moment she finished speaking the last word, a mouthful of blood spewed out, her whole body went limp, and she fell directly into Xuantongzi's arms.

"No... can't..."

Xuantongzi's face was ferocious, and he roared to the sky.

A sad song, tragic mountains and rivers...

The two armies are at war, you die and I die...

The tragic song was sung on the battlefield, along with the screams and roars one after another.

Hundreds of schools, heroes from all sides, all masters, were blocked by the Huns' thousands of troops, and fought with the masters of the Snow Clan. No one cared about the other. They could only do their best. Even if they were exhausted, they would not let go. Before dying, take an enemy at all costs.




In the elegiac song, there are clank and iron bones mixed in, with a strong heart and soaring clouds, and there is an endless stream of shouts and killings.

(End of this chapter)

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