Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 242 Entering the Army

Chapter 242 Entering the Army

"Boom rumble..."

Thousands of troops marched through...


"Clang clang clang..."

The lights of swords and swords flickered non-stop, and the sound of clanging was endless!
The sound of crashing rain could hardly cover up the rush of thousands of troops. Only the violent storm seemed to be playing an elegy for this war, and tears were shed for the death of countless heroes.

" drive drive..."

A war horse rushed out from the mountain without attracting anyone's attention, and went straight to the battlefield, and went inside the Huns' army.

"Drive by..."

A crisp voice sounded, and behind that war horse, another war horse followed.

On the war horse was a woman, who had already burst into tears at this moment, and under the pouring rain, her tears were all drowned by the rain.

"Xiongnu dog thief, I will wait with you forever!"

The woman roared and roared. Facing the unfulfilled ambitions of countless heroes, he thought of the scene where corpses were strewn across the country and blood flowed for thousands of miles. Finally, at this moment, he unleashed all his strength to kill the Hun army.

This woman is Zhao Qian, who was once the daughter of King Zhao and the Princess of Zhao.

Today, she knows that she is not strong enough, but she has no choice but to avenge the hatred of countless people in Zhao State, as well as the hatred of her mother.

Even if you try your best, so what.

Under the war, no one cared about anyone else, and Yu Wencheng, who was in front of her, was silent. In his eyes, only Xiongnu Shanyu was in his eyes.

He has been waiting for an opportunity, ignoring the desperate elegy of countless heroes, but with a heart as hard as a stone, he can't hold back this moment after all.

He came out, but he didn't care about the life and death of all heroes. As a fierce general, he knew the truth of capturing the thief first, and shooting the horse first.

In his hand, he pressed the gold-plated phoenix wings on the horse's back, and took down the long bow and arrow crossbow from behind. The bow and arrow were full, and after rushing into the army, he was only a hundred feet away from the Xiongnu Shanyu, and he shot the arrow fiercely.

Three feathered arrows blocked the Xiongnu Shanyu's eyebrows, heart, and horse under his crotch.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The rain of arrows pierced the void, and the sound of piercing the void seemed to stop time.

"not good……"

The Xiongnu Shanyu has fought for many years, and his perception of danger is also unpredictable for ordinary people.

Turning his head back suddenly, seeing three feathered arrows killing him, he was shocked, and immediately flew up, trying to run away without taking care of the horse.

However, the three feathered arrows came fiercely. Although his reaction was timely, it was still a step too late, and the two feathered arrows shot at his shoulder and thigh respectively.

The Feather Arrow continued unabated, directly piercing through his body, shooting and killing several people in succession, before it powerlessly landed on several soldiers.

As for the Xiongnu Shanyu's war horse, he went straight to the end, with an arrow in his head, and there was no more sound.

"The Xiongnu dog thief, dare to offend me, Daqin, take your life!"

A roar sounded, and at this moment, Yuwen Chengdu had already killed the Xiongnu Shanyu ten feet away.

He has a yellow-flowered horse under his crotch, and when he gallops wildly, his speed far surpasses other war horses.

He held the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hand, and when he waved them, he opened and closed, and in all directions, countless strange soldiers turned into a torrent to stop him.

However, under the gilded phoenix wings, Yuwen Chengdu sees mountains open up mountains, sees waters stop flowing, and countless armies do not stop him at all, allowing him to enter all the way.

"Be careful……"

The leaders of the Xiongnu tribes reacted and saw that the Xiongnu Shanyu was injured, so they stopped in front of the Xiongnu Shanyu, the protector of the Xiongnu Shanyu.

"Go away..."

Yu Wencheng's eyes were wide open, majestic and majestic, this violent blow fell down.

A leader of the Xiongnu was taken aback. He had a scimitar in his hand and was absolutely unable to block the blow, so he had to abandon his horse and run away.

After this escape, the war horse under his crotch was instantly torn into two by Yu Wencheng.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The leaders of the eleven Xiongnu tribes waved their scimitars one after another, and saw the lights of the sabers flickering non-stop, opening and closing, covering Yuwen Chengdu from all directions.

Yuwen Chengdu didn't intend to fight head-on with them. These people explained that the first-class masters in the Xiongnu army, even if they couldn't beat him individually, ten of them would force him to kill him.

Yuwen Chengdu, who has been in the army for many years, is very clear about the strategy of war, as the saying goes, shoot the horse first when shooting a man, and capture the king first when capturing a thief.

The Xiongnu army is all warriors on horseback. These leaders of the Xiongnu are even more warriors among warriors. Most of their fighting power comes from their horses. Once they lose their horses, their fighting power will be greatly reduced immediately.

Facing the sword lights in all directions, Yu Wencheng had no thought of defending himself. He swept across with gold-plated phoenix wings in his hands, directly cutting off the legs of the horses and horses under the crotch of the leaders of the Xiongnu tribe.


As soon as the horse's leg was broken, the leaders of the Xiongnu fell from the horse one after another, and their attacking moves also came to a sudden stop.

They were all taken aback, knowing that they had met a real master.

In the past, when fighting in the past, other people's attention would be on them, but Yu Wencheng was the only one who put all his attention on their horses, which made them suffer a big loss immediately.

As they fell, Yu Wencheng ignored them, and the phoenix-winged gilt pointed at the Xiongnu Shanyu, and once again killed the Xiongnu Shanyu's head.

"Protection Shanyu..."

Many tribal leaders realized that although their horses fell to the ground, their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, but at this time, Shan Yu was more important.

All of a sudden, they flew up one by one, and rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu again, trying to stop Yuwen Chengdu's pace.


Yu Wencheng's eyes sharpened, and the gold-plated phoenix wings swept across in his hands.

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, the four tribal leaders were sent flying. Facing the attacks from other tribal leaders, Yu Wencheng turned his horse's head and killed them again.

These people protect the Xiongnu Shanyu at all costs. Even if he wants to kill the Xiongnu Shanyu, it will be extremely difficult. At this moment, these people in front of him must be dealt with first.

Otherwise, before he killed the Xiongnu Shanyu, he might die in the hands of these people.

The leaders of these tribes rode on horses, and their strength was comparable to that of many first-class masters in the Central Plains.

But after losing their war horses, their strength was greatly reduced. Although there were many people, Yuwen Chengdu itself had strong combat power, and it was even more powerful immediately.

A yellow-flowered horse under the crotch, moving back and forth, opening and closing, directly beat them to the point where they were powerless to fight back.

"It's you, Yuwen Chengdu?"

At this moment, the Xiongnu Shanyu who was not far away also reacted. After seeing Yu Wencheng's face clearly, he was shocked, and there was still a look of horror in his eyes.

Although Yuwen Chengdu's previous [-] troops were all beheaded by his men, but this cannot deny Yuwen Chengdu's bravery.At least, before the Great Wall, Yuwen Chengdu once sprinted frantically towards the Great Wall, led a hundred thousand remnants, and defeated the Huns steadily.

If Yuwen Chengdu hadn't been careless in the end and made a mistake, he wouldn't be able to deal with Yuwen Chengdu at all.

(End of this chapter)

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