Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 243 Yuwen's Battle in Chengdu 3 Great Protectors

Chapter 243 Yuwen Chengdu Battle Three Great Protectors
Thinking of the various battles with Yuwen Chengdu, Xiongnu Shanyu felt an invisible fear emerge in his heart.

Regardless of the many tribal leaders under his command, dragging their bodies shot by Yuwen Chengdu, they turned around and fled towards the chaotic army in a panic.

Yuwen Chengdu's bravery, he has seen with his own eyes, this is definitely a character who can take the head of an enemy general among thousands of armies, if he doesn't want to protect himself, even if there are thousands of troops, it may be difficult to protect himself.

"Dog thief, where to escape!"

Yu Wencheng swept the tribal leaders. Seeing that the Xiongnu Shanyu was fleeing further and further, he immediately chased after him on horseback.


Seeing this, countless Xiongnu troops waved Wan Dao, galloped their war horses, and immediately rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu, trying to stop Yuwen Chengdu.

"Bang bang bang..."

However, these ordinary soldiers, in front of Yuwen Chengdu, are like dogs falling apart.

The strength of Yuwen Chengdu's combat power is unimaginable in itself. Among the many heroes in the world, it is also the top existence of super first-class masters, even surpassing Xuantongzi and others.

Furthermore, if the swordsmanship of these heroes of the rivers and lakes is a kind of art, and killing people is hard to escape, Yuwen Chengdu's attack is just one word, fierce.

If he fights with those heroes, he will definitely suffer some small losses, but in the midst of thousands of troops, his power will be ten times, a hundred times stronger than those masters.

For a while, despite countless Hun cavalry rolling towards him, he could block and kill gods with only a gilt phoenix wing, and Buddha blocked and killed Buddha, constantly narrowing the distance between himself and the Xiongnu Shanyu.


"I killed you..."

On the other side, in the heavy rain, with Jinniang's death, Xuantongzi's heart was ashamed, leaving only countless anger, wanting to burn for nine days.

He slowly put down Jinniang in his arms, stood up, and held the three-foot long sword in his tired body, pointing directly at the three major guardians of the Snow Clan who were still alive.

"kill him……"

The three guardians, who were equally furious because of the death of the fourth guardian, stood up one by one, their eyes seemed to cut Xuantongzi into pieces.

At this moment, both sides ignored the surrounding occupation.

Around the few people, the most masters got bigger and denser, slowly gathering together.

Headed by Master Xunzi, he led famous scholars, farmers, Mohists, physicians, yin and yang scholars, miscellaneous scholars and other first- and second-rate masters to unite the front line and finally barely stopped the enemy's offensive.

It was also because of these people's closeness that Xuantongzi was hugged just now, otherwise he would have been trampled by thousands of troops and would have died without a doubt.


He didn't have any scruples about these various schools of thought and masters from all sides, let alone the masters of the Xue clan who were fighting with many masters in all directions, as well as countless Hun cavalry.

At this time, Xuan Tongzi and the three guardians of the Xue clan only had the Xiongnu in their eyes, and what they thought in their hearts was to kill the Xiongnu at all costs and take revenge.

Accompanied by a shout of killing, the two parties directly killed each other.

"Where is the protector, protect the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

At this moment, not far away, Xue Baitao, who was fighting with Ji Tianhou, the descendant of the Zongheng family Guigu, saw that the Xiongnu Shanyu was being chased to the sky and had nowhere to go, so he yelled loudly and rushed at several Dharma protectors. shouted.

At this moment, although Xue Baitao blocked Ji Tianhou, he had to admit that Ji Tianhou's swordsmanship was absolutely unparalleled in the world.

Rao Xue Baitao, as the leader of the Snow Clan, had never encountered any opponent in his life, but when facing Ji Tianhou, even though he blocked Ji Tianhou, he narrowly escaped death.

Ji Tianhou's swordsmanship made it impossible for him to avoid it, so he could only keep defending.

It can be said that if Ji Tianhou hadn't been held back by the Huns' thousands of troops at this moment, he would have already lost.

This battle made Xue Baitao feel more and more frightened as he fought, and he became more and more afraid of Ji Tianhou, and felt a deep fear of the person behind Ji Tianhou.

Hearing the leader's call, the three guardians saw that the leader couldn't get away, and even couldn't protect themselves. Although they were furious, they didn't care about revenge for a while. At the moment when they were about to collide with Xuantongzi, they jumped out one by one. He immediately rushed to the middle army and went straight to the Xiongnu Shanyu.

"Dog thief, accept your life!"

With the Xiongnu Shanyu behind, Yu Wencheng finally caught up, and with the gilded phoenix wings in his hands sweeping across, he wanted to split the Xiongnu Shanyu's head off on the spot.

"Do not……"

Xiongnu Shanyu's complexion changed drastically, not to mention that he was seriously injured at the moment, even in his heyday, it would be difficult for him to resist Yuwen Chengdu's blow, at this moment he is basically doomed.

However, seeing that Yu Wencheng was about to succeed with one blow, suddenly, a very dangerous feeling came to his heart.

At the same time, a knife flashed in front of him, and a dagger flew directly towards his neck.

And behind the dagger, the Great Guardian of the Snow Clan's Four Great Guardians directly embraced his gilded phoenix wings with both hands, and coiled himself up.

For a moment, the phoenix-winged gilt boring lost its balance, and Yu Wencheng instinctively avoided the dagger, only to feel two gusts of wind coming from behind, and two masters were behind to attack.

Regardless of the Shanyu of the Huns, Yu Wencheng let the big protector hang on the gilt phoenix wing, and waving the gilt phoenix wing was a sweep, sweeping towards the second and third protectors behind him.

The second protector and the third protector sent out a strike, and seeing the big protector suddenly appeared in front of them, the two hurriedly retreated, and were immediately swept away by the gold-plated phoenix wings, and flew out one by one.

But after they landed, the three of them killed each other once, and they immediately trembled with Yu Wencheng.

These three people are different from ordinary soldiers on the battlefield, their moves are similar to those of the heroes of all schools in the world, and their explanations are very subtle.

With such exquisite moves, the moves locked Yuwen Chengdu's dead spots all over his body, making Yuwen Chengdu unable to escape.

His ferocious power to sweep away thousands of troops could not be exerted at all for a while, and he was completely suppressed by these people.

At this point, it has to be said that the combat moves between the generals on the battlefield and the people in the rivers and lakes have their own advantages after all.

When facing thousands of troops, the battlefield generals and Zongheng come and go, and the lethality skyrockets, but when facing the siege of the masters of the rivers and lakes, the advantages of the battlefield generals cannot be fully utilized.

Similarly, in the face of battles in the rivers and lakes, the strength of the people in the rivers and lakes can be brought into full play, and in the face of thousands of troops, if there are too many people, their exquisite moves will be suppressed.

At this moment, Yuwen Chengdu is not facing thousands of troops, nor is it a general in the battlefield, but three people in the world with exquisite moves.

Under such circumstances, his wide-open and wide-open fighting style couldn't exert its due power at all, but was restrained everywhere, which greatly reduced his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Yuwen Chengdu's combat power is rare in the world. Even if these few are super-class masters in the Jianghu, it is purely a dream to kill Yuwen Chengdu. At most, they can only entangle Yuwen Chengdu.

(End of this chapter)

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