Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 244 The Shocking Appearance

Chapter 244 The Shocking Appearance

"Prick, prick..."


The torrential rain and thunderstorm became more and more violent, the wind blew violently, and the mountains and rivers were swaying.

The sky gradually darkened, and the battle continued for several hours, and the sky became darker and darker.

All the disciples of the hundred schools of thought, heroes from all sides, were almost killed or injured.

Many masters were already exhausted at this moment, facing thousands of troops, it was difficult to contend, and they fell one after another.

Wang Lin had killed nearly a thousand enemies in the rounds of battles, but at this moment, he was already wounded all over his body, and every time he shot, he was light and powerless.

"Pfft puff..."

With three slashes on his back, blood splattered everywhere, he staggered and fell to the ground. With all his strength, he recovered a shot and directly swept down the three Hun soldiers.

Beside him, Master Xunzi, Hui Songzi, Gongsun Tan, Xu Sheng and others also fell to the ground one after another, trembling all over, and didn't even have the strength to get up.

Look at the appearance of those blood-stained bodies, each one is like a demon crawling out of Shura's hell, terrifying, pitiful, and deplorable.


In all directions, the Xiongnu cavalry surrounded them, looking for an opportunity to attack, as if they had treated all of them as trapped animals in a cage, allowing them to be killed by snipers.


All of a sudden, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, causing a thunderous explosion.


Countless Xiongnu cavalry roared and swung their scimitars down. Under a thousand knives, the crowd could no longer resist, and they were on the verge of being chopped into meat.

"call out……"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Seeing that everyone must die, at this moment, suddenly, a ray of light flashed past.

This ray of light is not shining, but a black light, but it is more dazzling than the lightning in the sky.

Its speed was so fast that it completely surpassed the surrounding gust of wind, and with bursts of breaking wind, it rushed directly into the crowd.


Where the black light passed, the necks of hundreds of Xiongnu soldiers were instantly torn apart, causing their heads to be separated from their bodies.

"Clang clang..."

At the same time, this Wuguang collided with hundreds of other scimitars, interrupting all of them in an instant.


Seeing this, all the masters couldn't help but gasped, and looked intently, only to see that black light pierced into the ground, it turned out to be a sword, a single-edged sword.

On the body of the sword, there are very obscure runes engraved. In the blood groove, blood flows, and the whole sword seems to come alive.


At the same time, a sound that shook the heavens and the earth sounded, as if thunder pierced through the void, and the sound of driving the horses completely drowned out the sound of thousands of troops and horses.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look, and saw that outside the main army, one person and one rider, as fast as a gust of wind, as fast as lightning, rushed into the army. His crotch horse crashed into the air.

In an instant, this person and one rider had already reached the front.

The man on the horse flew up, came to the single-edged sword, picked up the single-edged sword, turned over and stepped on the horse, with a wave of the single-edged sword, it raged away with a strong force, directly tearing dozens of people around it. Leather war horses and dozens of Hun soldiers.

"Enter my Guanzhong, kill my people, encircle and suppress the talents of the Great Qin, and the Xiongnu are small, today, I will make you wait until there is no return!"

Under the watchful eyes of Xunzi, Wang Lin, Gongsunyan, Xuantongzi and other masters, the person who came was actually a young man in his 20s.

The man held the single-edged sword in both hands, and his horse was under his crotch, and his hair was as red as fire.

He is dressed in a dragon robe and a crown on his head. His eyes, like the eyes of the sky, despise the world and hundreds of thousands of troops.

The moment his voice fell, the whole person rushed out.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sword in his hand tears the world apart, destroys all directions, and sweeps away everything.

In front of him, thousands of Hun cavalry had been torn into pieces before they could react.




Countless Xiongnu soldiers around, seeing that the battle was about to end, but suddenly killed such a life-slaughter Shura, all of them could not help but tremble.

Afterwards, the wolfishness of these Xiongnu soldiers broke out, each of them had red eyes, and instead of being frightened back, they frantically killed them.

The army once again turned into a torrent, with the masters of the hundred schools headed by Ying Shou as the center, and immediately turned into a Shura vortex.

In this vortex, with blood as the theme and entities as the sky, the depth of the vortex is constantly increasing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Clang clang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

There was an endless stream of galloping horses, flashes of swords and shadows of swords and clangs.

The dragon blood horse under Ying Shou's crotch neighed suddenly, like a dragon roaring.

As soon as the Hun soldiers around rushed up, facing the dragon blood horse, countless soldiers immediately prostrated themselves on the ground with their horses under their crotches.

Countless Xiongnu soldiers fell into a ball and were completely reduced to the role of Ying Shou in the massacre.



There was an endless stream of screams and battles.

Ying Shou dared to say that with more than 1 cavalry, he wiped out hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops. This is by no means a joke.

Hun cavalry, the strongest combat power comes from the horses under the crotch.

However, in the vast territory of the world, the emperor is respected, and the war horses in the world are kings with dragon blood.

Where the dragon blood horses passed, all the Xiongnu war horses prostrated one after another, losing their combat power.

In this way, the Xiongnu army lost its horses and could only be reduced to infantry.

These infantrymen who lost their horses were not even as powerful as a recruit from the Great Qin Dynasty. In this case, there was no luck other than being slaughtered.

However, although the Huns cavalry who lost their horses lost their strongest combat power, they did not lose their wolf nature.

These people were not like the troops that Ying Shou had encountered before, who would lose their positions when they were frustrated. Instead, they fought more and more courageously, fighting towards Ying Shou one after another.

Although almost all the people who came up had only a dead end, but this kind of death did not affect the impact of the army behind at all.

It seems that the hundreds of thousands of troops will never stop fighting if they don't fight all their wealth today, don't lose all their lives and injuries.

Faced with such an attack, even if Ying Shou swept away thousands of troops, he couldn't help but become more and more shocked, and was shocked by the Huns' army.

What is an army, this is the real army.

When the Daqin cavalry entered the battlefield, they never knew life and death. Therefore, when they swept the six countries, they never met opponents.

However, after unifying the six countries, Daqin encountered the strongest opponents, namely the Xiongnu and Donghu.

Donghu Yingshou has not yet contacted, so it is not clear, but how similar the Xiongnu army is to Daqin.

In the whole world, I am afraid that only such an army can compete with Ying Shou.

Before he knew it, Ying Shou's hands were already covered with blood, and his whole body was completely drenched in blood, fighting back and forth in the rainy night.

As time passed, even he couldn't help but feel his hands sore.

The Xiongnu's army of hundreds of thousands could never be killed and slaughtered. It seemed that the Xiongnu could not kill Yingshou and others, but they would exhaust them to death.

(End of this chapter)

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