Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 245 Fighting to Exhaustion

Chapter 245 Fighting to Exhaustion

The heavy rain was majestic, hitting the leaves, and there was a clattering sound.

In a jungle, on a small path, an endless line of troops is advancing rapidly on the path.

"Daozhang, how far is it from Huishui City?"

In front of the army, Yinyue rode a horse and followed closely behind an old Taoist with white hair and beard, and couldn't help asking.

Just before, Ying Shou gave orders to break away from the army and rush to Huishui City first. Not long after Yinyue and the others had traveled, they encountered this old man in front of him.

The old Taoist seemed to be waiting for them deliberately, he had already prepared a mountain of horse grass, and told them that there was a trail that could save two-thirds of the journey and arrive at Huishui City in advance.

In today's Central Plains, the Huns are in rebellion. Taoism, as one of the hundreds of schools of thought, did not submit to the imperial court, but when they fought against the Huns, they were unanimously foreign.

In addition, Yinyue found that the old Taoist was kind-hearted and did not seem to be a person harboring evil intentions, so she believed his words. After letting the horses of the army eat the horse grass, she immediately led the army to follow the old Taoist, gave up the road, and walked on this fresh road. Well-known trails.

"Girl, let's go, Huishui City is less than a hundred miles ahead, and we will arrive after climbing over a dozen mountains.

The experienced horse galloped forward, holding a whisk, pointing straight ahead and saying.

"it is good……"

Yinyue responded and urged the army to continue marching in the rain.

After another hour, after climbing over a dozen mountains in succession, one after another, one could hear a series of noisy sounds from a distance.

It was the sound of thousands of troops fighting, accompanied by thunder in the sky, shaking people's hearts.

"It's here, hurry... hurry..."

With a twitch in Yinyue's heart, she turned over another mountain, and finally on a mountaintop, she saw the extremely chaotic and extremely bloody battlefield outside Huishui City.


"Look, it's His Majesty the Emperor!"

Everyone exclaimed, and their eyes instantly focused on Ying Shou who was sweeping around among thousands of troops.

At this moment, Ying Shou galloped back and forth, holding a Tianyue sword in his hand, gods blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas.

The running speed of the war horse under his crotch has gradually weakened. Similarly, his strength is obviously not as good as it was in his heyday, but he is still invincible among thousands of troops.

Within a radius of several hundred feet, the corpses were piled up like a mountain, two feet behind.

The blood gathered into a river, mixed with rainwater, and flowed into the previously filled moat.


Ying Shou Yangtian roared, Tianyue sword in his hand, slashing left and right. In the frenzied slaughter, he no longer needed to defend, because no one in the surrounding area could get close to him three times.

Under the might of the dragon blood horses, all the horses of the Huns were useless and could only be turned into infantry to slay them. As soon as they rushed to Yingshou, before they could make a move, they were directly torn apart with a sword, turning into a blanket of blood. Part of the corpse on the ground.

This battle has lasted for three hours, in terms of the time of later generations, it would be a full six hours.

Three hours of frenzied slaughter, every wave of the hand exhausted all its strength, such consumption, anyone would be exhausted to death.

Even Ying Shou, at this moment, felt sore and weak, as if all his strength was going to be overdrawn. The uncomfortable feeling made him wish he could go to sleep right away.

But at this moment, he couldn't sleep. Whenever his eyes saw the masters of various schools who were seriously injured not far away and unable to get up, he could only continue to fight and fight for these people.

These people are all great sages and talents in the world today.

If Daqin had these people injected into it, it would definitely be stronger than ever.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and now Daqin is just starting to get on the right track, and it is the most difficult time.

At this moment, Ying Shou needs and longs for talents, and these people are the talents he has been looking forward to.

Before, he needed to go south and north, and he didn't have time to take these people into account one by one. Now, he must not let these people die under the sword of the Huns, otherwise, it would be a loss to Daqin, and it would be a huge loss to him. Loss.

It was because of these people that Ying Shou fought this battle so hard.

During the great battle, Ying Shou's eyes swept over the battlefield many times, saw the battles everywhere, and also found the Xiongnu Shanyu.

If it was the usual way, with his ability, he could directly leap over thousands of troops, kill the Xiongnu Shanyu, and deal with the Xiongnu Shanyu. This army is like a pack of wolves who have lost their wolf king.

But now he can't do this, there are enemy troops in all directions, if he abandons the battlefield, he will attack the Xiongnu Shanyu.

The moment he killed the Xiongnu Shanyu, all the masters and masters behind him who had lost the power to resist would also die on the spot.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and Ying Shou, who had fallen into exhaustion, also fell into weakness under his crotch. With a roar, the dragon blood horse fell to its front hooves and fell directly on the spot.

Ying Shou felt his world spinning for a while, and his whole body was thrown flying out.

He spun around in the air, and saw more than a dozen Xiongnu soldiers coming to kill him with swords.

Ying Shou swung his sword instinctively, and with all his strength, directly cut off the scimitars in the hands of these Hun soldiers, and another sword directly took the lives of these Hun soldiers.




From all directions, there were shouts of killing one after another, Ying Shou felt his eyes blurred, and his ears were already ringing as the world was spinning.

At this moment, Ying Shou finally saw the sudden situation clearly among the hundreds of thousands of troops.

In this world, there are indeed people who are brave enough to defeat ten thousand armies, but it is simply impossible to sweep hundreds of thousands of armies by one's own power.

He couldn't do it, and Li Yuanba couldn't do it either.

Unless you encounter an army like the 30 army in Xiou before, and there must be a certain coincidence, let these people mess up and kill each other.

Otherwise, as long as hundreds of thousands of soldiers remain murderous, not to mention him, even if he joins hands with Li Yuanba, he will be exhausted and exhausted to death.


Accompanied by a clear sound, Ying Shou, who was exhausted in the melee, could no longer stop the army three feet away. He saw three scimitars slashing at his back at the same time. Bring up three long bloodstains.

Ying Shou, who was exhausted, couldn't perform horizontal exercises at all.He didn't even have a chance to make a move, and he still defended himself, which was simply a joke.

With the first injury, there will soon be a second, and a third.

Before he knew it, Ying Shou suffered more and more injuries, and his whole body became weaker and weaker, and he could barely stand still.

"elder brother……"

On the top of the mountain, Li Yuanba roared.

"Quick, kill me!"

Yinyue was also stunned and gave an order.

"Kill me, save my brother..."

Li Yuanba went crazy, the Wanliyun under his crotch galloped out, rushed down the top of the mountain, and rushed to the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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