Chapter 247
Xiongnu Shanyu suddenly had a feeling of retreat deep in his heart, and he immediately exited the pass and returned to the outside of the Great Wall.

Today, there are only more than 3000 people in the Great Qin, and it is already so fast. It is hard for him to imagine how many such troops there are under the new Qin Emperor, under the rule of the Great Qin Wudi.


"Kill me..."

However, just when the Xiongnu Shanyu was thinking of retreating, before he could make a decision, there were bursts of shouts of killing, and five thousand troops rushed out from the other direction.

The first person, holding an iron rod, led the army to a round of arrows three hundred steps away, shooting and killing tens of thousands of Huns in an instant, and then entered the army.


"Bang bang bang..."

The leader of the army waved the iron rod in his hand, and he passed by like a broken bamboo, smashing countless Xiongnu soldiers flying upside down, their bones and tendons were broken and they died.

His bravery is completely superior to Yuwen Chengdu. Although he can't compare with the previous two, he can be called a rare warrior in the past and present.

"Another such fierce general?"

The Xiongnu Shanyu was completely frightened and dumbfounded. It was hard for him to imagine how many fierce people there were in the Great Qin Dynasty.

First there was Ji Tianhou, then Yuwen Chengdu, and then there were three people who appeared in succession.

One is fiercer than the other, it is simply unreasonable.

Especially the [-] troops that entered before, the [-] Xiongnu army that had already fought fiercely had no power to fight back, and the sudden appearance of [-] troops made the Xiongnu Shanyu feel fear and tremble in his heart.

If the [-] army is like the previous [-] army, wouldn't it make his more than [-] army unable to fight back again?
If so, how will this battle be fought?
So far, it has been defeated, and there is no chance to return the phone.


"Kill kill kill!"

Before the Xiongnu Chanyu could react, another roar that shook the mountains and rivers sounded.

The Xiongnu Shanyu quickly turned his head to look, only to see another direction, and an army of [-] suddenly charged out.

Far away was a round of arrow rain, shooting and killing [-] to [-] Xiongnu troops in an instant, and then all of them entered the army.

The first person, the leading general, held a big knife, and while he was waving, he passed the pass and killed the general, killing the Huns' army burst on the spot, without any power to fight back.

"Another fierce man!"

Seeing Xu Chu, the leader of the army, the Xiongnu Shanyu was frightened.

Xu Chuzhi's courage was not as good as those who had killed one after another, but he was three points stronger than all the generals under him, which made him feel afraid.

"When did the Qin army ambush so many troops around?"

Xiongnu Shanyu felt his heart was about to jump out, looking at the army of Huns who fell continuously in an instant.

Under the impact of the three waves of the Qin army, more than [-] troops died at this moment.

He led an army of 50 in Daoguan, so far, only a mere 18 army remained.

"Quick...quick retreat..."

Without the slightest hesitation, the Xiongnu Shanyu finally ordered the withdrawal in fear.

Following his order, the Huns immediately began to retreat frantically.

Unfortunately, the Xiongnu army without horses is like a tiger without teeth.All their advantages had been lost.

This retreat speed was more than ten times slower than before. Under the pursuit of [-] Daqin Qingqi and [-] White Horse Yicong, it was like a tiger chasing a pack of wolves, and there was no way to escape.


In the battlefield, Ji Tianhou and Xue Baitao were already exhausted.

Although the battle between the two did not require as much energy as Ying Shou, but after such a long period of consumption, the two of them felt like they were breathing fire without taking a breath.My whole body was limp and weak.

Even with Ji Tianhou's power, dozens of wounds were all over his body, with blood profusely pouring out.

But Xue Baitao in front of him was not much better, even with the help of a large army, he was still beaten with sword wounds all over his body.

Seeing the defeat of the Xiongnu army, Xue Baitao's face was full of unwillingness.

In the previous battle, he saw Ying Shousha enter the army with his own eyes. Facing the eighteen guards under him, eighteen first-class masters at that time, they all beheaded like melons and vegetables.

These masters stood in front of Ying Shou, and during Ying Shou's heyday, they were like ordinary soldiers. Facing Ying Shou, they didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back.

It can be said that at the moment those eighteen guards died, the Snow Clan had suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, the Huns' army was defeated, and he couldn't even reap any benefits.

But now is not the time to think about reaping benefits!

When the Qin soldiers arrived, the Xiongnu army was defeated. If he didn't leave, he would have to be lost here today.

Thinking of this, Xue Baitao turned around without any hesitation and wanted to run away.

"Can I escape you?"

Ji Tianhou's eyes were cold. Although he was seriously injured all over his body, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Seeing that Xue Baitao, who had destroyed himself and killed him, wanted to escape, how could he allow it?

I saw his figure jumping vertically, and immediately soared into the sky. At this moment, he seemed to have recovered all his strength, and sent out his fatal blow again.

"Do not……"

Xue Baitao was taken aback, his expression suddenly changed.

Before, Ji Tianhou used this trick on Xiongnu Shanyu and others, but he didn't feel it, but at this moment, he intuitively felt that his whole body seemed to be frozen.

In the dark, there seems to be a strange opportunity to lock himself in, making him inescapable and inescapable.


Accompanied by a clear sound, Xue Baitao trembled all over, and slowly lowered his head, only to see Ji Tianhou's piercing into his heart gradually.

At that moment, all the strength in his body receded like a tide, and he fell from the air and fell to the ground powerlessly.

As a mouthful of blood spewed out, his eyes widened, and he could not rest in peace.


Not far away, the three Dharma Kings of the Snow Clan, who had been pestering Yuwen Chengdu all the time and were exhausted from fighting, couldn't help but growl when they saw this scene.

In an instant, Yu Wencheng felt his whole body relax, and the attacks of these three people directly slowed down.

Beside him is Zhao Qian. In the previous battle, the two deliberately moved closer.

At this moment, Zhao Qian had already been seriously injured among thousands of troops.

Surrounded by the three masters, Yu Wencheng had to deal with the three masters and protect her at the same time, so he had to give up chasing and killing the Xiongnu Shanyu.

As soon as he relaxed at this moment, he looked at Zhao Qian instinctively, and asked in a low voice: "How is it? Can you still hold on?"

Zhao Qian was covered in blood, turned her head to look at Yu Wencheng, suddenly laughed lightly, and said, "I'm fine, kill them!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian looked at the snow clan protectors in front of her, with hatred and killing intent in her eyes.

"it is good……"

Yu Wencheng responded, but before he could break out his final attack, at this moment, an iron rod shot up into the sky and swept across the bodies of the three masters.

"Bang bang bang..."

The three great dharma kings of the Snow Clan spurted blood and flew out backwards, their bones and tendons were broken, and they fell to the ground. They only protected their lives with a breath of true energy, but they had no strength to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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