Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 248 Killing the Hun Army

Chapter 248 Killing the Hun Army
"Kill... kill me into the army of the Huns, leave no one behind!"

Lie Yang led the left-wing army of [-], and frantically pursued and killed the Xiongnu army.

"Kill... kill me..."

On the other side, Xu Chu also led a right-wing army of [-] to pursue and kill them.

"Come on..."

At the same time, the leader of Sanqian Baima Yicong also led Sanqian Baima Yicong to chase and kill them.

The army followed the Huns, chasing and killing them all the way, and for a moment, the scene fell into extreme tranquility.

On the battlefield that was still screaming and killing before, it was so quiet that there was only the sky and the earth, and the sound of the crashing rain was still ringing.

"Your Majesty, you are injured, how do you feel?"

On the battlefield full of corpses, Ying Shou sat down on the ground, holding the Tianyue sword in his left hand, and gently stroking the dragon blood horse that fell to the ground with his right hand, his eyes were full of pity.

Suddenly, a voice sounded beside him, and Yinyue hurriedly came to him, knelt down to support him.


The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, and suddenly he burst into a big laugh, looked at Yinyue, and said, "I feel good, do you believe it?"


Yinyue was stunned, and couldn't help asking questions in her head. She didn't understand why the emperor still wanted to tease her at this time.

" are you?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded, and Li Yuanba quickly came to Ying Shou, put down the drum beating urn and golden hammer in his hand, directly hugged Ying Shou's body, and supported him to stand together.

"Yuanba... I'm fine, it's good to have Yinyue take care of me, you go... take those people to the city and resettle them properly. Also... ask Yuwen Chengdu to come and see me!"

Ying Shou waved his hand. While speaking, he slowly pulled out the arm that was held by Li Yuanba. Although his body was weak and sore and limp, he held his breath and walked slowly towards Huishui City.

His steps were resolute and heavy, as if he hadn't been injured at all.

Behind, the masters who were protected by Ying Shou couldn't help but flicker when they saw Ying Shou leaving.

"Emperor, is this the Great Qin Emperor?"

"This turned out to be Great Qin Wudi!"

This thought flashed through their minds at the same time.

Since Qin Shihuang swept the six kingdoms more than ten years ago, these people felt chilled because of the iron-blooded methods. Therefore, they have never surrendered to the Great Qin.

But they didn't expect that today, the Great Qin Emperor would be alone in danger, desperate to save their lives, which made them feel a very strange feeling inexplicably.

"My brother asked you to rest in the city, what are you still doing here?"

Suddenly, Li Yuanba's voice sounded, and everyone looked up, only to see Li Yuanba hanging the double hammers on the back of his mount Wanliyun, then lifted the emperor's mount, looked back at them, and walked towards the city with a greeting go.

"Quick, go back to the city!"

Everyone realized that after resting for such a long time, although they were suffering from hunger and cold, they all recovered a lot of strength, got up and walked towards the city staggeringly.

Among them, Wang Lin was the fastest. Regardless of his injuries, he quickly chased after Li Yuanba and asked respectfully: "This general, I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor is in good health?"

Li Yuanba glanced at Wang Lin, and said with a snort, "Who is my brother? How can a mere Hun hurt him? My brother is fine!"

With that said, Li Yuanba strode into the city gate.


Yinyue followed Ying Shou into the city and came to the main hall of the General's Mansion. Suddenly, Ying Shou's body collapsed directly into the main hall of the General's Mansion like a landslide.

"His Majesty……"

Yinyue hurried forward to help, only to see that Ying Shou had closed his eyes, and his breath was extremely weak.

"His Majesty……"

Yinyue was in a hurry.

"elder brother……"

Li Yuanba, who had just followed up, was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly put down his dragon blood horse, and stepped forward to hug Ying Shou who had passed out.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Wang Lin also rushed over quickly, and then rushed out again, shouting loudly: "Doctor... Where is the master doctor, come and save His Majesty the Emperor!"

Wang Lin's face was full of anxiety. He knew that Emperor Wu of Qin Dynasty was a wise master, and his greatest wish in this life was to be able to fight for this wise master, fight on the battlefield, and do his best.

Now, he has survived on the battlefield, and he must not allow this Ming Lord to encounter accidents.

"What, His Majesty the Emperor is in danger?"

The masters from all sides who followed behind were taken aback and rushed in quickly.

"Quick...Master Mushi, quickly diagnose His Majesty!"

Seeing the unconscious emperor, everyone rushed to the crowd, and the seriously injured medical leader, Master Mu Shi, shouted.

"Don't worry...let me see..."

The emperor was injured in order to save everyone, and no one was ungrateful, Master Mushi hurriedly responded, regardless of his own injury, stepped forward wet, grabbed the emperor's hand, and began to diagnose.

"How is my brother?"

Li Yuanba asked anxiously.

"Yes, how is Your Majesty?"

Yinyue turned around in a hurry, her whole heart twitched.

Master Mushi did not answer, but closed his eyes for a long time to diagnose, and then slowly opened his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were full of surprise.

"It's so strange, His Majesty the Emperor himself was seriously injured, but his energy and blood are so powerful that it's unimaginable."

"Your Majesty is just too tired and fell asleep. There is nothing serious about it. When you wake up, everything will be fine. As for His Majesty's injury, I will go find some elixir, which will surely make His Majesty recover as soon as possible!" "

Master Wood and Stone nodded and said.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

"Okay... okay... it's fine..."

A great Confucian sage, Master Xunzi chuckled, and said, "I am in great danger in the Qin Dynasty, and I have finally overcome it today!"

"Hahaha, what you said is true, what you said is true! I have finally overcome the catastrophe of the Great Qin Dynasty!"

"I really didn't expect that I could survive, and now Your Majesty is safe, God really bless me Daqin!"

The crowd laughed loudly, and while speaking, the indescribable joy in their tone did not pay attention to the fact that the Central Plains they had mentioned earlier had become Great Qin.

"His Majesty……"

The moment she heard that Ying Shou was safe, Yinyue wept with joy, looked at Li Yuanba quickly, and shouted, "Yuanba, hurry up... hurry up and get the people in front to withdraw."

"Your Majesty is in a coma, let them come back immediately to escort you. In addition, send a message to Marshal Wei Liao. He is the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Now that Your Majesty is in a coma, he has his own way to deal with the remnants of the Xiongnu soldiers!"

As soon as Yinyue's words came out, everyone immediately looked sideways, and their eyes were full of surprise.

At this moment, everyone who has experienced many major events, all forget about it with joy, it is really strange that this woman can still think of so many things.

(End of this chapter)

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