Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 249 Post-War Matters

Chapter 249 Post-War Matters
"Okay, Sister Yinyue. help me look after my brother!"

Li Yuanba nodded. Except for Ying Shou, he only listened to Yinyue, because in his mind, Yinyue was a very gentle big sister.

At the moment when his sister spoke, he didn't hesitate, he responded, turned around and walked out of the hall, stepped on Wanliyun, and immediately chased after the Daqin cavalry who were chasing and killing the Xiongnu.

The city of Huishui was so desolate that there was no food to be found, not even a piece of cloth.

Whether it is a hundred schools of thought, masters from all sides, or Daqin cavalry, they all rely on the dry food they bring to survive.

At this moment, the emperor's clothes were all wet, and he fell into a coma. Even Yinyue's change of clothes was already soaked by the heavy rain, so Yinyue had to quickly find some firewood in the hall.

Because even firewood was hard to find, she directly took off the door of the main hall, split it into firewood, lit it on the spot, dried Yingshou's clothes, and then brought the emperor to a dusty room in the backyard change clothes.

This side has just finished busy work, and Li Yuanba has already summoned the army back there.

Immediately, the army surrounded the entire General's Mansion tightly and guarded it.

"Quick, clean up the room, Your Majesty needs to rest!"

Like a little butler, Yinyue directed a group of soldiers and busily tidied up the room.

Although the room was simple, it was cleaned up quickly.

At the same time, someone found a fox fur cloak and fine fur quilts from the Huns' camp, spread them on the bed, and dressed the emperor to sleep.

After taking care of the emperor to rest, all the soldiers took care of the masters and masters from all sides, so that everyone fell into a rest.

After hearing the heavy rain, all the soldiers immediately went out of the city to clean up the battlefield to prevent the corpse from being stored for too long and causing a plague.

After the corpses were sorted out, the battle in darkness ended with darkness.

On this side, the emperor had completely calmed down. The emperor had slept for two days and hadn't woken up yet. On the other side, Wei Liao led an army of [-] and continued on his way day and night.

Because of this large army, Qingqi has been dispatched by Yingshou, and the rest are either heavy cavalry or infantry. Although they travel day and night, their speed cannot be compared with Yingshou and others, so that they are two days behind Yingshou and others. The distance is even more.


"Report to the Generalissimo, His Majesty the Emperor led the army to catch up with the Hun army outside Huishui City, and has dispersed all the Xiongnu army. He sent me to report and let the Generalissimo do things cheaply!"

While walking quickly, Wei Liao suddenly received a report from the front.

"What, the emperor repelled the Huns' army?"

Wei Liao was taken aback. Although he knew the emperor was powerful, with the 1-odd army and the [-] forbidden army, he would be able to mediate with the Xiongnu army.

Especially after reaching the Northeast Great Wall, there are still [-] troops, and it is not impossible to fight against the Huns.

But this shot repelled the Xiongnu army, and the guards of the Northeast Great Wall had not yet been used, which made him a little unbelievable.

"That's right, His Majesty the Emperor led the army and successfully repelled the Huns' army."

"At present, there are still about 15 remnants of the Huns fleeing towards the Xiongnu grassland. All the horses of these Huns' army have been abandoned on the battlefield. It will not happen overnight if they want to return to the Xiongnu grassland!"

The soldier who sent the letter reported.

"Oh, all the horses of the Xiongnu army were abandoned on the battlefield? Well, this commander knows what to do!"

Wei Liao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, this news was like a powerful medicine to him.

"Go back and report to the emperor immediately, I will definitely capture the Xiongnu Shanyu alive, so that none of the 10,000+ Huns can escape from our Great Qin territory!"

While speaking, Wei Liao gave instructions to the soldier again.


The soldier promised without any hesitation, turned around and left.

"Come on, send some of the grain and grass Song to Huishui City immediately, and the rest of the people, follow me to fight to the northwest to prevent the Xiongnu army from fleeing to the northwest grassland!"


After the soldier left, Wei Liao immediately gave the order.

The army turned around and went straight to the northwest.

In Huishui City, another day and night passed. In the early morning of this day, the emperor was full of energy and blood, and with the power of medicine and stones from Master Mushi, the injuries on his body had recovered.

At the same time, the emperor finally woke up from his sleep.

To him, this sleep can be described as a dark sleep, with no light from the sun and the moon.

After waking up, all the tiredness completely disappeared, and his whole body seemed to be filled with endless power.

Yinyue came in from the door with a basin of water, and was about to wipe the emperor's body, but just as she walked in, she saw that the emperor had already sat up. ?”

Ying Shou turned his head to look, saw Yinyue, immediately raised his hand and said, "Come here..."

Yinyue hurriedly stepped forward, put the basin on the side shelf, and said respectfully, "What is your majesty's order?"

Ying Shou frowned and said, "How long have I been asleep?"

Yinyue said: "Report to Your Majesty, Your Majesty has slept for three days and three nights!"

"so long?"

Ying Shou was shocked. He only knew that he slept very comfortably and lost all consciousness, but he never thought that time would pass so quickly.

"By the way, how about the battle report, come quickly!"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, and he changed the subject.

At this moment, for him, the most important thing is the result of this battle.

Although he knew that the battle had been won, how many enemy soldiers were strangled, how many were released, and how many were captured were all important news and indispensable.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, His Majesty fell into a coma that day. In order to protect and take care of His Majesty, the servants made their own decisions and asked the army to withdraw immediately, and sent someone to send a letter to Generalissimo Wei Liaozi, so that Generalissimo Weiliao could deal with the remaining soldiers."

"As for this battle, the Xiongnu army lost a total of 20 people, with no survivors and no prisoners. In addition, our army harvested 40 excellent horses, all of which are in Huishui City. Your Majesty, please review them later!"

Silver Moon bowed.


Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, nodded slightly, and said, "Very well, the review is unnecessary. It is a wise move for you to convey this news to Consolation as soon as possible."

"As the Generalissimo of our three armies, Wei Liao will definitely be able to deal with the rest of the Xiongnu remnants!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at Yinyue with admiration, even she couldn't help admiring, this woman is really not ordinary shrewd, this series of arrangements is simply impeccable.

"Yinyue, pass on the order so that you can take care of the various families and knights from all walks of life. These people have made great contributions to our Great Qin this time, and when I return to Xianyang, they will definitely be rewarded!"

(End of this chapter)

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