Chapter 250 Triumph
"Your Majesty, these people are waiting for you to wake up and summon them. You don't plan to meet them?"

Silver Moon asked in a low voice.

"I don't see you for now..."

Ying Shou waved his hand. He has recovered now. After careful consideration, this is not the best time to summon these people.

Since you want to take these people for your own use, you have to find a good time to do it.

"By the way, I have drawn up an imperial decree, and you immediately ask someone to bring back to Xianyang the ashes of all the great Qin warriors in this battle, and hand this imperial decree to Xiao He, and ask him to prepare an altar for me to return to Xianyang At that time, a sacrificial ceremony will be held for those who protect Great Qin and shed their blood, and the focus on this matter will be handed over to Shusun Tong."

"Shusun Tong is the Imperial Tutor, in charge of Daqin etiquette education, so Xiao He must cooperate!"

While talking, Ying Shou thought of something, and said to Yinyue again.


Yinyue agreed, and then found a pen, ink, and silk for Ying Shou. After Ying Shou wrote down the imperial edict, she immediately conveyed Ying Shou's order.

Soon, an army of as many as 5000 people left Huishui City in a mighty manner, consigned a carload of ashes, and headed for Xianyang.

The next day, the food and grass sent by the Wei Liao army was also sent to Huishui City, and a supply was sent to the people who lacked food and grass in Huishui City.

In the next few days, battle reports continued to come from the front line one after another.

On the third day after receiving the food and grass, there was a battle report from Wei Liao. The army had already met one of the Huns who had fled in all directions. The Huns had a total of 3 troops.After a fierce battle, three thousand enemies were killed and twenty-seven thousand were captured.

Another day later, the battle report came, and the army encountered three Xiongnu troops with tens of thousands of people one after another. They killed [-] enemies and captured the rest.

Another day later, the battle report came. The Xiongnu army had no food and grass, gnawed on the bark, and was unable to fight any more.Daqin Heijia captured more than a dozen Xiongnu armies in a row, gathering a total of 5 people.

The battle report was delivered to Huishui City day after day, until the seventh day, all the Xiongnu army was finally wiped out, and nine tribal leaders of the Xiongnu, as well as the Xiongnu Shanyu were captured.

At this point, the battle is completely over.

Of the 50 Huns who entered the pass, none of them survived the Huns.

"Okay...okay...the Huns are young and dare to offend us, Great Qin. This is the fate of the Huns. Pass down the order, three thousand forbidden troops will go back to Xianyang with me, and the rest of the Qingqi will rush to the Northwest Great Wall."

"In addition, I sent a decree to comfort Liao. You don't have to go back to Xianyang, and immediately lead the army to the Northwest Great Wall. From now on, he will take over the 20 troops on the Northeast Great Wall. Together with his army, he will gather a total of [-] troops! Resist the East Hu in the east, and resist in the west. Huns, make no mistakes!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly in the general hall of Huishui City, and then sent an order.


The messenger promised, turned around and left.

Not long after, the army set out.

Of the [-] Qingqi, [-] Qingqi had already escorted the ashes of many martyrs to Xianyang, and the remaining [-] went directly to the Northwest Great Wall.

And the three thousand white horses Yicong, which is now the three thousand Great Qin Forbidden Army, went to Xianyang together with Ying Shou, a hundred schools of thought, and masters from all sides.

As the news of the pacification of the Xiongnu disaster spread to the pass, countless people cheered instantly, and countless people kowtowed to the sky and wept with joy.

After some ecstasy, everyone began to devote themselves to this year's spring plowing.

The people who had been evacuated from the former site of Zhao State did not withdraw immediately this year, but were arranged in various places in the pass to join the spring plowing team.

More than a month later, Ying Shou and others returned to Xianyang. Along the way, they could only see the places they passed. Everyone was busy, full of enthusiasm, and there was indescribable joy. Everyone was full of energy.

This morning, outside the city of Xianyang, hundreds of officials left the city at the same time, waiting for the emperor's team that was about to return in triumph.

The people in Xianyang put down their work and went out of the city to respond.

When seeing the triumphant army from a distance, everyone couldn't help but take two steps forward.

"Congratulations on your majesty's triumphant return, long live your majesty, long live, long live..."

As soon as the triumphant army arrived at the city, hundreds of thousands of civil and military officials and hundreds of thousands of people immediately saluted and shouted loudly.

"Pingshen, today our army is making a triumphant return, let the whole world celebrate, let's enter the city!"

With a wave of his sleeve, the voice spread to everyone's ears.


Everyone stood up and lined the road to welcome His Majesty the Emperor and the triumphant army into the city. Along the way, there were laughter from the common people, and the crisp laughter among the children, accompanied by the triumphant song, seemed extremely lively.

All the way to the outside of the Xianyang Palace, watching the emperor's army enter the Xianyang Palace, the people just dispersed, but on this day, the people's mouths cannot be separated from the emperor, and all kinds of rumors about this battle.

"Da Qin Mingyue Da Qin Pass, the Long Marcher has not yet returned! But let the dragon city flying generals stay, don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain!"

Countless children began to sing this poem that the emperor recited during his conquest.

At the same time, this poem has also become the talk of countless people after dinner.

"Tragedy... Tragic..."

"It is said that in this battle of the Huns, heroes from all sides risked their lives to fight, and refused the Huns army to participate outside Huishui City for three days and three nights, making it difficult for the Huns army to move forward!"

"Who says it's not? I've also heard that in this battle, the Xiongnu's army totaled a million, hundreds of schools, and heroes from all sides. The total number was less than [-]. Everyone died."

"His Majesty the Emperor heard about this battle and was very moved. In order to save these heroes, he did not hesitate to single-handedly break away from the army and fight to Huishui City."

"In this matter, the heroes of all parties have already been wiped out, and there are only a few masters left, but they have no power to resist. In order to protect these people, His Majesty personally took action, beheading hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, and beating the Xiongnu army. .”

"Later, our army was guided by the gods. After two days and two nights of fighting with the Xiongnu, your majesty rushed to the battlefield and killed the Xiongnu to throw away their helmets and armor!"

"Later, Generalissimo Wei Liaozi led his troops to sweep away, and none of the millions of Xiongnu troops who entered the customs this time survived. Even the Xiongnu Shanyu was captured alive. I heard that they will be taken to Xianyang in two days. I really don't know how His Majesty will deal with this Xiongnu Chanyu!"

"Hmph, what else can I do, of course I'll rip it apart and die. The Huns, who harmed our Great Qin, deserve death!"

"Hey, how to deal with this is not important anymore. The important thing is that I seem to understand a little bit. Who is the dragon city flying general that His Majesty said that day?"

"Oh, who?"

"Marshal Wei Liaozi, a man of many schools and heroes from all walks of life. General Xu Chu, Hou Lieyang of Mingyang, and son Li Yuanba."

"Look, the song His Majesty sang that day was to keep the flying generals of Dragon City, but not to teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain. This time, the many heavenly soldiers and generals of our Great Qin Dynasty will beat the Xiongnu to ashes!"

"Yes, there are still people on the Long March who have not yet returned. Now, Generalissimo Wei Liaozi leads an army of [-] troops to garrison the Great Wall. The people have not returned to Xianyang, but with the Generalissimo, how can the vicious Huns go through Kunlun and kill them in the pass? ?”

"With so many heavenly soldiers and flying generals, my Great Qin will be safe!"

Among the countless conversations, many people exaggerated this battle to the sky, talking about the various legends of this battle with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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