Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 251 The Great Qin Fission Milestone

Chapter 251 The Great Qin Fission Milestone

Different from the joy in Xianyang City, after Ying Shou returned to Xianyang Palace, he immediately summoned Xiao He and asked about the sacrifice.

"Xiao He, how long will it take to complete the altar?"

Ying Shou sat on the dragon tower, his expression was a little low, and no emotion could be heard in his voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have only received His Majesty's order ten days ago, and immediately asked people to expedite the construction of the altar. The altar was set up in the Tianhu Lake in the west of Xianyang City. The project is huge, and it will take half a month to complete the construction. !"

Xiao He clasped his fists, bowed and said.

He was also very helpless about this matter.

At the beginning of the reign of the emperor, for the sake of the country's great plan, people's power was expropriated everywhere, commonly known as corvee service, but because of the use of people's power in the country, after winning the throne, he canceled this policy and issued an order that all national projects in the future. All calculated on the basis of engineering costs, and the convener came to build.

Therefore, people all over the world are busy farming, and it is difficult to find a suitable merchant to contract the altar in a short period of time. Xiao He can only find hundreds of soldiers from the imperial court that is already short of troops, and rush to work day and night put up.

"Well, it doesn't matter if it takes longer, Xiao He, you must remember not to abuse people's power. In addition, this battle is the beginning of the fission of our Great Qin Dynasty. We must set a milestone for this battle for future generations to look up to. I want to let They know that my Great Qin is the dynasty of heaven, my great Qin's heavenly soldiers and generals will work together, and the barbarians from all sides will have no choice but to submit and retreat before our Great Qin!"

Ying Shou nodded, and instructed Xiao He.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, you have worked hard for the country and the people, and I will definitely fulfill your mission!"

Xiao He's heart moved, and he said respectfully.

As one of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty in history, Xiao He is naturally not a stupid person as the current Daqin Xiangbang.

After receiving the imperial edict from the emperor, he already understood what the emperor meant.

The land of Huaxia, since the emperor of Zhou divided the feudal vassals 800 years ago, has gone through the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period for hundreds of years, and has never been unified.

Even though the first emperor swept all over the world and unified the six countries, even in order to strengthen the unified system, the first emperor even implemented the policy of the same track and the same text.

But in the final analysis, the time for Great Qin to rule the world is really too short, so short that no matter what you do, there will be no real unity in the world.

The first emperor can be on the same track and write the same text, but he can't change the thoughts formed by hundreds of schools of thought for thousands of years, and he can't change the hatred of Qin from all countries.

Now in this battle, Emperor Wu of Great Qin told the people all over the world with the facts that in the land of China, Great Qin is not an enemy, and the real enemy is outside.As a member of the Huaxia tribe, we should unanimously speak out.

Similarly, in this battle, all schools of thought did not hesitate to fight against the Huns.

Although everyone knows that these people are only for the Central Plains, but to put it another way, why not keep Daqin?

Emperor Wu of the Great Qin now set up an altar to set a milestone for the martyrs in this battle. He wanted to fully seize this opportunity and drive the fission together for the Great Qin.

He wanted to let the people of the world know that the Great Qin was unified, the world was united, all schools of thought surrendered, and Great Qin had no more internal troubles.

After understanding the emperor's intentions, Xiao He knew very well how important this sacrifice was.This is a brand new beginning for Daqin and the world.

"Xiao He, let's go!"

Ying Shou lay on his back on the dragon floor, waved his hand, and ordered.


Xiao He responded, took a deep look at Ying Shou, and then turned to leave.

He could see that the emperor was not in a good mood.

The victory of this battle was gratifying to the emperor, and even to the whole world, but the emperor's loss was too great, even more serious than the loss of a million troops.

Hundreds of schools of thought, talented scholars from all walks of life have always been coveted by the emperor, but it is a pity that they have never found a chance to take them under his command.

These people have the top knowledge in various fields, great talents in farming, water control, world governance, and military command.If all these people are used by Daqin, the development of Daqin's national power will be a hundred times faster.

As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get but a general is hard to find. With these people, not to mention a million troops, even if there are tens of millions of troops, why can't we get them?

It's a pity that many of the great talents mentioned above were all killed in this battle!

Because of the above, although he won the battle and won more with less, in the eyes of the emperor, his loss in this battle was a hundred times greater than that of the Huns, which made him unable to be happy at all.

At this moment, it is not only Ying Shou who is not happy, but all the schools and factions are also in mourning.

The emperor just cherished his talent, but for these people, the losers in this battle were all the most elite disciples from various sects.The loss this time, without a hundred years, cannot be made up at all.

And within a hundred years, there will be a blank period among the schools of thought, and if there is a little carelessness, there will be a danger of breaking the inheritance.

Outside Xianyang City, in a valley in the southern suburbs, Xuan Tongzi was wearing a Taoist robe and holding an ashes altar in his arms. into the pit.

The moment he put down the columbarium, his arms trembled violently, and he couldn't help but picked up the columbarium again, with deep reluctance and deep responsibility in his eyes.

"Hey, are you an aquatic creature?"

Xuantongzi seemed to hear a voice in his ear, it was the first words Jinniang said to him when he was a child.

Xuan Tongzi was born in the merchant family of Qi State, the Shui family. His real name was Shui Sheng. I remember that it was the first day when his father took him to Jinniang's house to propose marriage.

"who are you?"

At that time, Xuan Tongzi looked at the girl with a small whip in front of him strangely, wondering why the girl looked into his eyes with hostility.

"Hmph, I am Jinniang, aunt. I heard that you want to marry me as your wife when you grow up, right?"

Tong Jinniang looked at Shuisheng with disdain and said.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not? Can't you wait and want to marry me and have a baby now?"

Seeing Jinniang's unhappy expression, Xuan Tongzi said with a smile.

"It's a good idea. If you want me to give birth to you, I want to see what you are capable of. Watch it!"

Jinniang snorted coldly, put her hands on her hips, and brought out a kitchen knife, chasing Xuantongzi all over the yard. Although Xuantongzi was not hacked in the end, he was still beaten with black nose and swollen face, which made the adults burst into laughter.

I remember that at that time, the father, who was strict with his wife, laughed and praised his daughter-in-law to come back first, and his son would be blessed in the future.

"Hehe, Jinniang, Jinniang, tell me how stupid I am to give up so many things. If I can go back to the beginning, how great would it be?"

Recalling everything he had experienced, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Xuan Tongzi's mouth, but tears rolled down his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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