Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 253 A Coincidence

Chapter 253 A Coincidence
"As a princess of a country, you use your ignorance as an excuse, Yu Wencheng, you are still a guilty body, and you want to intercede for a remnant of the Zhao country, you should first think about how to explain your matter!"

Ying Shou snorted coldly and sat down in the pavilion.

Behind Ying Shou, Yinyue and Xu Chu hurriedly followed, standing beside Ying Shou on one left and one on the right.

"His Majesty……"

Yu Wencheng was startled. He didn't expect that the emperor had already found out Zhao Qian's identity without making a sound. This made his heart tense, and he was inexplicably afraid that the emperor would kill the grass and root out the grass and cut off the state of Zhao. The only bloodline.

"Hehe, Ying Shou, it seems that you already know the identity of this princess. Since that's the case, don't talk nonsense, kill as you want, and cut as you want."

"Anyway, there is never a shortage of blood on your hands. Back then, all the princes and nobles were beheaded by you, and now I won't be one more!"

Zhao Qian was also shocked, and then said bravely.

She is very clear, not to mention that she was born in Daqin at the moment, even if she doesn't have the power of Daqin, with the power of this person, it is easy to kill herself, so she is too lazy to resist at all.


"Shut up..."

However, when Zhao Qian finished speaking, Yu Wencheng raised his hand and slapped it down, shouting angrily: "You little woman, how dare you show yourself in front of His Majesty, if you talk nonsense, I will beat you to death today!"

As he said that, Yu Wencheng quickly looked at Ying Shou, and said, "Your Majesty, after returning to King Xie of Zhao, this girl has always been brooding about what happened at the beginning, so please don't worry about it. The general will be very clear about the truth of cutting grass and roots, and then Your Majesty, take good care of Tianwei, the Son of Heaven, how can you care about a female generation?"

"The general also knows that the crime is serious. If your majesty wants to punish the crime, the general will have no complaints. I just ask your majesty to let this poor Zhao woman go!"

While speaking, Yu Wencheng slowly knelt down and prostrated himself on the ground facing Ying Shou.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you..."

Zhao Qian was a little stunned by the beating. She was originally full of anger, but when she heard Yuwen Chengdu's words, all the anger disappeared and was replaced by an invisible warmth.

She never imagined that this iron bump with a straight face all day long would plead with His Majesty the Emperor at all costs for the sake of Zhao Guoyu.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you don't have to do this to me. You are right, let alone a princess of the Zhao Kingdom, even the Zhao royal family back then, why did I pay attention to it?"

"Tell me, how should you resolve your matter? What happened to you and the [-] troops that day, and why did you rush into the enemy's camp, causing the loss of our Daqin's [-] troops!"

Ying Shou snorted coldly, he didn't want to say more about Zhao Qian's identity, he just wanted to ask about what happened that day.

Yuwen Chengdu is Ying Shou's most important general.

Ying Shou's emphasis on Yuwen Chengdu completely surpassed that of Xu Chu, Li Yuanba and others.

When he dared to send Yuwen Chengdu to guard the Great Wall, he didn't do it randomly.

He even behaved like Yu Wencheng, a person with great strength but never arrogant.Other generals, every time there is a big battle, before the battle starts, they can talk about their abilities in a hype, thinking that they are invincible in the world, but Yuwen Chengdu has never had this problem.

He never brags about himself, although he is not handsome, but he is very stable, and because he was summoned by himself, he is even more loyal to himself, so Ying Shou does not believe that he will make such a big mistake for no reason.

It is precisely because of his belief in his own vision that Ying Shou has not executed Yu Wencheng until now, and even visited him in person.

"Your Majesty, the defeat that day was indeed the fault of the junior general. The latter will never make excuses, and please punish him!"

However, although Yu Wencheng has never been arrogant, he is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and justifies himself.Hearing Ying Shou's words, he pleaded guilty without any intention of defending himself.

From his point of view, it was the same in fact. If he hadn't lost his mind for a while, how could he do such a stupid thing?

"I'm asking you to describe the situation that day, not asking you to plead guilty."

"I'll ask again, what happened that day to make you make such a foolish decision. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will never forgive you!"

Ying Shou rolled his eyes and scolded in a cold voice.

Now he just wants to know the battle situation of that day. As for the merits and demerits, it is not Yu Wencheng who has the final say, but him who has the final say.

As Cai Yuwen Chengdu said just now, no one in the world can stop him if he really wants to kill someone.

But if he wants to save anyone, even the sky can't hurt him.


Yu Wencheng's complexion changed, and he couldn't help looking at Zhao Qian who was beside him.

He is not afraid of death, but during this time, he has gotten used to this woman whispering in his ears all day long, and he has an inexplicable feeling about this woman.

He didn't want this woman to follow in his footsteps, and for a while, he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Wencheng recounted what happened that day.

Since he rushed north to the border of the Great Wall, he fought against the Huns army several times, constantly blocking the Huns army from the Great Wall.

On that day, the Xiongnu came to attack in a large scale. He led an army of [-] and spent two days and two nights, finally defeating the Xiongnu army.

Seeing the Huns retreating and preparing to take a rest, his brain suddenly became hot and he only wanted to fight, but he didn't know why he fought. He instinctively led an army of [-] to fight out. In the end, he lost his way and was defeated by the Huns many times in a row. After all, the whole army was wiped out.

In Yuwen Chengdu's words, this is the typo he made.

It is unforgivable for a general to fail to see and act clearly and make wrong decisions in a panic.

"On that day, did your mind get hot?"

After hearing Yuwen Chengdu's description and finding out the time, Ying Shou fell into deep thought.

He remembered that it was also that night, he acted in a play and put himself on the line of life and death many times. Isn't this too coincidental?
"Your Majesty, this is very strange to say. On that day, I also had a feverish head. For some reason, I felt like I was crazy. I felt that His Majesty the Emperor was in danger. I wanted to kill Nanyue very urgently. I didn't expect This fellow Yuwen Chengdu also feels this way!"

Suddenly, Xu Chu spoke.

"You feel this way too?"

Ying Shou was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help looking at Xu Chu.

"Yeah, the last general also feels this way."

"Not only the last general, but also the dragon blood horse seems to have gone crazy. It kept crashing into the city gate that day, and was finally injured. After resting for nearly half a month, it also smashed the south gate. This matter, Xianyang Everyone knows, if you don't believe me, you can send someone to ask!"

Xu Chu said hastily.

"The same is true for war horses?"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat. Having said this, he was immediately sure that there must be some connection between them.

Could it be that all of this is because of himself?

(End of this chapter)

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