Chapter 254
"Could it be because..."

Ying Shou frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and with all his strength, he slapped down on his knee with a palm.

With this palm, Tian's leg can definitely be snapped off, it can be said to be merciless.

"Your Majesty, don't..."

However, his sudden slap suddenly caused Xu Chu and Yu Wencheng's complexions to change drastically.

On the side, neither Yinyue nor Zhao Qian noticed that Ying Shou had made a move, but the two of them instinctively rushed forward.


Ying Shou's palm was directly blocked by Yu Wencheng, and he slapped Yu Wencheng on the shoulder.


Accompanied by a mouthful of blood spurting out, Yu Wencheng's shoulder bones were shattered, and he fell to the ground, then forcibly got up again.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing, how can you harm yourself..."

When Yinyue came to her senses, she couldn't help being taken aback, she didn't understand what Ying Shou meant.

However, at this moment, Ying Shou suddenly realized, with a look of enlightenment on his face

"As expected, as expected!"

Ying Shou muttered to himself, then slowly closed his eyes, and called out deep in his consciousness: "System, what's going on, tell me!"

Unfortunately, such a call did not receive a response from the system at all.

After Ying Shou yelled a few more times, the system said impatiently, "Check it on the system interface yourself!"


Ying Shou was out of breath. He found that the system was really getting lazy, so lazy that he didn't even want to reply.

It's just that while being angry, Ying Shou suddenly sensed something was wrong.

He found that the voice of the system's reply seemed to have a trace of emotion, giving people a very weak feeling.

"It's not my illusion, is it?"

Ying Shou was taken aback by his own thoughts, but he didn't bother to ask any more. Instead, he opened the system interface and found a search bar.

Ask your own question in the search bar, and the answer will pop up in no time.

According to the above answer explanation, the emperor system is an auxiliary artifact for the emperor.As the saying goes, is it the king's land under the whole world, and is it the king's ministers on the shore of the land.

There is another saying that the emperor worries about the humiliation of his ministers, and the emperor humiliates his ministers to death.

All people or things summoned through the system live because of the host of the system, and die for the host.

Once the host is in danger, if it is a small danger, all people or things summoned by the system within a small area will feel it, and finally protect it desperately.

If it is on a large scale, the test of life and death is required.Once the life of the host is in danger, all the people or things summoned by the host will go crazy. This is a struggle when facing death.

They don't know why they struggle, but they never stop struggling.

Seeing this, Ying Shou completely understood.

Sure enough, it all started because of me.

Because of the assassination that night, he deliberately held back his hand, so that he almost survived. At this time, Yu Wencheng, who was thousands of miles away, sensed his danger and went crazy regardless of everything, which eventually caused a hundred thousand people. The whole army was wiped out.


Knowing this, Ying Shou couldn't help but sighed.

Opening his eyes, he saw that everyone was looking at him worriedly, as if he was afraid that he would harm himself again.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Are you too tired and tired?"

Yinyue looked at Ying Shou anxiously, and said worriedly.

In her opinion, it must be because the emperor was too tired during this period of time, coupled with the fact that his mind was not going his way, that he would do such a stupid thing.

"Your Majesty, don't scare us. If something happens to you, we won't be able to explain it to the world. Don't mess around, or you will kill me first!"

Xu Chu held Ying Shou's hand tightly and said hastily.

Yu Wencheng didn't speak, just hugged his injured arm and looked at Ying Shou vigilantly, not to prevent Ying Shou from attacking him suddenly, but to prevent Ying Shou from harming himself again.

As for Zhao Qian on the other side, she was angry and dissatisfied: "If you want to kill, kill it, why bother to torture people like this."

"I know you are very upset about his defeat this time. If you don't feel relieved, just order him to be convicted and killed. What's the matter with hurting others like this?"

"Do not talk……"

Yu Wencheng's eyes were fixed, and he realized that the woman next to him was purely looking for death.

Now that he was already on the line of life and death, he still dared to speak like this in front of the emperor, it seemed that he had lived too long!
"It's okay, it's okay..."

However, before Yu Wencheng finished speaking, Ying Shou suddenly waved his hand to stop him.

"Zhao Qian, right? You wish I could punish Yu Wencheng immediately and kill him?"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at Zhao Qian with a half-smile and said.

"Hmph, don't you think so?"

Zhao Qian snorted coldly, and said to Maimang with Ying Shou.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter what I think, I just want to know what you think now."

"In this way, I will give you a chance. Don't you hate me, Daqin? Today, I will give you a chance to decide the life and death of my Daqin soldiers."

"As long as you say a word, if you want to kill him, I will kill him. If you want to keep him, you only need to ask me for mercy, and I will let him go. What do you think?"

Ying Shou smiled lightly.


Zhao Qian was stunned, a little puzzled, what does the emperor mean by this.

"I have the final say?"

Zhao Qian said in astonishment.

"That's right, you have the final say..."

Ying Shou nodded.

"Hahaha, Ying Shou, do you think it's fun to tease others like this?"

Zhao Qian laughed, and looked at Ying Shou with disdain, thinking that Ying Shou was teasing herself.

"In my life, I say one is one, and two is two. I never tease others."

"I said, as long as you say a word, I will kill him immediately. Of course, if you kneel down and beg me for him, I will definitely grant your wish!"

Ying Shou silently watched Zhao Qiandao.


Zhao Qian was completely dumbfounded. He had a feeling that the emperor was really not joking with him.

"A word of a word is a promise, and a horse is hard to follow..."

Ying Shou nodded.

"This is what you said. As a benevolent monarch, if you break your promise to others, you will definitely be cast aside by the world. If you really decide, I beg you, spare his life."

"As the saying goes, people are not sages and sages can do nothing. On the battlefield, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. I can see that Yuwencheng is loyal to you and Daqin. I used to wish I could kill him, but I can see even more that he He is a good general, I hope you can spare his life!"

After a moment of silence, Zhao Qian suddenly fell to her knees and begged Ying Shou.

"Zhao Qian, you..."

Yu Wencheng was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Zhao Qian's shoulder.

He didn't think that his life was in the control of a woman, even if it was true, he didn't want a woman to plead for him.

"Okay, I always say one thing, since you ask, I promise you not to die!"

Right here, Ying Shou stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

"His Majesty……"


Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian opened their mouths one after another, neither of them seemed to have thought that Ying Shou really agreed to let Yuwen Chengdu go.

(End of this chapter)

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