Chapter 255
"You really agree?"

Zhao Qian looked at Ying Shou in disbelief. She just had the attitude of giving it a try. She never thought that Ying Shou would really let Yuwen Chengdu go.

"I've said it, I've said what I said, and I never go back on it. But I agreed to your request, and you have to agree to my conditions!"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

"What conditions?"

Zhao Qian was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Marry into my Great Qin!"

Ying Shou said solemnly.

"Married into Daqin?"

Zhao Qian was startled, and her expression changed drastically.

"No, I will never marry Qin, and I will never marry you!"

Suddenly, Zhao Qian cried out with a pale face.

For Yuwen Chengdu, he could ask Yingshou, but in Yingshou's words, this means marrying Daqin.

As for marriage, the best result is naturally to marry Ying Shou.

But Ying Shou is also his father-killing enemy and family-killing enemy in the final analysis, how can he marry Ying Shou?

Besides, Ying Shou is not the person he likes...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but looked towards Yu Wencheng.

"Why are you so excited?"

Ying Shou frowned slightly, a little speechless.

This woman's behavior made him doubt whether she was a princess of a country, and she didn't even have a little composure.

"I just let you marry into my Daqin, but didn't let you into the palace. With your beauty, do you think I can fancy you?"

Ying Shou shook his head and sneered.


Zhao Qian was out of breath. Ying Shou's words were a bit shocking to a woman.

What does it mean that he doesn't like his own beauty, is it because he thinks he is ugly?

Zhao Qian asked herself that she was nothing compared to the good girl standing behind Ying Shou, but she wasn't ugly either.

In the history of history, there seemed to be not many princesses from all over the world who were more beautiful than themselves.

"Then who do you want me to marry?"

Zhao Qian looked at Ying Shou warily and asked.

"Yuwen Chengdu!"

Ying Shou said in a low voice.

"You are the evil of the Zhao Kingdom, and I will kill you immediately because of this."

"Of course, you are just a girl, I don't want to bother you."

: You want to plead for Yuwen Chengdu, and I agree, but you tell me, why do you plead for Yuwen Chengdu?The two of you are not relatives, why should I give you this chance? "

"If you agree to marry Yuwen Chengdu, you will be my wife, General Daqin. I sympathize with the people of the world, and the civil and military courts of the court can justifiably give you this opportunity. Tell me, are you willing or not?"

Ying Shou looked at Zhao Qian and said coldly.


Zhao Qian's heart moved. Hearing this, for some reason, a look of joy surged in her heart, and she almost blurted out the words "I am willing."

But in the end, she stopped.

She didn't understand why she felt this way, but it seemed like this was the time for her to repay her life-saving grace, right?

Although he and Daqin had a mortal enmity, Yu Wencheng had saved him anyway, and promised him with his body, so it shouldn't be considered a thief as his father, right?

"Is that really the only way?"

Zhao Qian asked hesitantly.

"It can only be so..."

Ying Shou said without a doubt.

"Okay, I promise you. Yu Wencheng is my savior, today, I will repay the favor!"

Without hesitation, Zhao Qian made an excuse for herself and agreed to stay.

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Wencheng who was at the side suddenly trembled.

In any case, he himself never imagined that he, who was waiting to die, would not only avoid the death penalty because of the few words between the emperor and this woman, but would instead secure his marriage.

"Okay, since you have agreed, I will pass on the decree immediately to prepare for the wedding of the two of you!"

Without hesitation, Ying Shou said to Yinyue who was behind him while speaking: "Yinyue, later on, you will draw up an order for me and tell the world that Yuwencheng is a sinful body, and should have died."

"However, the reason is that in the battle of the Xiongnu, he spared no effort to save Zhao Qian, the former Princess of Zhao, and restore the relationship between my Great Qin and the former Zhao."

"Now, the former Princess Zhao is willing to marry Yuwen Chengdu to restore the friendship between the people of the two places for my wife, General Daqin!"

"For the sake of the former Princess Zhao, and for the sake of the people of the world, I have decided to pardon Yuwen Chengdu's crimes, and give Yuwen Chengdu a marriage, and choose a day to marry Princess Zhao Qian!"

After a pause, Ying Shou said again: "Besides, the former Zhao no longer exists. I am a friend of the world, and in the name of the princess, I have become a brother and sister of the opposite sex with Zhao Qian. From now on, Zhao Qian is both the former Princess Zhao and the princess." It's me, Princess Daqin!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Shou turned around and left Yuwen Chengdu's General's Mansion.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty..."

Yuwen Chengdu stared blankly at the backs of Ying Shou, Yinyue and others leaving, and it took a long time to realize that he quickly thanked them.

"What are you still doing?"

Looking up, Yu Wencheng saw Zhao Qian standing there blankly, and couldn't help but said.


"Congratulations to Your Majesty..."

Zhao Qian hesitated for a moment, although the emperor had already left, she still saluted and sent him off.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he understood the emperor's intentions, and he had to admire him from the bottom of his heart. This emperor was indeed not an ordinary monarch.

His thoughtfulness is astonishing.

He had no intention of punishing Yuwen Chengdu, but as an emperor, although he has the right to decide life and death, it is difficult to explain to the world.

Now, under his guidance, he is marrying Yuwen Chengdu. In this way, if he pleads for Yuwen Chengdu, he can go along with the flow and put all the responsibility on himself.

Coupled with the fact that the former Princess Zhao married the current Great Qin General, this is even more news for the people of the world that the Zhao royal family has settled their suspicions with the Qin State. From then on, there will be no barriers between the people of the two places.

Zhao Guo and Qin Guo have both settled their suspicions, and the people of other countries are no exception.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone.Can't help but save Yuwen Chengdu, and resolve all the grievances and grievances between the two countries.

Especially for Zhao Qian, for some reason, she was very happy in her heart, and she didn't resist this decision at all. Even though she knew she was being used, she was willing.

Because she is not marrying someone else now, but the golden armor general who saved him in the midst of thousands of troops.

To her, it doesn't matter whether it is repaired or not. The important thing is that she successfully saved this man and married the person she likes.

Isn't this the greatest blessing for a woman throughout the ages.

"Yuwenchengdu, did you hear me clearly? This princess saved your life today, and now, this young master is also the princess of Daqin. In the future, you should treat me better, otherwise, this princess will definitely not spare you!"

Suddenly, Zhao Qian got up, stared at Yu Wencheng with a smile on her face and said.

A woman who is in love, at this moment, has forgotten all hatred, and just wants to follow the man in front of her for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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