Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 256 Princess Daqin

Chapter 256 Princess Daqin

Yu Wencheng looked back at Zhao Qian. At this moment, he was also in a very complicated mood. He didn't know whether he should be happy or what.

But he knew very well that his life was given by the emperor, if the emperor really wanted to kill him, not to mention one ex-princess Zhao, even a thousand ex-princess Zhao would not be able to save him.

"Hey, Yuwen Chengdu, His Majesty the Emperor asked me to give this to you. Take it quickly and heal your wounds quickly. Your Majesty said that when your injuries recover, you will get married immediately!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Xu Chu, who had followed the emperor away, suddenly came back, shouted loudly, came to Yu Wencheng, and handed Yu Wencheng a small porcelain bottle.

"The emperor gave it to me?"

Yu Wencheng was startled, and hastily reached out to take it.

"That's right, hurry up and accept it, don't let down the emperor's kindness!"

Xu Chu hummed.

Yu Wencheng heard the words, dared not hesitate, quickly poured out a small pill, and took it as soon as he raised his head.

"Hey, Yuwen Chengdu, Yuwen Chengdu, you have a wife now. In the future, you should go to places like the battlefield less often!"

"Don't die one day. It's not good for a wife to be a widow at home. In the future, if the emperor asks you to lead troops, you can push it to me. I will help you lead troops to fight, and you just stay at home and take care of your beautiful lady, our princess. That's it!"

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu taking medicine, Xu Chu suddenly grinned, patted Yuwen Chengdu on the shoulder and said.


Yu Wencheng's eyes turned cold, and he scolded unceremoniously.

"Hey, I said Yuwen Chengdu. Now I can say that I am also an envoy sent by His Majesty the Emperor to deliver medicine to you. How dare you speak to me like that."

"Do you know that to be rude to the envoy is to be rude to His Majesty, and you will be beheaded!"

Xu Chu was dissatisfied.


Yu Wencheng was stunned. Although he was not happy with this guy who always wanted to grab military merits and loved to fight, he had to admit that he was really the emperor's envoy, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense right away.

"Hey, if you don't want to talk, just shut up. The emperor told me, let me tell you to treat Her Royal Highness well. If Her Royal Highness suffers any grievance from you, Your Majesty will not forgive you! "

Xu Chu smiled triumphantly, and while speaking, turned his head to look at Zhao Qian, cupped his fists and said, "I have seen Your Highness the Princess!"


Zhao Qian was taken aback for a moment, feeling unnatural.

Although she is a veritable Princess of Zhao, few people actually know her identity.

In layman's terms, he is the princess left by King Zhao among the people, so he has never been visited by others.

Similarly, because of her exile among the people, when she massacred Zhao's royal family, she saved her life because she didn't realize it. Otherwise, she would have died under the iron cavalry of the Qin army.

I have to say, sometimes that's how coincidence happens.

Thinking that she was not taken seriously, Daqin left her behind, and because of her, finally saved Yu Wencheng's life and became Daqin's princess.

Now, Zhao Qian, who had never been treated so courteously before, was suddenly greeted by someone calling her Your Highness the Princess, which made it difficult for her to adapt.

"Hey, stand up quickly!"

Seeing Xu Chu standing there with his hands clasped together, Zhao Qian felt even more uncomfortable and said hastily.

"The general salutes, the princess won't let him get up, the general dare not stand up on his own!"

Xu Chu said respectfully.

He was unhappy seeing Yu Wencheng, but he didn't dare to implicate the princess.

Although this is the former Princess Zhao, she is now His Majesty's younger sister, and Princess Daqin is also his master.

"Ah, then get up, I already made you up!"

Zhao Qian said quickly.

"Thank you, Princess, by the way, His Majesty the Emperor passed on a decree to ask the last general to bring a word to the princess!"

Xu Chu smiled, got up and said.


Zhao Qian said in surprise.

"Your Majesty said that from now on, you will be the princess of Daqin, with a body of ten thousand gold, and you will not be bullied by anyone."

"If General Yuwen doesn't respect you enough and bullies the princess, you can go to the palace and report to the emperor, and the emperor will definitely punish you severely."

"In addition, if you have time in the future, you can go to the palace more often. His Majesty the Emperor does not have a younger sister. Now that he has a younger sister, he should get closer!"

Xu Chu said in a deep voice.

"Oh, you go and tell Ying... No, you go and tell His Majesty the Emperor, I know!"

Zhao Qian nodded and almost called Ying Shou Qiming directly, but when she realized it, she immediately changed her words.

Now that my life is still in the hands of others, and the person I like is also in the hands of others, this is not the time to talk nonsense, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be slaughtered by the matchmaker as soon as you get together with the person you like. But it would be a big loss.

"Well, the last general's words have already been delivered, so let's leave without disturbing the princess!"

Xu Chu cupped his fists and said with a smile.

"Well, hurry up and chase His Majesty the Emperor!"

Zhao Qian nodded.

Xu Chu turned and left, walked to the backyard door, turned back and said: "Yuwen Chengdu, remember, take good care of Her Royal Highness in the future, and don't fight with me for the fight!"

After speaking, he left arrogantly.It seems that for him, now that Yu Wencheng is married, it is like falling into a pit of fire.


Facing his arrogance, Yu Wencheng didn't respond, but read in a low and cold voice.

"Hee hee, did you hear that, your emperor has ordered you to take good care of this princess in the future, otherwise if you dare to bully this princess, this princess will tell you the emperor that you must go around without food!"

As Xu Chu left, Zhao Qian suddenly smiled and said to Yu Wencheng.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, the final general will definitely abide by the will and will not disgrace the name of the princess!"

Yu Wencheng was speechless, because of the emperor's words, this woman would have to whisper in her ears to death in the future.

But this is the emperor's order, he has to obey, and he has never bullied this woman!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Qian.

The matter of Yuwen Chengdu, compared with today's world, can be described as a first-class event.

After all, as a general, he eventually led to the annihilation of the entire army. He also let the Huns enter the pass, burned, killed and looted, leaving millions of people dead and homeless. This is an unforgivable crime.

The people all over the world condemned him verbally and in writing, and even many courtiers had prepared a memorial, just waiting for the emperor's court meeting to impeach Yuwen Chengdu.

But after the emperor came back, he didn't go to court immediately, but quietly disappeared in the harem.

While everyone was waiting for impeachment at the court meeting, the emperor suddenly issued an order to forgive Yuwen Chengdu and give Yuwen Chengdu a marriage.

Some people agree with the emperor's statement, after all, this move is the best choice for the benefit of the people of the two places.

However, some people opposed the emperor's will, and felt that the emperor was too forgiving of Yuwen Chengdu in this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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