Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 257 Wang Lin's doubts

Chapter 257 Wang Lin's doubts

"What, Yu Wencheng committed such a heinous crime. Not only was he not punished, but he was given a marriage. The emperor is unfair!"

"Yuwen Chengdu damaged our [-]-strong Qin army, let the Xiongnu enter the pass, and washed thousands of miles with blood. This is unforgivable, and we must not let them get away with it!"

"Your Majesty is not fair, we need to jointly file a petition..."

After most people saw the imperial decree issued by the emperor, they were immediately filled with anger, and they were ready to join the petition and hand over the Wanmin letter, begging the emperor to take back the order.

"Emperor Shengming, now that there is a unified government, the people of all countries in the world are filled with hatred."

"Now the former Princess Zhao is married to me, General Daqin, and she and His Majesty are brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. This is a sign that the world will join hands and the world will prosper!"

"Who says it's not? In today's world, a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated. It's time for all of us in China to work together. If you think that you are entangled with all countries and places at this time, it will inevitably cause chaos."

"Now the former Princess Zhao and I, His Majesty the Great Qin, are married as brothers and sisters of the opposite sex to resolve a feud. The people of Qin and Zhao are as close as one family. The day of peace in the world is not far away!"

This is the thinking of some people. After seeing the emperor's notice, they are very satisfied with the emperor's decision.

In their view, Yuwen Chengdu is certainly an unforgivable crime, but if it is because of Yuwen Chengdu that the internal conflicts in the Central Plains can be resolved, it is definitely worth it.

After experiencing the disaster of the Huns, many people are very clear that the enemies of the Central Plains are not here, but outside, outside the Great Wall.

The Huns and the Hus are our common enemy.

Of course, there are also many former Zhao people who cannot accept this reality.

In their view, Yuwen Chengdu is absolutely unforgivable. After all, the most severely affected by the Huns' rebellion was the Zhao people.

Because of this catastrophe, millions of Zhao people were killed and injured, and millions of people were forced to relocate and became homeless.

Even if everyone can give up the hatred of Qin for destroying Zhao, they will never forgive Yuwen Chengdu. For a while, when discussing this matter, almost most of the people are opposed to exempting Yuwen Chengdu from the crime and opposing Yuwen Chengdu's marriage.

All of a sudden, various Wanmin books began to spread from all over the world, and they were continuously delivered to Xianyang City.

Similarly, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were also very dissatisfied with this, and many people joined forces to impeach Yuwen Chengdu.

Of course, the preparation of these people is one thing, and so is the Manmin Book.

It will take a long time for this matter to formally break out.

After all, the world is so big, and it is not an easy matter to send many Wanmin books to Xianyang. As for the civil and military officials, as long as the emperor does not open the early court, they will not even have a chance to ask for an audience, let alone impeach others. Can only wait for the opportunity.

Time passed day by day while waiting like this. After deciding on the matter of Yuwen Chengdu, on the third day, the Xiongnu Shanyu and a group of Hun tribe leaders were finally escorted to Xianyang.

Ying Shou did not deal with these people immediately, but directly locked them in the dungeon, waiting for subsequent treatment.

After these people arrived, more than ten days passed.

Since the emperor returned to Xianyang, everyone was waiting for the court meeting, but the emperor postponed the court meeting day by day, which made many people dissatisfied. Some people even started to unite with the officials in the court to prepare for the meeting outside the Xianyang Palace. Ask the emperor to go to court.

Of course, some people are dissatisfied, but some people are indifferent, as if nothing happened.

For example, Xiao He is busy with government affairs all day long.

As the prime minister of the current court, when the emperor is not in court, he has to deal with various memorials every day, report the most important events to the emperor, and wait for the emperor's decision.

As for the handling of Yuwen Chengdu, he never mentioned it.

In the memorials he sent to the emperor, there were also many impeachments against Yuwen Chengdu, and there were even many Wanmin letters in it, but the emperor seemed to not see it at all, and kept not mentioning it, so he pretended not to know.

Similarly, similar to Shusun Tong, he was also busy all day with setting up schools across the country and preparing for sacrifices. He seemed to have not heard all kinds of rumors outside, and even strictly prohibited people in the mansion from talking about it.

That night, Shu Suntong had been busy for a whole day. As soon as he returned to the mansion, he saw a young man waiting at the door of his study from a distance.


Shu Suntong raised his eyebrows, walked over quickly, and said, "How is your injury, why did you come out?"

The young man was Wang Lin who had been fighting the enemy back and forth among the thousands of armies before. Hearing this, he smiled slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Lin'er has seen Uncle, uncle, don't worry, Lin'er's injury has already healed, and there is no need to continue to recuperate. Today Lin'er has something that is always difficult to understand, so I came here to ask my uncle, and I hope my uncle can answer me!"

Uncle Suntong couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

You know, this kid liked to dance with knives and guns since he was a child, and he has never been able to learn a thing or two about learning.Even if I have some interest in holding the book of war, I rely on my own to understand it, and never ask myself.

Today he came suddenly and said that he had doubts and wanted to answer, which made Shusuntong a little unbelievable.

"Hehe, come in and talk about something!"

Shu Suntong chuckled, pushed away the people in the study and walked in.

Wang Lin followed behind and stood still before committing the crime, watching Shu Suntong sitting behind the table.

"Lin'er, if you have any questions, you can ask them, and see if uncle can answer them!"

After Shu Suntong sat down, he looked at Wang Lin with a smile and said.

"Uncle, about this matter, Lin'er doesn't know whether to say it properly, because the uncle's house is strictly forbidden to spread such words, if Lin'er said it, I hope uncle will not be angry!"

Lin'er hesitated for a moment, and said in another way.

"Oh, you mean about Yuwen Chengdu?"

When Uncle Suntong heard the words, he still didn't understand what Wang Lin said.


Wang Lin nodded in response.

"You want to ask, why does His Majesty forgive Yuwen Chengdu so easily?"

Shu Suntong looked at Wang Lin and said.

"That's right, according to my uncle's teaching since childhood, mistakes must be punished. Isn't it absurd that Yuwen Chengdu's crime should be settled so hastily!"

Wang Lin said bluntly.

"Oh, in your opinion, how should Yu Wencheng be dealt with?"

Shu Suntong laughed.

"The crime committed by Yuwen Chengdu is a heinous crime, and the crime is like a car!"

Wang Lin answered.

"Oh, the crime is like a cracked car. That's right, this crime is unforgivable, and the only way to do it is to split a car. Lin'er, tell me, what will happen after Yu Wencheng is killed?"

Shu Suntong nodded, pretending to be stunned, and asked.

"Killing Yuwen Chengcheng to respect the world, what else can I do?"

Wang Lin was puzzled.

In his opinion, as the emperor, the emperor should be rewarded and punished clearly, otherwise how can he rule the world?

But now the emperor's actions are obviously suspected of being partial, which makes him a little dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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