Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 258 Uncle Sun Tong's Outlook on Life

Chapter 258 Uncle Sun Tong's Outlook on Life

"Hehe, kill Yuwen Chengdu to respect the world, Lin'er, tell me, who owns the world today?"

Shu Suntong shook his head and smiled, feeling helpless at Wang Lin's innocence.

"Of course it belongs to the world!"

Wang Lin took it for granted.

"What is the world of the world, remember, this is the world of the emperor."

"You must be thinking, as an emperor, you should be rewarded and punished? Kill Yuwen Chengdu to thank the world, but you tell the old man, Yuwen Chengdu is dead, who will fight for my Great Qin, and who will serve my Great Qin?"

Shu Suntong's face turned cold, and he said suddenly.

"Uncle, everyone in the world can serve for the Great Qin, and everyone in the world can fight for the emperor. Could it be that Yuwen Cheng is the only one who can't be successful?"

Wang Lin was startled when he saw Uncle Suntong change his face, but he still said forcefully.

"That sounds nice, do you know who this Yuwen Cheng is?"

"Let me tell you, he was the first batch of courtiers who accompanied the emperor to fight the world. He is the founding father of the Great Qin Dynasty today. He is the person His Majesty trusts the most. Do you know how much His Majesty trusts him?"

"Let me tell you again, His Majesty the Emperor has trusted him so much that you can entrust the whole country's soldiers and horses to him, and you can entrust your own life to him!"

"In the battle of Xianyang that day, 60 troops came, and there were only a few thousand soldiers in the city. It was Yuwen Chengdu who traveled thousands of miles, and ran day and night for a month, to Xianyang, to pacify the rebels everywhere for His Majesty!"

Shu Suntong shook his head, and while speaking, he talked about the importance of Yuwen Chengdu to Daqin.

"But uncle, the establishment of Yuwen Chengdu has made a lot of contributions, but since the arrival of Duke Xiao, my Great Qin has made meritorious deeds, demerits are demerits, and merits and demerits do not offset. This has always been the foundation of our Great Qin's founding. Chengdu, how to convince the world?"

Wang Lin continued to speak forcefully.

"Heh, according to what you said, if Yuwen Chengdu is killed, the people in this world will be convinced? Lin'er, uncle is here to tell you that if Yuwen Chengdu is really killed, people in the world will be even more dissatisfied, do you understand?"

Shu Suntong sneered, and said to Wang Lin earnestly while speaking.

"Why do you say that?"

Wang Lin was puzzled.

"Why do you say that?"

Shu Suntong sneered, and said, "Yuwenchengdu's loyalty to us, Daqin, is obvious to all people in the world!"

"That's right, he was defeated, but he didn't escape because of it."

"For my Great Qin, he did not hesitate to fight day and night, riding alone, and fighting the Huns day and night on the battlefield of the Huns."

"When my Great Qin Emperor arrived, he did not escape, but quietly waited for His Majesty's punishment!"

"Tell me how loyal it is to be so steadfast."

"As the founding father of my Great Qin, as the emperor's most trusted general, as a person who is absolutely loyal to my Great Qin."

"If one day, the emperor really kills him, who in this world would dare to serve us, Great Qin, or His Majesty the Emperor?"

"You say that everyone in the world can serve the country, but even Yuwen Chengdu will die, and everyone in the world is not a sage, who can be blameless?"

"At that time, is there no room for manoeuvre? On the battlefield, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. If Yu Wencheng is dead, if it is you, you will dare to fight for my Great Qin in the future."

"If you go to the battlefield, once you are defeated, will you pay for your life?"

Shu Suntong spoke several words in a row, leaving Wang Lin speechless.

He suddenly realized that he really seemed to be thinking too simply.

Seeing this, Shu Suntong began to use Yuwen Chengdu as an example to teach Wang Lin some of the officialdom that he said he had learned over the years.

"Lin'er, there is one thing you must know, this world belongs to the emperor."

"If one day, the emperor is fatuous, people all over the world will resist, just like the rebellion in various places before, but now the emperor is the master of the world! Since he decided to let Yuwen Chengdu go, he has his own considerations, no matter what you say , what's the use?"

"Sometimes killing one person can vent one's anger, but letting one person go is not for the sake of the overall situation. If His Majesty wants to save Yuwen Chengdu, there is no need to give any excuses, the world belongs to him."

"But in order to make people in the world feel at ease, he has already given the people in the world enough face. Anyone who talks about this now is not asking for trouble. What is that? It's forcing the palace!"

As he said that, Shu Suntong waved his hand and said, "Lin'er, go back and rest first, and think about what the old man told you tonight. I hope it will be of some use to you in your future life!"

"Lin'er resigns..."

Upon hearing the words, Wang Lin agreed, took his leave and left.

For Wang Lin, this conversation seemed to open a door to his heart, allowing him to see a different official world.

Watching Wang Lin leave, Shu Suntong muttered to himself: "Lin'er, Lin'er, your parents were already dead because they were as naive as you. I hope you don't want to follow in their footsteps!"

What he said just now can be said to be based on Shu Suntong's experience over the years.

At the beginning, when Hu Hai succeeded to the throne and Zhao Gao exercised power, no one in the civil and military courts could see it.However, those who couldn't stand it were all killed by Zhao Gao one by one in the end, and he was the only one who survived until the end, precisely because of this experience.

As a great contemporary Confucian, Shu Suntong is by no means pedantic, and he understands what is the way of officialdom and what is the way of the world.

Sometimes, you have to give in when you should be soft. If you really can't see it, just leave.

When a king really makes the world have to resist, he will naturally attract his own retribution.

At the beginning, while dealing with Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, he resigned from office.Because his actions satisfied Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, he was able to save his life in the end, and even saved the lives of more people.

His approach, in the past history, has been abused by future generations, saying that he is a sycophant.

But in his opinion, no matter how tough he was, it would be of no avail if he lost his life.In contrast, it would be more valuable to save more people.

This is Shu Suntong's outlook on life and values, and under his senses, he doesn't feel that the emperor has done anything wrong this time, but rather agrees with the emperor's actions.


The next day, it was more than half a month since the army of Ying Shou returned in triumph.

At this moment, the altar has been built, and it is on the sky lake outside the west city gate.

Early in the morning, Shusun Tong felt in front of the altar, began to check, and prepared for the next sacrifice, but before he finished his work, he saw the emperor walking with a daughter from a distance.

"My ministers see His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

Seeing the emperor, Shu Suntong immediately woke up with hundreds of soldiers who were busy far away, and saluted the emperor.


Ying Shou waved his big hand and said in a deep voice.

He didn't alarm anyone when he came this time, so only Yinyue followed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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