Chapter 259
"Your Majesty is here, but you came to inspect the altar?"

Uncle Sun Tong, bowed to Ying Shou's side, and said respectfully.

"That's right, looking at the altar, it's majestic and majestic. It seems that you have spent so much effort on this altar!"

Ying Shou nodded, put his hands behind his back, and looked towards the altar.

I saw a very huge lake under the altar, which was Tianhu.

The water of Tianhu Lake is clear and bright. From a distance, it looks like a mirror, completely reflecting the mirror image of Tiangong inside. The altar is pressed against the lake, just like it is pressed against the sky.

The altar is as high as 99 steps, which is very grand and magnificent, and it is admirable.

On the altar, there are huge stone tablets, a total of more than 40 pieces, standing on the huge platform of the altar, each stone tablet is engraved with a thousand names.

These names are all the names of heroes and martyrs from all sides of the Warriors Association Shuicheng during this battle.

"Your Majesty's reputation is too high. As the Grand Tutor of the Great Qin Dynasty, I also offered wine sacrifices for my Great Qin Dynasty. Such sacrifices are the duties of the ministers. How can they be said to be troublesome and tiring!"

Uncle Sun Tong said with a smile.


Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said, "Yinyue, follow me up and have a look!"

Saying that, the two walked towards the altar one after the other.

Seeing this, Shu Suntong quickly followed.

Stepping through 99 steps in a row, to the altar, looking around, as if overlooking the world.

Shu Suntong stood behind, watching Ying Shou and Yinyue. He saw the two of them standing here, feeling like a dragon and a phoenix, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything.

"Your Majesty, after looking at it, I don't know if there is still something that needs to be reformed?"

Shu Suntong hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and asked.

"Well, very good, very spectacular. Aiqing, now that the altar has been completed, I don't know the day of the sacrifice, which day do you think is more appropriate?"

Ying Shou nodded in satisfaction and asked.

"Your Majesty, this subject observes the sky at night, and then calculates it according to Zhou Wang's calendar, and thinks that three days later is the most suitable time!"

Shu Suntong said quickly.

Confucianism, originated from the royal family of Zhou, was inherited and educated by the etiquette and etiquette of Zhou Tianzi, and was later carried forward by Confucius, creating a school of his own.

When Confucius was young, he saw priests offering sacrifices to the dead, and he knew that this was a sacrificial ceremony.Therefore, the memorial ceremony became the beginning of the ceremony of Confucius learning.

After the death of Confucius' mother, Confucius offered sacrifices in person.

Someone once asked Confucius, are there really ghosts and gods in this world?
Confucius did not confirm or deny it, but said that the theory of ghosts and gods should be kept at a respectful distance.

To explain it in a vernacular, it is the theory of ghosts and gods. No one knows whether it is true or not, but as a human being, we should keep it at a distance.As the saying goes, respecting heaven, earth, ghosts and gods is a Confucian ritual.The dead of relatives should be treated respectfully.

It is precisely because of Confucius that sacrifice has become one of the most important etiquettes of Confucianism, and after the Great Qin ruled the world, Rujia even assumed the responsibility of sacrifice.

Furthermore, because Confucianism came from the royal family of Zhou, Confucianism has always followed the calendar handed down by King Wen of Zhou to calculate the date.

"Three days later, okay, let's focus on the day of the sacrifice three days later. Shusun Tong, pass on the order. Three days later, all the people in Xianyang will gather here. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty must not be absent. They will all go to the altar to commemorate the battle. martyr!"

Ying Shou nodded, set the date, and sent an order at the same time.


When Shusun Tong heard the words, he immediately responded.

As Ying Shou's order was issued, it soon swept across the entire Xianyang City.

"Three days later, we will sacrifice the spirits of all the masters and heroes from all walks of life?"

"Great. In this battle, heroes from all walks of life threw their heads and blood for the people of Great Qin. We will remember this tragedy in our hearts. Now Your Majesty has set up an altar to sacrifice to the martyrs. We must go! "

As soon as this news came out, it swept across the entire Xianyang City. Relatively speaking, even the matter of Yuwen Chengdu seemed to be less important.

Various schools of thought and heroes from all walks of life have been living in Xianyang City for the past few days.This is the day I've been waiting for.Among the martyrs who died in battle, there were their fellow apprentices, their brothers and sisters, or their close friends.

It is precisely to wait for this day that these talents have stayed in Xianyang City, otherwise they would have already left here with their temperament.

Heroes from all walks of life are naturally free and easy, as for the heroes and heroes of various schools, there are a lot of things in the sect waiting to be dealt with, and there is no time to wait here.

But no matter how big things are, compared with the sacrifices of many martyrs, they seem so unimportant.

Although everyone did not turn to Great Qin, but now, the Emperor Great Qin called on the world to pay homage to the martyrs, and hundreds of thousands of people in Xianyang City gathered. This is definitely the first time in history, and it is very honorable for many martyrs.

Therefore, no one would refuse to pay homage to their brothers, sisters, friends and fellow apprentices in this way.

Not only did these people not refuse, those leaders who died in battle among the various factions, such as the peasant family and the Mohist family, also sent representatives to Xianyang.


In the early morning of that day, with the sound of bells and drums, countless people flocked out of the city and came to the Tianhu Altar outside the West City Gate.

"This is the altar, so magnificent!"

"Yeah, these days, no one is allowed to come close. I didn't expect this altar to be built so tall and magnificent!"

Under the maintenance of order by the Great Qin soldiers, although the people were crowded, they stood outside the circle one after another, looking at the tall and majestic altar in front of them, their eyes filled with horror.

This can be said to be the first time in history that a king built such a high altar for a group of people in the rivers and lakes.

In the crowd, there were quite a few people from various schools and schools, seeing this scene, there was respect in their eyes.

From this altar, everyone can see that the emperor attaches great importance to the martyrs who died this time.

"Send the clock..."

Suddenly, there was a shout, and on the altar, nine wine priests, headed by the great wine priest Shusun Tong, stood in nine directions.The sound of sending the bell came from the mouth of Shusun Tong, the big wine festival.

Sending off the bell, homophonic to send off to the end, means to send the end to the deceased.

Since ancient times, there have been three, six, and nine ranks in the world, and the ranks have been clearly defined.

Sending the bell has been an etiquette since ancient times. When ordinary people send the bell, they ring the bell and ring once!The national scholar knocked three times, and it sounded three times!The princes knocked six times, and it sounded six times!Tianzi 閨, knock nine times, ring nine times, that is to send the bell, and to send the bell [Send Life]

Following the sound of Shusuntong sending the bell, directly among the crowd, on a road with a width of three zhang, eighteen soldiers came slowly with a huge bronze bell on their shoulders.

This bronze bell is very big. If you look around, it will weigh several thousand catties. This is the huge bell prepared by Daqin for these martyrs this time.

(End of this chapter)

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