Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 260: The Sacrifice Begins

Chapter 260: The Sacrifice Begins

"What a big clock..."

"Only this altar is worthy of such a big bell!"

Everyone stared at the big clock, unavoidably showing awe.

Under their watchful eyes, the eighteen soldiers carried the huge bell and came to the altar step by step, then walked up to the altar, and finally hung the big bell on the beams above the altar.

"Your Majesty has an order. All heroes, defending our family and defending the country for our Great Qin Dynasty. You are national scholars. You should sacrifice with the rituals of national scholars and see you off with three bells!"

Shu Suntong opened his arms and sleeves, and muttered loudly.

"It's about to start..."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became serious.

This end has already begun from the first ringing of the bell, and after the ringing of the bell, it is the time for the worshipers of the dead to appear on the stage.

As everyone was serious, the nine sacrificial wines slowly stepped forward, and at the same time they were in charge of ringing the bell Xuanmu.

"One bell!"

Shu Suntong shouted loudly.


The nine sacrificial winemakers tried their best to slam the bell on the body, and suddenly, a melodious bell sounded and whispered in all directions, which was deafening.

This bell can be heard far away in Xianyang City, and even everyone in Xianyang Palace.

At this moment, one can only see above the court hall, where all the civil and military personnel of the whole dynasty gather.

"The bell is ringing, it's time for His Majesty to appear!"

The ministers discussed in a low voice, and they couldn't help looking upwards.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Sure enough, as soon as the first bell rang, a sharp voice sounded immediately.

As the eunuch's voice fell, the emperor slowly walked up to the dragon platform behind the main hall, but did not sit on the dragon seat.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

The ministers bowed and saluted loudly.

Before the officials, heroes from various schools of thought had also arrived, making the entire court hall full of people.

At this moment, all the officials bowed, and the heroes from all sides also bowed to meet them.


Wearing a dragon robe and a crown, Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said loudly.

"Thank you Your Majesty..."

All the ministers kowtowed their thanks and stood up at the same time, looking up at the emperor.

"Dear dear ones, today is the No. 20th day since my army from the Northern Expedition returned triumphantly. In the past 20 days, I have not been to court."

"Perhaps many people have regenerated and complained, thinking that I am stupid and don't know how to govern the country!"

"At this moment, I don't want to explain too much. After this battle, the world celebrates! However, in my opinion, this is not a time for celebration, but a time of silent mourning for the martyrs!"

"I also know that major events in the world are disturbing, but in this battle, I have a hundred families of the Great Qin, and the heroes of all parties have suffered heavy losses!"

"Who are all the people who died in this battle?"


"They are all rare talents in our Great Qin. They should live in the present and create a future for our Great Qin. But because of the Huns' war, they died on the battlefield regardless of life and death!"

"I am heartbroken!"

Standing on the dragon platform, Ying Shou said while beating his heart with a sad expression on his face.

"In my opinion, no matter how important the world's affairs are, it can't beat seeing off our soldiers and paying homage to our soldiers."

"Therefore, after I return to Xianyang, I will never go to the court before offering sacrifices. I want to put the sacrifices of the martyrs first. Dear friends, may you understand?"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at everyone below with piercing eyes.

"Sir, you understand!"

All the ministers bowed their heads, Shan Hu said.

Hearing this remark, all the scholars and heroes from all walks of life in front couldn't help trembling, feeling inexplicably moved.

Although they tried their best to restrain themselves, they were still irresistibly moved by the emperor's emphasis on rituals.

The people who died in this battle were basically people from the rivers and lakes. The emperor valued these martyrs so much, which was no different from respecting famous officials in the world.Such an emperor made them feel convincing.

"Your Majesty, in this battle, the heroes from all sides successfully blocked the Xiongnu. This is the Great Xin. Although the martyr is dead, he walked with honor and without complaint. Your Majesty must not be sad because of this. You should take care of the dragon's body!"

In front of hundreds of scholars and heroes from all sides, Master Xunzi ranked first, and suddenly said.

"Master Xunzi is right. His Majesty the Emperor has shown such great kindness to me and the people in the Jianghu, so I am very fortunate in the Jianghu. Your Majesty should take good care of the dragon's body!"

As Master Xunzi spoke, the rest of the people echoed.

In the past, they were very disgusted with Great Qin and never surrendered to Great Qin, but on this day, they completely surrendered to the present Great Qin Wudi.

"Hey, I understand the wishes of all the nationals. But now is not the time to talk about these things. The first bell has sounded, and we should rush to the altar!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, looked at the crowd and said.

"Pass down the order, sacrifice on the altar!"

Then, Ying Shou gave an order.


Suddenly, a horn sounded, and Ying Shou walked out of the hall from among the officials, and the officials followed immediately, and together with the representatives of various schools and heroes, they walked out of Xianyang City.

Next to it, a huge guard of honor, blowing horns and holding golden weapons, walked towards the outside of Xianyang City together.

When everyone came to the west gate of Xianyang City, the second bell rang.

When walking to Tianhu, the third bell rang.

Everything has been arranged, and as the third bell fell, Shusun Tong shouted loudly on the altar: "Three bells ring, welcome to His Majesty the Emperor, all civil and military officials, all schools of thought, representatives of heroes from all walks of life Pre-sacrifice!"

"The sacrifice has begun!"

Countless people below saw this and immediately looked behind.

The moment their eyes turned away, a high-spirited voice suddenly sounded.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"


The trumpets followed!
Then I saw His Majesty the Emperor coming on foot in person, hundreds of civil and military officials, hundreds of schools of thought, representatives of heroes from all walks of life, together with the guard of honor, a total of tens of thousands of people came to the altar of Tianhu in a mighty manner.

"See Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

On the altar, Shusun Tong saluted first and shouted loudly.

"See Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

Then, the nine priests behind Shu Suntong saluted.

"See Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

After all the offerings and wine were worshiped here, a group of soldiers who maintained order below also paid homage.

"See Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

In the end, it was boundless and crowded with countless common people, all of whom paid homage.

These mountain cries sounded one after another, one higher than the other, and finally the mountain cries of nearly a million people went straight to the sky, and the silence broke the sky.

Ying Shou watched this scene, and did not let everyone flatten immediately, but led everyone to the altar, and then he slowly stepped up the 99 steps, came to the altar, turned around suddenly, Looking at the world as if the king is in the world, he waved his sleeves and shouted: "Pingshen!"

(End of this chapter)

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