Chapter 261
"Thank you Your Majesty..."

"Thank you Your Majesty..."


From all the people below, thank you one after another, one by one, just like the previous meeting, one wave after another.

First the high priest rose up, then the priests, then the soldiers, and finally the common people.

"My subjects of Great Qin, today is a day of national celebration, but also a day of national tragedy!"

"Beyond the Great Wall in the Northwest, the Xiongnu bandits have been eyeing our Central Plains for hundreds of years. A few days ago, they broke into the Guanzhong, burned, killed and looted. The land they passed was full of corpses and blood flowed like rivers. This is not common. Dai Tian's revenge!"

"These thieves still want to join hands with the Donghu army to destroy our Central Plains inheritance and make my Central Plains a grassland for them to herd horses and herd sheep. Tell me, can the tens of thousands of people in my Great Qin agree?"

Ying Shou stood high on the altar, opened his arms, and his voice was powerful, which spread to everyone's ears, arousing everyone's hatred towards the Huns.




Below, everyone roared one after another, and the sound waves went straight to the sky, carrying hatred that could never be resolved.

"You're right, you can't!"

Ying Shou lowered his arms and shouted loudly, "The Xiongnu have been fighting against my Great Qin since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"For more than 800 years, I don't know how many children in my Central Plains have died in the hands of the Huns, and I don't know how many families in my Central Plains have been driven to despair because of the Huns. The hatred is irreconcilable, but now, what can we do?"

"Send troops to crusade against the Huns, and avenge this 800-year-old revenge?"

"The whole country is a soldier, and the Xiongnu will never die?"

"No, I can't do this. I'm the emperor, I'm the son of heaven. Standing here, I have to think about my great Qin Dynasty forever. I can't act recklessly!"

"The land of the Central Plains has experienced hundreds of years of war. First there was the War of the Spring and Autumn Period, then there was the War of the Seven Kingdoms, and then there was the war of rebels from all walks of life in the world. Now I am so poor!"

"The people covered their bodies with cloth and had no food to eat. What would they use to compete with the Xiongnu?"

"This time, the disaster of the Huns, I, Daqin, really can't do anything about it."

"It's a hundred schools of thought, heroes from all directions, and [-] warriors who, at all costs, abandoned all schools and factions, and all the grievances and grievances of all countries and places. They did not hesitate to fight to the death with the Huns, and finally blocked the pace of the Huns. Only then did I, the Great Qin, have a chance Annihilate the Huns invading soldiers in one fell swoop!"

"The [-] soldiers of my Great Qin who died in this battle are my Central Plains, my Huaxia, and my Great Qin's savior."

"Nowadays, because the Xiongnu are blocked from the Great Wall, every family celebrates, but how many people still take these martyrs to heart?"

"I tell everyone, it is these [-] warriors who have preserved my Huaxia heritage, it is these [-] warriors who have preserved my land in the Central Plains, and it is these [-] warriors who have preserved my Daqin and thousands of you! .”

"Now, you will follow me to see these [-] soldiers off. May their spirits in the sky bless my Chinese forever and my descendants!"

Ying Shou's voices, one after another, constantly challenged everyone's hearts, causing the hatred and tragedy in everyone's hearts to be continuously extracted by him.


Suddenly, Ying Shou turned around, and a strong wind sounded around him.

"Today, Ying Shou, as the Emperor of the Great Qin, sees off the [-] martyrs of the Great Qin!"

Ying Shou bowed his hands, shouted loudly, and bowed heavily to the more than 40 steles in front of him.

With this ceremony, the hearts of hundreds of scholars, heroes from all walks of life, civil and military men from all over the court, and millions of people trembled.I just felt a special feeling welling up in my heart, and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Send off the [-] martyrs of the Great Qin Dynasty, and may the spirit of the [-] martyrs in heaven bless my Great Qin Dynasty forever, and bring blessings to future generations!"

Millions of people, both civil and military in the Manchu Dynasty, bowed and saluted at the same time, seeing off [-] martyrs.

Including the various schools of thought and heroes from all walks of life, they are all thinking of Daqin at this moment, and they are completely integrated into the millions of subjects who pay homage!

At the end of the ceremony, Uncle Sun Tong, the grand priest, recited the eulogy written by the emperor himself.

"Da Qin Mingyue Da Qin Pass, the people of the Long March have not yet returned, there are [-] flying generals from Qin, don't teach Hu Ma to enter Qin Chuan!"

"Today's shame is still not snowed, the emperor hates, when will it be destroyed! Wait for me to rise from the east of the Qin Dynasty, drive a chariot, ride across the Yinshan Kunlun, eat the meat of the barbarians with ambition, and talk about drinking the blood of the Xiongnu with a smile. Wait for the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, Look up to the sky, forty thousand ghosts must not travel far!"

A eulogy that shakes people's hearts.

In his eulogy, Ying Shou combined Wang Changling's "Out of the Fortress" in the previous Tang Dynasty with Yue Fei's Song Ci Manjiang in the Southern Song Dynasty, and changed them, which aroused the hatred of countless people below towards the Huns.I can't wait for the Great Qin to rise from the east at this moment, trampling the Huns and destroying the mountains and rivers, blood for blood, tooth for tooth, and avenge the hatred of 800 years.

After the eulogy was finished, the emperor respected the ceremony and toasted the martyrs.

"Come here, bring the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of all the tribes to me!"

Ying Shou stood on the altar, waved his sleeves, and shouted in a deep voice.


With a promise, nine prison cars drove over.

The Xiongnu Shanyu and the eight surviving leaders of the Xiongnu tribe all gathered here.

"It was Shanyu the Hun, killed him..."

"Kill Shanyu the Xiongnu, kill the leaders of the various tribes of the Huns..."

"Kill these vicious dogs!"

Seeing the Xiongnu Shanyu and the leaders of the various tribes, the anger of millions of people suddenly soared into the sky, and they wished to break through the blockade of the Qin army and rush up to kill the nine people with their own hands.

At this moment, on the chariot, the Xiongnu Shanyu and the eight tribal leaders had obviously suffered a lot these days.

At this moment, his whole body was wounded, he was dying, and it was horrible. If he really obeyed that sentence, the winner will be the king and the loser will die. There is no other way.

"Come here, put these people on the altar, behead them and let their blood out, and sacrifice to my heroic spirit!"

Ying Shou complied with Wanmin's wishes, and with a wave of his sleeves, the nine people were pulled out of the prison car, escorted to the altar, and beaten until they knelt down.


Ying Shou let out a soft drink, and with the light of the knife across, nine heads rolled to the ground, and blood flowed into the blood grooves on the altar.

The soldiers carried the corpses down, piled the heads of nine people together, and placed them on the altar as sacrifices of cattle, sheep and pigs.

"Serve the wine..."

Ying Shou let out another soft drink, and thirty soldiers, holding thirty jars of wine, walked up to the altar, poured all the wine into the blood tank, and mixed it with the blood.

Then, the big sacrificial wine was filled with blood wine from the blood tank and the wine bar, and handed it to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou took it, faced Tianhu, and shouted loudly: "This is the blood wine of the Huns, sacrificed to my great Qin hero!"

"This first noble wine is a sacrifice to the thousands of heroic spirits who died under the butcher knife of the Huns in China for 800 years!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Shou Jiujue tilted slightly and poured the blood wine into the West Lake.

"This second wine is a tribute to the warriors who have fought against the Xiongnu for 800 years in China!"

Then there was another jug ​​of wine, which was poured into Tianhu again as Ying Shou's voice fell.

"This third wine is a sacrifice to the martyrs who died in the Shuicheng battle!"

After saying the last sentence, the third jue wine was poured into Tianhu Lake, and everyone was silent and speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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