Chapter 262
"The sacrifice is over, farewell to the heroic spirit!"

The sound of the great sacrificial wine sounded, and everyone, under the leadership of the emperor, bowed again to the 40 yuan sacrificial stele, and finally left Tianhu and the altar in an orderly manner.

"The court meeting... all the civil and military officials go to the palace!"

In front of the Xianyang Palace, with a shout, the first court meeting in the true sense of the civil and military officials finally started after the triumphant return of the Great Qin Dynasty.

After paying homage to His Majesty the Emperor, before the ministers could speak, the Emperor waved his hand and said, "Preach to all schools of thought, heroes from all walks of life will go to the palace!"

"Pass it down to a hundred schools of thought, and heroes from all walks of life will go to the palace!"

Another melodious shout sounded, and a hundred schools of thought, headed by Master Xunzi, and representatives of rangers from all walks of life went up to the hall in a mighty manner.

All the people went to the hall, bowed down to the emperor according to the etiquette, and got up under the greeting of the emperor.

"Master Xunzi, you are the most prestigious person in the world today, except for the mysterious Guiguzi. Do you know why I asked you to wait in the palace today?"

Ying Shou looked at the heroes from all walks of life below, and said in a deep voice.

"The old man doesn't know what His Majesty means, so please show Your Majesty!"

Master Xunzi cupped his hands slightly and said with a smile.

He said so, but Master Xunzi is not stupid to have such prestige.

Today's sacrificial ceremony seems to be sent out by the emperor's feelings, but everyone knows that the emperor intends to win over a hundred schools of thought to serve the Great Qin.

It's just that all schools of thought have been at odds with Da Qin for a long time, and no one knows how the emperor will break this deadlock.

However, judging from today's sacrificial offerings, as long as the emperor opens his mouth, all scholars and rangers from all sides will not resist too much.

"Okay, since Master Xunzi asked the question, I won't beat around the bush. In today's Great Qin Dynasty, you have also seen that the people are clothed in clothes and hungry. It is the time when all things are waiting for prosperity after wars. At this moment All the time, I need talents, a lot of talents!"

"Looking back more than a hundred years ago, the Seven Kingdoms were vying for supremacy. It can be said that there were a lot of talents, but among the countries, they all fell into a misunderstanding."

"All countries can only choose one of the academic schools of each school."

"However, today I, Daqin, are together from all over the world, and I will gather the elders of a hundred families to benefit all people, and I will never take sides."

"Today, I solemnly invite all representatives of various schools of thought to lead the disciples of all schools of thought to enter our Great Qin, serve the Great Qin, and benefit the people. I wonder what Master Xunzi and all of you here think?"

Sure enough, as soon as the emperor opened his mouth, he directly opened the curtain of this solicitation.

Below, the representatives and leaders of all schools and sects couldn't help being moved, and the rangers from all sides couldn't help but look at each other.

They thought that His Majesty the Emperor would kick off the curtain in various ways, but they didn't expect that the Emperor would be so straightforward, which made everyone not know what to say for a while.

"Hehe, it seems that you are still considering your attitude. That's right, I don't like to beat around the bush, just speak up when I have something to say."

"In the past, Han Feizi, the master of Xunzi, once said that in Jianghu, Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate the law. This is the taboo of the king. However, in reality, it is not the case!"

"What is Confucianism? Confucianism should take the world at heart, report to the country, and protect the people. This is Confucianism!"

"What is martial arts? A martial artist should fight with the sword, defend the home and country, guard the land and keep the people safe, this is martial arts!"

"In the past history, everyone has entered into a misunderstanding, and divided literature and Confucianism, martial arts, various schools of thought, and heroes from all sides into different fields in the court."

"But now, everyone has seen that I, Daqin, and Huaxia will always be one. The only difference is that hands are hands and feet are feet."

"The two seem to be irrelevant, but they are always consistent with the outside world and reconcile with each other. Facing the Xiongnu, in my land of China, the monarchs and ministers are of one mind, the various schools of thought, and the heroes of all parties are of one mind. This is the best proof!"

"With such a precedent, why not you all enter my Great Qin?"

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Ying Shou suddenly spoke, moved with emotion and reason, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty's words are not unreasonable, but everyone present, although they have a hundred schools of thought, their knowledge is uneven among them."

"Some people are full of knowledge, suitable for officials in the palace, and some people's knowledge is suitable for traveling around the world and spreading knowledge. In addition, everyone is a wanderer. If you enter the court and become an official, I'm afraid there will be something wrong!"

Suddenly, Master Xunzi smiled and said.

"That's right, chivalrous men from all walks of life are used to idleness. Those who are suitable to be officials will naturally easily enter the court, but those who are not suitable, so what should be done, this is yet to be considered!"

Following Master Xunzi's words, all schools of thought echoed him.

"Hahaha, this matter is easy to handle!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly when he heard the words, waved his sleeves, and said, "I've thought about this before again!"

"In the past, the State of Qi established the Jixia Academy to attract scholars from all over the world to Qi."

"After my great Qin ruled the world, I also set up a court with 72 doctors, which is no different from Jixia Academy."

"Today, I decided to abolish the doctorate position, and then set up the Jixia Academy, attracting hundreds of scholars and schools to settle in!"

"I think you all know that Daqin attaches great importance to talents. For this reason, we have set up schools all over the country. From now on, all the students in the schools will explain the various schools of thought."

"The Jixia School will be the top school in the country. You and other sects can choose the most suitable disciples from the schools all over the country to enter the school."

"When they are successful in their studies, whether they continue to stay in the academy to spread knowledge, or enter the court as an official, or enter the army, defend their family and defend the country, they all have their own way. I don't think it is forced. What do you think?"

During the speech, Ying Shou said a word, which directly changed the situation in the Manchu Dynasty.

"What, revoke the title of doctor?"

"Establish Jixia Academy?"

Ying Shou's decision shocked all schools of thought, and even shocked the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Doctor Daqin has no real power above the court, but what they say can easily change the situation in the world.

To put it another way, in the times of all countries, there were counselors from all countries, but in Daqin, doctoral officers were the emperor's counselors.

Every strategy for governing the world that these people played will attract the emperor's attention.

Now the doctoral officers are withdrawn and the Jixia Academy is established. That is to say, from now on, the Jixia Academy will completely replace the doctoral officers.

These students from various schools and factions can comment on the overall situation of the world today, and finally put forward opinions on every matter, gather the strengths of hundreds of schools, come up with a solution, and then present it to the emperor, so as to solve all the things in the world.

Although the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked by this, they had no objection.After all, whether it is a doctorate title or Jixia Academy, they are all idle officials.

Nowadays, the doctors in Daqin basically come from hundreds of schools of thought. After the establishment of the Jixia Academy, they can live in the Jixia Academy or serve as officials in the court. There is no difference.

(End of this chapter)

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