Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 263 Impeachment

Chapter 263 Impeachment
"I didn't expect His Majesty to have thought about this matter so thoroughly. If His Majesty has made up his mind, I, the Confucianists, have no objection."

"The old man is not suitable for me to be stationed in the imperial court in this life, but I am not allowed to spread the world's knowledge. The old man represents Confucianism and decided to settle in Jixia Academy!"

Faced with the emperor's rhetoric, the various schools of thought could no longer refuse. After all, the emperor had considered everything, and it would be unreasonable to refuse again.

Immediately, Xunzi represented Confucianism and was the first to announce his entry into Jixia Academy.

"Since Old Master Xun has no objection, I would like to lead the military strategist students to enter the Jixia Academy to serve the country and be loyal to the world!"

The master of the military strategist, Hui Songzi clasped his fists to cater to Master Xunzi.

"My Taoist school is willing to settle in Jixia Academy!"

"My miscellaneous family is willing to settle in Jixia Academy!"

"My Mo family is willing to settle in Jixia Academy!"

"My farm family is willing to settle in Jixia Academy!"

As the first person agreed, the rest could no longer refuse, and they all opened their mouths and decided to enter Jixia Academy.

At this point, when hundreds of schools of thought settled in Jixia Academy, it was considered a complete solution.

Then, the emperor threw out another big news that Daqin not only established the Jixia Academy, but also established a military aircraft office.

The Jixia Academy is dominated by various schools and sects, and the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty are the main ones.

As for the military aircraft department, the generals of the Manchu dynasty are the main ones.

From now on, the Daqin military plane will fight against the outside world to secure the inside, and Ji Xia will study in the palace to govern the world. Between the two, each will do his own thing and seek his own job.

As soon as this decision was made, rangers from all sides announced that they would join the Military Aircraft Department, which means that they would join the army and serve the imperial court.

After everyone found their own way, there was only one person, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Your Excellency is Guiguzi Gaotu, Mr. Ji Tianhou, right? Now that I, Daqin, have set up the Jixia Academy and Military Aircraft Department, I don't know how Mr. Ji Tianhou plans to choose."

"Or maybe you feel that the world is at ease, and you don't want to enter the court?"

Ying Shou looked at Ji Tianhou and said with a smile.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is true that my master left the ghost valley, but I am different from senior brother Wei Liao."

"Senior Brother Wei Liao, who is also the leader of a hundred schools of thought, is especially good at military tactics, and now he is the commander of the Military Aircraft Department. There is nothing wrong with that."

"But I have no strengths other than the sword in my hand. I have neither the knowledge of helping the world nor the ability to command an army. I don't know what choice I should make!"

Ji Tianhou cupped his fists and said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, it turns out that this is where it is difficult for you to make a decision. If so, why don't you carry forward the Guigumen swordsmanship and turn it into the greatest force to fight against the outside world and secure the inside? If you think about it differently, you can enter the Jixia Academy. Spreading the ghost valley swordsmanship can also be stationed in the military plane, and pass on the supreme knowledge of our army, isn't this the way to kill two birds with one stone?"

Ying Shou laughed out loud when he heard this, and pointed the way for Ji Tianhou.

"If so, Ji Tianhou will follow His Majesty's orders!"

Ji Tianhou's eyes flashed, and instead of refusing, he left the decision to the emperor.

"Okay, since that's the case, from now on, Mr. Ji Tianhou will officially enter our Great Qin Jixia Academy to train talents with both civil and military skills for our Great Qin!"

Hearing this, Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and decided Ji Tianhou's whereabouts with one word.

So far, various schools of thought and heroes from all walks of life have settled in the court, and they have also received the rewards that this battle deserves.

The lobby and Jixia Academy are dependent on each other and benefit from each other.

Like all schools of thought, this battle has suffered heavy losses. If they want to recover slowly, it will take at least a hundred years to recover their grievances. During this period, they have to face the test of life and death.

Now settled in Jixia Academy, using the world as a resource, it won't take long to recover.

Similarly, it will take a lot of time for Daqin to restore its national power, but with the help of various schools of thought, this time will be much earlier.

"The court will continue, the court is full of civil and military affairs, there is a book to play, and there is no play to retreat!"

After settling the affairs of the various schools of thought and the heroes of all parties, the eunuch's voice sounded and the meeting continued.

"I have the original play!"

"I have the original play!"

"I have the original play!"

As soon as the eunuch's words fell, the officials who had been waiting impatiently came out one after another. In an instant, dozens of people were preparing to play the book.

"Oh, everyone convened in this way, it seems that what they played should be the same thing. If I'm not wrong, it should be related to Yuwencheng, right?"

Ying Shou's eyes froze. These people basically gave him a memorial, but he never responded. Now that these people stand up in the court, there is nothing else to do except this matter.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, what the ministers and others have played is the matter of General Yuwen Chengdu!"

"Yuwen Chengdu, as the general of our Great Qin Dynasty, commanded the army. However, the battle of the Xiongnu this time was caused by the loss of [-] troops and letting the Xiongnu enter the pass because of disregarding the battle situation. This is a serious crime. I hope that your Majesty will punish you severely!"

"That's right, Yu Wencheng is ashamed of the emperor, the people, and the army of [-]. He deserves a heavy punishment!"

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, all the ministers immediately spoke.

Some people even took out the Wanmin books from all over the world and put them in front of the emperor, forcing the emperor to punish Yuwen Chengdu again.

Looking at the volumes of memorials and dozens of Wanmin books delivered to him, a cold light flashed in Ying Shou's eyes.

He didn't look at these memorials, but quietly watched the officials below.

"More than 200 playbooks, hey, there are more than 400 people in the Chaotang branch at this moment, and there are more than 200 playbooks. Is there anyone else who is going to play?"

Ying Shou sneered.

No one continued to speak below. Those who impeached Yu Wencheng had already finished speaking, and the others who did not speak obviously had no intention of impeachment.

"Oh, is there no one talking? Xiao Aiqing, you are the head of all officials, Daqin Xiangbang, what do you think about this matter?"

Ying Shou looked at Xiao He with a cold face, and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, this matter should indeed be severely punished. But the heavy punishment is not only Yuwen Chengdu, but also His Majesty the Emperor!"

Xiao He is such a shrewd person. When he followed Liu Bang, he was defeated repeatedly, but he never impeached any general, because he knew how important civil and military unity is.

Now is definitely not the time to impeach Yuwen Chengdu, because Yuwen Chengdu is still very important.

But so many people have started to impeach Yuwen Chengdu. As the leader of the officials, he is highly valued by the emperor. Naturally, he has to find a solution for the emperor, and involving the emperor is the best solution.

"What does Xiangbang mean by this? Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how can you punish him severely?"

"Xiangbang is talking nonsense, how dare he be so rebellious!"

As soon as Xiao He said this, he was immediately attacked by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

"Shut up, according to the laws of my Great Qin Dynasty, the prince breaks the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime, why can't the emperor punish him severely?"

"You put the full power of this battle on Yuwen Chengdu, but who would have thought that besides Yuwen Chengdu, who else in my Great Qin would guard the border of the Great Wall that day?"

"Not a single one. This is the fault of the Manchu Dynasty and should be severely punished. On that day, His Majesty made the wrong decision to let Yuwen Chengdu guard the Great Wall. As a result, the Great Wall fell. Tell me, is the emperor at fault?"

"Why is it that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are impeaching Yuwen Chengdu, but no one has said a word of justice?"

Xiao He shouted loudly and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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