Chapter 264
"Strong words make sense!"

"Xiao He, you are making too much sense!"

"It is clear that Yuwencheng failed the trust of His Majesty the Emperor, and the trust of my subjects in Great Qin. Now you are putting all your crimes on His Majesty and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. It is simply unreasonable!"

The officials who impeached Yuwen Chengdu glared at Xiao He, only feeling that Xiao He was deliberately confusing the public, and for a while, the entire court was full of commotion, which was a headache.


Suddenly, on the dragon platform, the emperor slapped the table and shouted loudly.

The officials below trembled all over, couldn't help but look towards Longtai, and quickly swallowed back the words that came to their lips.The emperor spoke, but no one dared to refute.

"Look at all of you, whether you are an important official of the court or a member of the market. Remember, this is the court hall, a place to talk about government affairs, not a place for you to quarrel here!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at Shusun Tong and said, "Shusun Tong, what do you think about this matter, let's hear it!"

Shusun Tong didn't speak all the time, but upon hearing the words, he walked out with his hands folded, and said, "Your Majesty, according to my opinion, it's time for us, Daqin, to employ people."

"It is undeniable that General Yuwen is the number one culprit in the Huns' disaster. However, no one can do nothing without being a sage. According to the laws of my Great Qin, this crime should be executed."

"But General Yuwen is the hero of our Great Qin Dynasty in the final analysis, and the defeat this time was not what General Yuwen wanted. Therefore, I feel that this matter should be dealt with according to the circumstances! For the sake of Yuwen Chengdu's past immortality, it should be Extrajudicial grace is what it is!"

As soon as Shu Suntong said this, the officials who were impeached were dissatisfied.

"Master Taifu, your words are a bit biased, aren't you? I, Daqin Law, have never said that merits and demerits are equal."

"Besides, since the legislation of Shang Yang, my Great Qin law has not punished people's hearts, but only punished their virtues. What Yu Wencheng wished is not important in my Daqin laws and regulations, what is important is what he did. Now he has been defeated and committed a crime. If you commit such a crime, you should be sentenced immediately!"

"That's right, the law does not punish one's heart. Since Yu Wencheng has committed such a serious crime, it should be considered a debate. Why do you want to show mercy outside the law!"

The ministers retorted one after another, speaking without mercy, and in a word, Yu Wencheng must die.

"Your lords are right. I have the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty. The law does not tolerate mercy, and the law does not punish the heart. When discussing the law, only look at virtue!"

Hearing what everyone said, Shu Suntong shook his head and smiled, and said, "Okay, well said."

"Since that's the case, let me tell you about Yuwen Chengdu's virtues today. I'll ask you, what crime should you be arrested for according to the law?"

When everyone heard the words, they said: "The crime is more serious!"

"Well, let me ask again, what should I do if I surrender myself in accordance with the law?"

"Exoneration as appropriate!"

"That's right, the general of the defeated army, even though he is defeated, does not forget his mission. He will be loyal to the country and work hard for the people in the face of a crime, so what should he do?"

"Again, I will be exonerated as appropriate!"

In the final analysis, Shu Suntong is a Confucian Confucian, full of knowledge, speaking in an orderly manner, step by step, different from Xiao He.

Although Xiao He is capable, but in terms of knowledge, he is not as good as Uncle Sun Tong.

Xiao He couldn't say enough about these people, but as soon as Shusun Tong opened his mouth, he led everyone to his topic through question and answer.

"Okay, I'll ask you again, if the person who has committed the crime is in danger to the country, what should he do?"

While Shu Suntong was speaking, he asked the last question again.

"As appropriate!"

The officials were speechless, so they had to speak.

"Discretionary... Hehe, I asked three questions in a row, and you all answered with discretion. If you dare to ask, I said that this matter should be handled with discretion. What's wrong, what's biased, you can tell me!"

Seeing this, Shu Suntong sneered, and with one sentence, the officials were speechless.

At such a moment, Shusun Tong's flexibility is completely beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

I just heard him continue to say: "Just now I asked the above three things, explaining what General Yuwen said. He committed a big mistake, but he also surrendered himself, waiting for His Majesty to punish him."

"This is one of the commutations. After General Yuwen's defeat, the Xiongnu killed the audience. It was also General Yuwen who, at all costs, single-handedly fought the Huns' army to the death. He did not forget the general's mission. This is the second!"

Speaking of this, Shu Suntong paused for a while, and then said: "I don't know if you still remember the chaos in various places, why did it start?"

"Hehe, I think you should be in the clubhouse, because of the tyranny of Hu Hai in the previous dynasty, Zhao Gao took power, and the world was in chaos. Actually, is it really like this?"

"Let me tell everyone that the chaos of the previous dynasty was caused by the discord between the people of various countries and my great Qin, and their hatred of my great Qin, so that rebellions broke out everywhere."

"In the end, what did this two-year melee bring?"

"Let me tell you again that this two-year melee has not brought any benefits to our Great Qin. Instead, it has caused people to suffer, the people are in dire straits, and all their families have been wiped out. Fulfill your hunger."

"My Great Qin is almost powerless to fight against the Huns who went north to the Huns. This is the result of this battle!"

"Now, His Majesty intends to repair the hearts of the people of all countries, and become a brother and sister with the former Princess Zhao. The former Princess Zhao was rescued by Yuwen Chengdu in the midst of thousands of troops. In order to save General Yuwen, the former Princess Zhao is willing to marry. His Majesty."

"You tell me, at this time, regardless of the ex-Princess Zhao's request, I killed Yu Wencheng, what will happen?"

"Let me tell everyone once again that after the death of General Yuwen, the former Princess Zhao will never die with me, Daqin."

"I, Great Qin, can kill the former Princess Zhao with a wave of my hand, but there are still millions of people in the former Zhao. Is it true that my Great Qin wants to kill them all?"

"At that time, the world will be in chaos. In our Great Qin, there will be two rivals, the Xiongnu and the Donghu, staring at us. Chaos will break out again. Who can stand up to you?"

"At that time, if there is any problem in my Daqin, who can take the responsibility?"

"Now, tell me, General Yuwen, how should I deal with it?"

Uncle Sun Tong's words were sonorous, forceful, plausible, and all the officials looked sideways, speechless.

Before that, they never expected that so many things would be involved in Yu Wencheng's life and death.

Especially Shusuntong's certain big hat, it is even more afraid to pick it up.

At this time, the execution of Yuwen Chengdu is tantamount to bringing chaos to the court, and no one can afford such a responsibility.

On the dragon platform, Ying Shou nodded slightly, and looked at Shu Suntong with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he still saw the old man right.

As a king, it is true that some courtiers who are loyal to their duties and dare to speak out are needed, but people like Shu Suntong who can help the emperor solve problems are indispensable.

"It's still wise to love Qing, ministers, I don't know now, how do you think I should deal with Yu Wencheng?"

Ying Shou sneered, looked at the impeached ministers and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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