Chapter 265 Anger

Facing Ying Shou and Shusun Tong's chorus, all the courtiers had nothing to say.

Now, if they want to let Yuwen Chengdu go, they can't say it.But if you want to punish Yuwen Chengdu, whoever dares to say it is courting death.

"Your Majesty, it is undeniable that what the Grand Tutor said is reasonable, but even if Yuwen Chengdu cannot be beheaded, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped. Otherwise, how can we explain to the world?"

After a long silence, Shang Dafu Tu Mian couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

"That's right, capital crimes can be avoided, life crimes can't be escaped, why should we give an explanation to the people of the world!"

As soon as the doctor said this, everyone immediately became active and said quickly.

"Give the world an account, right? Tell me, what kind of account will I give the world to be considered an account?"

Ying Shou was furious. For these stubborn guys, he really wanted to send them all to build the Great Wall.They are so arrogant one by one, if they don't build the Great Wall, it would be a waste of talent.

Following the emperor's anger, the officials immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look directly.

"Okay, you want me to give you an explanation, to the people of the world, and I will give it to you today!"

Suddenly, the emperor's tone softened, he waved his sleeves, and said, "Come here, go and bring Yu Wencheng to me!"


As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the guard outside the door responded, and immediately went to the general mansion of Yuwen Chengdu in Xianyang City to detain Yuwen Chengdu.

At this moment, everyone in Yuwen Chengdu's General's Mansion seemed extremely nervous.

After the emperor arrived that day, the general personally ordered that no one in the mansion could leave the mansion.

After that, the general was bedridden. It is said that the situation has become more and more serious during this period of time, and now he is coughing up blood all day long.

In front of Yuwen's bed in Chengdu, Zhao Qian turned around anxiously, cursing as she walked.

"This emperor is really insidious and cunning. On the surface, he said to spare you, but he didn't expect to let you swallow the poison pill. Now he has sealed off the general's mansion, and he can't even bring a doctor in. He clearly wants to torture you to death!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian's face was full of anger, as if she regarded Ying Shou as a treacherous villain.


On the bed, Yu Wencheng's face was dark, and after a violent cough, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Chengdu, how are you? Are you feeling bad?"

Zhao Qian's complexion changed, and she rushed up to hold Yu Wencheng's arm, her face full of anxiety.

During this period of time, Yu Wencheng's injuries continued to worsen, and his entire arm was completely useless.

Even the injury has affected the internal organs, and a discerning person can tell that Yuwen Chengdu's days are numbered.

As for the medicine that the emperor gave Yuwen Chengdu, it was not a holy medicine for healing at all, but a poison.

It was this poison that constantly stimulated Yu Wencheng's injury.

"Princess...cough cough, you...don't talk nonsense...I...I believe...your is impossible for your majesty to treat me like this...I...I am loyal to your majesty...he wants my Life...just say it...he...he must have something difficult to say, don't...don't talk nonsense!"

Yu Wencheng looked at Zhao Qian with a face full of pain, and couldn't help but spit out another big mouthful of blood.


Just when Zhao Qian was about to speak, suddenly, there was a crashing sound, and the door was kicked open from the outside.

"It is ordered to arrest Yuwen Chengdu, come here, detain the guilty minister and send him to the palace!"

As the leader of the march, Sima Xun was the first to bear the brunt. With an order, more than a dozen soldiers immediately stepped forward to arrest the seriously injured Yuwen Chengdu, and took them directly to Xianyang Palace.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

"Let go of General!"

Behind, Zhao Qian was taken aback and wanted to stop her, but Sima Xun stopped her behind.

"Princess, please stay still. Yuwen Chengdu committed a serious crime. Now that the court is impeached by civil and military officials, we are ordered to arrest Yuwen Chengdu. I hope the princess will not stop me!"

Saying that, Sima Xun waited for the army to leave, and just left Zhao Qian, and left here.

"No... bastard, Ying Shou, you are a bastard. You lied to me, you lied to the general, you will die!"

Zhao Qian finally couldn't hold back any longer, she burst into tears and roared to the sky.

No one paid any attention to her complaints. After a while, Yu Wencheng was dragged into the court hall like a dead dog, and fell on the ground.


"What's going on here, how did General Yuwen acquire such virtue?"

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu's appearance, Manchao Wenwu was shocked, his face full of disbelief.

You know, Yuwen Chengdu, that is a majestic general, a figure who can be called the God of War in the Great Qin Dynasty, and now he has been seriously injured so far, it is simply inconceivable.

"Fellow ministers, don't you want me to give you an explanation? Before I came again, I had already dismissed Yu Wencheng from his official position and severely injured him."

"I don't know if you feel that such a living crime, can you still relieve your anger?"

Ying Shou's voice sounded, and he said coldly: "If you don't let go, I will grant your wishes. Come and drag Yuwencheng down to me, and beat him to death!"

While speaking, an invisible chill came over the court hall.

Everyone felt the emperor's anger, and all of them could not help but tremble all over for a moment, looking at His Majesty the Emperor.


The soldiers promised to leave with Yuwen Chengdu.

"Hurry up, beat me up. If you are still angry after being beaten to death, just like Xiao He Xiangbang said, take me out and beat you to death to vent your anger!"

Ying Shou roared angrily and shouted again.

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

As soon as this remark came out, Chaotang shook, and everyone bowed and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, you absolutely must not... General Yuwen is the pillar of our Great Qin, and now he is like this, enough, really enough. If you continue to fight, if you kill him, it will be of no benefit to our Great Qin!"

Xiao He hurriedly clasped his fists and remonstrated loudly.

"That's right, Your Majesty, don't fight any more. This kind of punishment is enough for General Yuwen. Please take it back, Your Majesty!"

Shu Suntong clasped his fists closely and said hastily.

"Your Majesty, please spare General Yuwen. General Yuwen is unparalleled in battle on the battlefield. He will risk his life and death to protect his home and country. I have seen it with my own eyes. You must not treat General Yuwen like this!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, General Yuwen is loyal and responsible, so don't treat him like this!"

The hundreds of schools of thought and heroes from all walks of life who had not spoken all this time spoke one after another at this moment.

Regarding the matter of Yuwen Chengdu, they had just joined the imperial court, so they didn't want to say more.

But Yuwen Chengdu fought that day, they witnessed it with their own eyes, and it can be said that they did not hesitate to do anything.

Even if he is guilty, it should be offset, otherwise, the officials will be in trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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