Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 266 The Almighty Emperor

Chapter 266 The Almighty Emperor

"You don't need to say too much, Yu Wencheng committed such a serious crime, he should die, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the world."

"Pass down the order, give me a beating, beat it hard, until you die!"

Facing the pleadings from various schools of thought, Ying Shou raised his hand and refused directly.

Then, he stood up slowly, and shouted: "Come here, take out the crown for me, take off the dragon robe, and whip me together. Today, I will give this world an explanation!"

"His Majesty……"

The officials in the imperial palace no longer cared about bowing and saluting, and directly knelt down on the ground.

"Your Majesty can't!"

The courtiers who persecuted the emperor just now were all terrified and couldn't help crying loudly.

"Your Majesty is guilty of not understanding His Majesty's intentions. It is your Majesty who is guilty. Don't whip General Yuwen, don't do this!"

The ministers pleaded guilty, and while they were talking, they could only hear the sound of sticks being beaten outside one after another. Each stick was not only hitting Yu Wencheng's body, but also hitting everyone's heart.

"Enough is enough, Your Majesty. If Your Majesty has any resentment, the ministers should apologise with death!"

Suddenly, a courtier stood up, shouted loudly, and slammed into the dragon pillar.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the person directly hit the dragon pillar, blood spattered, and died on the spot.

"Do not……"

Ying Shou yelled, his eyes widened, he quickly ran down from the dragon platform, stepped forward and hugged the courtier.

Ying Shou still can't fully understand the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, but judging from this man's clothing, he should be regarded as a scholar-official.

"That can't be the case, love!"

With a sad expression on his face, Ying Shou hugged the body of the scholar-bureaucrat and roared loudly.

"Your Majesty, please let General Yuwen go. If Your Majesty has any grudges in your heart, I am willing to die!"

All of a sudden, there were voices coming from behind, and three courtiers rushed towards the dragon pillar in succession.

In an instant, there were several more corpses in front of the dragon pillar.

"Do not……"

Ying Shou roared again, and shouted: "Enough...enough, let General Yuwen go, pass down the order, let General Yuwen go! Hurry up!"

While speaking, Ying Shou seemed to be unable to bear the persecution of the officials anymore, and agreed to let Yuwen Chengdu go.

Outside, the sound stopped suddenly, and Yu Wencheng was dragged in again, his back was blood red, and his injuries were more serious than before.The whole person fell into a coma and almost lost his breath.

"Enough, I promise you to wait, let General Yuwen go, don't come again!"

Ying Shou got up, with a painful look on his face, he waved his hands and said, "Send down an order to summon the imperial physician to treat General Yuwen. Then send an order to bury the four doctors!"

"I'm tired today, retreat!"

Ying Shou walked up to the dragon platform step by step. While speaking, with a wave of his sleeve, he looked up to the sky and fell into a coma on the spot.

"His Majesty……"

When he fell down, all the officials were scared out of their wits, and hurried forward to catch him.

"Quick...quick...quickly send it to the imperial doctor!"

The ministers shouted, called the imperial doctor, and took the emperor away.

Ying Shou was brought to the harem, and as soon as he was placed on the bed, Yinyue, who was about to step forward to serve the emperor, was taken aback by fright, and quickly shouted: "What's wrong, what's wrong with the emperor?"

Saying that, Yinyue rushed forward.

But suddenly he saw Ying Shou's eyes open, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

"Don't worry about me, hurry up and save General Yuwen."

"By the way, this is the panacea prepared by the people. Take it quickly for General Yuwen. If the officials ask about it later, they will say that I am so angry and bloody that I fell into a coma on the spot, you know?"

Ying Shou got up and said to the stunned imperial doctors.


After hearing the words, all the imperial doctors didn't know that the emperor was acting, so they hurriedly responded one by one, took the panacea handed by the emperor, turned around and left here.

"How is the emperor..."

In the main hall, the officials did not leave, and when they saw the imperial doctors coming, they immediately gathered around and asked.

"Your Majesty is fine. It's just that you are so angry and bloody that you are unconscious. Just take a rest. The emperor ordered me to treat General Yuwen first!"

A group of imperial physicians followed the emperor's instructions, and they didn't talk nonsense, they took Yu Wencheng and left here.

Hearing this, the officials finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Son of Heaven has a bearing on the life and death of the country, and Daqin is already very nervous now, if the Son of Heaven has something good or bad, none of them can afford it.

After learning that the emperor was fine, everyone finally dispersed one by one, and today's impeachment about Yuwen Chengdu finally came to an end.

On the other hand, Yu Wencheng's serious injury shocked the hearts of many imperial doctors.

Such an injury, let alone whether it can be healed.Even if it is really cured, Yuwen Chengdu can only be reduced to a disabled person for the rest of his life.

But after taking the panacea given by the emperor, everyone was shocked, and saw Yu Wencheng's complexion recovering quickly.

Someone hastily grabbed Yuwen Chengdu's wrist pulse, and suddenly discovered that Yuwen Chengdu's vitality was rapidly recovering, and the speed was simply unimaginable.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Yu Wencheng's internal organs were completely restored, as if he had never been injured at all.

Only his broken arm bone, although it didn't recover, but the fierce life force is also constantly recovering it.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was shocked, and quickly reported the situation to the emperor.

The emperor was not surprised at all, but ordered them to take good care of General Yuwen, and there was no more.

After the imperial doctors left, Ying Shou couldn't help showing a wry smile.

All of this was arranged by him, so naturally he would not be surprised. What frustrates him the most is that being an emperor is really too troublesome.

Just as others think, the emperor can indeed decide the life and death of others, but sometimes, he also thinks more about others.

Today, if it wasn't for leaving a good impression in the minds of the heroes of various schools of thought, he wouldn't bother to care about how those people persecute him. In a word, if he said he would let him go, who could do anything about it.

But heroes from various schools of thought have just entered the court, Ying Shou considered these people, but had to put on a play.Although the matter was resolved in the end, it was too tiring for Ying Shou after all.

To be an emperor, one needs to be domineering and capable, one has to be proficient in everything, and at critical times, one has to be an actor.

"Your Majesty, what happened in the hall just now to make you so angry?"

On the side, Yinyue couldn't help asking.

"What else can happen, just some self-righteous ministers, forget it, don't mention them. In the end, it is also for my Daqin consideration, and it is normal for everyone to have different opinions!"

Ying Shou shook his head, snorted coldly, and changed the subject.

"Yinyue, go to the General's Mansion for me, take the princess over, and let her take care of General Yuwen!"

While speaking, Ying Shou turned to give Yinyue instructions.


Seeing that the emperor was fine, Yinyue felt relieved, agreed, and immediately left the place to look for Zhao Qian at the General's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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