Chapter 267

"Go away, do you hear..."

"Clang clang..."

In front of Yuwen Chengdu's Great General's Mansion, Zhao Qian held a long sword and fought with dozens of black armors, yelling at the same time.

"Ying Shou, you are a villain who has no promises, I will kill you today!"

"Get the hell out of here, I'll kill anyone who dares to block me today!"

Amidst the yelling and roaring, Zhao Qian hit more and more fiercely.

A group of black armors, neither able to let her go, nor dared to hurt her, were beaten back and forth, suffering unspeakably.

"call out……"

Suddenly, Zhao Qian withdrew a sword and pointed it at one of the black armors.

Hei Jia was taken aback. At this moment, he had already retreated under the wall. It can be said that there was no way to retreat. Facing this sword, he would definitely die.

For a moment, a look of panic flashed in the eyes of the black armor, and he could only sit and wait for death.

Seeing that the black armor was about to fall under Zhao Qian's sword, at this moment, a gust of fragrant wind hit the black armor, and the black armor felt dark before his eyes, and a figure had appeared in front of him.


I saw the person who came suddenly reach out, put the sword fingers together with his right hand, and directly clamped the sword body, making it impossible for the sword body to move forward at all.

"Go away!"

Zhao Qian was furious, she felt as if her long sword was caught by iron, she let out a loud shout, turned around and kicked towards the lower body of the person who came.

"Princess stop!"

The visitor gave a soft shout, let go of Zhao Qian's long sword suddenly, and pushed Zhao Qian violently, pushing Zhao Qian to somersault everywhere, causing the two to distance themselves.

The person who came was none other than Yinyue.

Seeing that Zhao Qian had been dazzled by anger, Yinyue quickly raised her hand and said, "Princess, don't do anything, I..."

It's a pity that before she finished speaking, the mad Zhao Qian had already ignored her, and raised her sword to kill her again.

"I recognize you. You are Ying Shou's personal maid. Today Ying Shou kills my husband, and I will make him pay enough. If you dare to cheat on me, I will kill you!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian made vicious moves, and once again forced Yinyue, her attack was merciless.


Yinyue frowned slightly, it was worth moving around and dodging quickly.

Fortunately, Zhao Qian's fighting power is not too strong, and for Yinyue, she can handle it.Otherwise, Zhao Qian would have been cornered by Zhao Qian for dodging like this.

Seeing that Zhao Qian was so angry that there was no way to calm down, Yin Yue's heart moved, and she suddenly jumped up into the air.

Zhao Qian waved another sword, and was about to block his escape route.

But as soon as the sword was thrust out, Yinyue made a sudden move, grabbing Zhao Qian's wrist.

Zhao Qian struck out with a sword, never thought that Yinyue's speed was so fast, she couldn't stop her hand, she only felt a pain in the tiger's mouth, the long sword fell, Yinyue grabbed it, backhanded the sword, and put it directly on her neck.


Zhao Qian trembled all over, looking at Yinyue in disbelief, it was hard to imagine that this delicate little beauty could have such skill.

Although the confrontation between the two was very short, Zhao Qian can be sure that with Yinyue's reaching out, even in the military camp, it is difficult for ordinary generals to be their opponents.

"Princess, don't be impulsive, otherwise my sword, you can't dodge it, you can't dodge it!"

Yinyue had no choice but to threaten Zhao Qian.

"Heh, sure enough, I have the same virtue as that despicable villain Ying Shou. Today I fall into your hands. Don't complain. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"Come on, don't blame me for not telling you, unless you kill me today, I will definitely take the head of Ying Shouxiang!"

Zhao Qian snorted coldly, she no longer cared about her own life or death.

"you dare……"

Murderous intent flashed in Yinyue's eyes, she must not allow anyone to threaten the emperor.

But the murderous intent in her eyes only flashed, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said: "With your skill, you can't even beat me, and you still want to kill the emperor, it's just ridiculous!"

"I came today not to kill you, but to call you into the palace by the emperor's order to take care of General Yuwen. Let's go!"

Zhao Qian's heart moved when she heard the words, and she said, "General Yuwen, he... is he not dead?"

Yinyue shook her head, how could she not see that this woman was purely caring?

"Your Majesty is the lord of the Son of Heaven. Even Your Majesty will not let him die. Who can kill him in this world? Do you want me to force you to leave, or go by yourself?"

Silver Moon sneered.

"Don't bother you!"

Zhao Qian snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards Xianyang Palace.

As soon as he arrived in front of Xianyang Palace, he saw a person pacing back and forth in front of Xianyang Palace from a distance, looking very anxious.

"Miss Yinyue, you came just in time, may I ask if His Majesty the Emperor is really safe?"

This person is none other than Xiao He, when he saw Yinyue, he rushed forward to speak.

"Master Xiangbang!"

Yinyue was taken aback, and said: "Didn't I tell you, is Your Majesty okay? Why did you come to the palace again? Or did you not leave at all?"

Xiao He shook his head and sighed: "Miss Yinyue, to tell you the truth, Xiao He is worried."

"Just now when the ministers persecuted him, His Majesty the Emperor was so angry that he fainted in order to save General Yuwen. If something happens, what will happen to me, Great Qin?"

Yinyue heard the words, and said with a light smile: "Okay, don't worry, what kind of person is your majesty, how can you be overwhelmed by a group of people? That's because your majesty deliberately scares the ministers, your majesty is really fine, you just need to rest assured!"

As the emperor's closest maid, Yinyue knew very well that Xiao He was among the emperor's most trusted courtiers.Therefore, she did not hide anything from Xiao He.


Xiao He was not sure.


Silver Moon confirmed.

"That's good, that's good... Your Majesty really took great pains for this General Yuwen. Today, General Yuwen really has received His Majesty's favor for not sacrificing Tianwei's power!"

"Since Your Majesty is safe, Xiao He is relieved. Miss Yinyue is deeply loved by His Majesty, and I hope that Miss Yinyue will take good care of His Majesty in the future. Your Majesty, as the body of all gold, must not make any mistakes!"

Xiao He heaved a sigh of relief, cupped his fists at Yinyue and said.

"Lord Xiangbang, go slowly, Yinyue will take good care of His Majesty!"

Yinyue blushed and said with a smile.

After seeing off Xiao He, Yinyue turned around and continued to walk towards the palace. After walking a few steps, she saw Zhao Qian standing there in a daze, she couldn't help frowning, and said, "Let's go, what are you doing?"

Zhao Qian had a strange look on her face, and said: "He said just now that His Majesty was so angry that the officials fainted on the spot in order to save General Yuwen. Is this... is it true?"

"What do you think?"

Yinyue glared at him angrily, and said: "Hurry up and take care of your husband, I have to go back to the palace to take care of His Majesty."

"For more than half a month, His Majesty has received countless impeachment memorials from his courtiers, and has been holding them back. For your General Yuwen, Your Majesty has suffered all kinds of torture these days."

"It turns out that you are fine, it is really unreasonable to keep saying that you want to kill His Majesty!"

Saying that, Yinyue didn't bother to talk nonsense, turned around and walked towards the palace.

Behind Zhao Qian was full of embarrassment, and after realizing it, she hurriedly chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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