Chapter 268
"Chengdu, how are you doing!"

Yuwen Chengdu was placed in Huinan Palace, and when Zhao Qian arrived, Yuwen Chengdu had already woken up.

At this moment, the wound on Yu Wencheng's body has been bandaged, and the improvement of the whole person has also recovered to rosy.


Yu Wencheng turned around, saw Zhao Qian, and blurted out.

"Don't worry, princess, I'm fine!"

Then, Yu Wencheng smiled slightly and said: "I said before that His Majesty will definitely not treat me Yuwen Chengdu like this. Look, am I still doing well now?"


Zhao Qian's eyes turned red, she stepped forward suddenly, hugged Yu Wencheng, and couldn't help sobbing.

"I don't know. You were injured so badly before that you were almost dead. People are worried about you too!"

"It's good for you, you have been loyal to your Majesty the Emperor all your life, but have you thought about me? My father died, my mother died, and my whole family is gone."

"I can only rely on you. If you die, what should I do? You tell me, what should I do!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian couldn't help crying loudly.

In the back, seeing this scene, Yinyue couldn't help but her eyes flushed slightly, and there was a touch of sympathy in her eyes.

For Zhao Qian's experience, she only felt the same feeling, why didn't she feel the same way?
Shaking her head slightly, Yinyue turned around and was about to leave, but she saw a person approaching the door at some point.

"Your Majesty..."

Yinyue blurted out, but before he finished speaking, Ying Shou made a silent gesture, and immediately blocked the rest of her words.

But her voice also caught Yu Wencheng's attention.

Yu Wencheng raised his head abruptly, saw the emperor, immediately pushed Zhao Qian away, turned over and got out of bed, knelt down on one knee, and said: "The last general will see His Majesty the Emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, His Majesty!"

Behind her, Zhao Qian saw Ying Shou, was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and bowed: "My servant has seen Your Majesty, long live your Majesty, long live, long live!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, waved his hands and said, "Okay, get back on your feet. Chengdu, I'm relieved to see that you're recovering well."

"In these days, in order to eliminate the complaints of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, I have suffered for you."

"Others don't know, but I know very well that you are so loyal to me, even in this world, I can kill anyone, how can I kill you."

"Take a good rest. After your injury recovers, I will personally preside over the wedding for you. This year, you will stay in Xianyang first. In the coming year, I will take you to sweep the Xiongnu, and you will be ashamed!"

Yu Wencheng's eyes turned red, and he knelt down and said, "Thank you for your majesty's kindness. With your majesty's words, the last general will not suffer. Even if he dies in battle in the future, the last general will never complain!"

"Hahaha, silly boy, what I want is a living general, not a dead body. If you really want to die in battle, I will complain. Take good care of your health, and you will have a lovely wife and beautiful family waiting for you!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, and while speaking, he turned around and walked away with Yinyue, leaving Yinyue with a shy face and Yu Wencheng full of emotion.

As a product summoned by Ying Shou using the system, he has his own independent personality. Although he is loyal to Ying Shou, he doesn't know his origin.Therefore, he could only be silently moved by the emperor's kindness to him.

With the resolution of the sacrificial ceremony and the matter of Yuwen Chengdu, the court finally became quiet.

Perhaps it was because the emperor's posture was so frightening that day that no one dared to mention the emperor's affairs in the following days.

After repeated discussions, in the end, the location of the Jixia Academy was fixed on Tianhu outside the west city.

There is a sacrificial altar, and the sacrifices are the spirits of martyrs from all schools and heroes from all walks of life.By building the Jixia Academy here, this altar can be left alone for future generations to worship day and night.

But now, almost everyone in Daqin is busy farming. Because of the large scale of Jixia Academy, it is difficult to find someone to take care of the project for a while, which has become the most troublesome thing at present.

Not only the matter of Jixia Academy is a headache, but the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department is imminent.

After much deliberation, Ying Shou finally decided to entrust the siege to hundreds of companies in the city, and let some people find a way to jointly build the Jixia Academy and the Military Aircraft Office.

The spring plowing at the beginning of the year, as well as the construction of the Jixia Academy and the Military Aircraft Department, made the whole of the Qin Dynasty very busy, and completely started the first reform after the unification of the Qin Dynasty.

But when I was busy here, outside the Northwest Great Wall, in the land of the Xiongnu, there were mournful cries.

With this development, the Xiongnu army that invaded the Great Wall totaled 50 people, but none of them survived.

37 troops died in the Great Wall Pass, while 13 troops were directly captured by Daqin and used as coolies to farm day and night.

If you are not careful, you will be whipped endlessly.

I don't know how many people were beaten to death. For these Huns, the Central Plains people who hate the sky, they are merciless.

For the Huns, this is simply a great shame and a great resentment.

The Xiongnu Shanyu, none of the sixteen tribal leaders survived, which caused a series of changes within the Xiongnu.

For several months, the Xiongnu fought fiercely within the Huns for power and supremacy.

All tribes are competing for the position of tribal leader, and at the same time, everyone is coveting the position of Xiongnu Shanyu.

As a horse nation, there is never a shortage of warriors inside the chest.Unless the whole country is killed in battle, even if 50 people are killed in battle, they can still gather 50 or millions of troops.This is the strength of the Huns.

In the Xiongnu, it can be said that everyone is a soldier, and this civil war among the Huns has killed and injured more than [-] people within a few months.

Until this day, Mo Du, the son of the former Xiongnu Shanyu, made a sudden move. In just two months, he directly used iron and blood methods to kill the Quartet. No. Mao Dun Shanyu.

Before the Xiongnu entered the pass, Donghu was already stronger than the Xiongnu, and oppressed the Xiongnu very tightly.

Today, the Xiongnu lost 50 troops in the pass, coupled with civil strife, which made the Xiongnu even worse. Compared with the power of Donghu, the disparity is simply too great.

For a while, the pressure from Donghu's side came again.

"What, what a king of Donghu Khan, he has such a big appetite!"

On this day, the Hun Maodun Shanyu received Donghu's list and suddenly became furious.

Before that, because of many battles with Donghu, the Xiongnu had to submit to them after repeated defeats, so that they paid tribute every year.

In these tribute lists, Donghu asks for [-] war horses and more than [-] cattle and sheep every year.This was not only a great financial oppression for the Huns, but also an oppression in terms of strength.

However, if they couldn't beat others, the Xiongnu could only pay tribute every year, pray for a truce, and instead set their goals in the direction of Daqin.

(End of this chapter)

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