Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 269 And Princess Ann

Chapter 269 And Princess Ann
Here, the Xiongnu couldn't beat Donghu, so they had to pay tribute every year.

But the Huns were not convinced. They had to find a way to make up for the tribute.

Therefore, the Central Plains, where civil strife is frequent, became the best place for the Xiongnu to replenish resources.

It's a pity that Qin Shihuang was together in all directions, and the strength of Daqin was earth-shattering, and he was simply a fierce tiger.

At this time, when the Huns called, it was simply asking for trouble.It doesn't matter if he doesn't take advantage of it at all, but he was beaten until he ran away with his head in his arms.

After coming and going again and again, there was a real fire, and it could be said that there was no end to death.

The Xiongnu couldn't do anything to the Great Qin. Similarly, because the Huns were too fast and too vigorous, the Great Qin couldn't do anything to the Huns.

In the end, because the interior needed time to recover, Qin Shihuang had to stop the war and build the Great Wall of Zhao State again to resist the pace of the Xiongnu and Donghu. This is also the source of the Great Wall.

Today, the Huns were defeated by the Qin Dynasty, coupled with civil strife, resulting in heavy casualties.At this time, Donghu stepped in and deepened the tribute list.

On the list, Donghu Khan asked for 20 war horses and 50 cattle and sheep every year.

This number has more than tripled, making the new Xiongnu Chanyu furious.

Similarly, once the news got out, the whole country was so angry that they wished to go to war with Donghu directly.

However, this is the time when the Huns are at their weakest. Although the Huns are all warriors, everyone can fight the enemy as long as they can.

But as a country, the Xiongnu would not be really stupid enough to do this, otherwise, it would not be far from destroying the country.

Under Donghu's repeated overthrow and oppression, the Xiongnu suffered unspeakably.

On this day, the Huns made a decision and agreed to Donghu's request. Not only that, but also added [-] more horses and [-] more cattle and sheep.

But he has a condition, to meet and talk with King Donghu Khan face to face.

Mao Dun Shanyu's cooking won the hearts of King Donghu Khan, so King Donghu Khan agreed without hesitation.

Not long after, the Xiongnu Shanyu and Donghu Khan met at the junction of the Xiongnu and Donghu.

On this day, when the two met, a great battle broke out.

King Donghu Khan never thought that the weak Xiongnu would dare to offend Donghu at this time, and because of negligence, he lost his life directly.

The death of Donghu King Khan instantly caused chaos within Donghu, so a battle for power and throne started within Donghu.

The Xiongnu took the opportunity to send troops, it can be said that the gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, and the Donghu retreated steadily.

The more they fought, the stronger the Huns' team became, and the more they fought, the faster the Huns recovered.

Supporting war with war, at this moment, was fully embodied by the Huns.

Although everything deviates slightly from the time in history, it is still rehearsing towards the footsteps of history after all.

The Xiongnu went to the northern border of the Great Qin Dynasty and continued to grow, so that they gradually formed a situation of dominance by one family.

Only within the Great Qin, there is no conflict between Chu and Han at this moment, let alone the so-called Han Dynasty.

Everything was changed because of the appearance of Ying Shou.

While the Xiongnu were expanding wildly, the interior of Daqin was also undergoing rapid changes, showing a thriving color.

On this day, in Xianyang City of the Great Qin Dynasty, on the street leading from Xianyang Palace to Yuwen Chengdu General's Mansion, there were lights and festoons, and it was very lively.

In three more days, it will be the wedding day of General Yuwen Chengdu and imperial sister Zhao Qian, now Daqin and Princess An.

Although everyone in Daqin is currently busy with farming and has no time to prepare too much for the wedding, the wedding of the imperial sister should not be too shabby.

Therefore, although there are no lights and festoons all over the city, this street is very well arranged.

Zhao Qian's title of Princess He'an was decided on the third day after Yuwen Chengdu's impeachment happened.

As the former Princess Zhao, the only bloodline of the former Zhao royal family now shoulders the mission of resolving the grievances between Zhao and Qin. Therefore, in the name of peace, I hope that the people of the two places will be harmonious and happy.

In the middle of the night, I was bored with Princess An, and accompanied by the maid, I wandered around the palace to relax.

Because of the upcoming marriage, the woman must live in her natal home according to the rules for the past two days. The current Daqin Palace is the natal home of Princess He'an. Therefore, she did not return to the General's Mansion with Yuwen Chengdu, but was alone and bored. stay here.

"Princess, don't go any further! The front is His Majesty's bedroom. If you disturb His Majesty, I will not be offended!"

Suddenly, a maid's voice came from behind and said.

"The front is His Majesty's bedroom?"

And Princess An was taken aback, so far, she has lived in the palace for three months, and has never entered the emperor's bedroom.

"That's right, no one dares to enter His Majesty's bedroom, except for Mr. Xiangbang and Mr. Taifu, who can go in if they have something to report!"

The maid said with a worried face.

"It's okay, I'll go in quietly to have a look. I have His Majesty's token, and His Majesty allows me to roam around the palace at will, and I won't blame you!"

Zhao Qian couldn't help wondering what the emperor's bedroom looked like, so she took out a token and walked over.


As soon as he reached the palace gate, the guard immediately reached out to stop him.

But after Zhao Qian took out the emperor's badge, the guards pushed it aside without saying a word, allowing Zhao Qian to enter the palace.

Walking into the palace, Zhao Qian found that the emperor's bedroom seemed to be no different.

And other palaces, nothing changed at all.

Just as she was bored and was about to leave, she saw brightly lit lights in the backyard garden.

"Well, it's already midnight, and it's about to be a scandal. How come there are people here who dare to light up the lamps so brightly, not afraid of disturbing the emperor?"

Zhao Qian was astonished, and couldn't help but walked over, only to see a stone table in the distance, the emperor was sitting there quietly, facing a mountain of bamboo slips, under the service of the eunuch, was writing a scroll The reviewer of the volume.

"It's the emperor, why is it so late and still not sleeping? After two hours, it's morning time!"

Zhao Qian couldn't help being astonished. According to reason, at this time, except for her, a boring person, everyone else should have a rest!
The emperor is still reviewing the memorial at this time, is he too busy?
Suddenly, Zhao Qian noticed that behind the emperor, a woman in palace attire was Yinyue, who came to the emperor with a tray in her hand, put down the tray, and picked up a bowl of meat soup from the tray. It was gently fed into the emperor's mouth.

The emperor's eyes continued to walk on the memorial, busy reviewing the mountain of memorials.

Zhao Qian quietly found a relatively close and relatively secret place, and watched the scene quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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