Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 270 The Emperor's Concubine

Chapter 270 The Emperor's Concubine

Under Zhao Qian's gaze, the emperor was very focused on the content on the bamboo slips, and he just instinctively opened his mouth to swallow Yinyue's food.

Before Yinyue could feed the whole bowl of meat soup, the emperor seemed to have reviewed all the memorials.

When he put down the last bamboo slip, he accidentally knocked over the jade bowl in Yinyue's hand, and immediately, half a bowl of warm meat soup was directly sprinkled on the emperor's robe.


Yinyue exclaimed, and quickly said: "Your Majesty's atonement, Your Majesty's atonement!"

While speaking, Yinyue quickly grabbed her sleeves and wiped the emperor's body.

"No problem, no problem!"

The emperor was obviously taken aback, and stood up abruptly. After realizing it, he quickly grabbed Yinyue's little hand and said.

"Your Majesty, it's all due to the servant girl. I'm so sorry for taking care of Your Majesty for so long and being in a hurry!"

Yinyue raised her head and couldn't help but blame herself.

The longer she follows the emperor, the more distressed she is about Yingshou's busyness.

So much so that now, even if the emperor does not rest, she will never rest either. She often has to wait for the emperor to fall asleep before she prepares to rest.

"Okay, silly woman. I have to get up before going to bed every morning to prepare meals for me, and I have to rest after I go to bed. If it were someone else, I would be tired and lay down."

"What can you do if you are in a hurry, I think it's cute!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, looking at the woman in front of him whose face had become haggard after being busy for a long time, a flash of pity flashed in his eyes.

"The servant girl is His Majesty's personal maid. Taking care of His Majesty is a servant's bounden duty. How can the servant girl dare to say that your Majesty is still busy so late at night?"

Yinyue shook her head and said in a low voice.

"Has Your Majesty finished the examination and approval of the memorial, can you ask your servant to loosen and knead your Majesty's muscles?"

"Well, if you don't say it, don't you think that it really hurts your back. Tsk tsk, you've been spoiled by me during this time."

"I can't get used to the imperial chef's meal, and I can't stand the service of other maids. Come, rub it for me!"

Ying Shou nodded, sat down again, pointed to his back and waist: "Here, give me a few hard hammers, and rub it again!"

"Is it here?"

Yinyue stretched out her hand and pressed it, then controlled the strength, and punched it twice!

"Well, yes, comfortable!"

Ying Shou nodded, followed Yinyue's pressing suddenly, and there were bursts of popping sounds from his bones, which made him feel very comfortable.

"And here, here..."

Ying Shou enjoyed it very much, and quickly pointed Yinyue to press it around on his back.

After a lot of busy work, Ying Shou stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and suddenly there was a crackling sound all over his body.

"Well, Shu Tan. Tsk tsk, Yinyue, you are comfortable serving people!"

Ying Shou turned his back to Yinyue, with an expression of admiration on his face, and said with a smile: "It seems that to find time, I have to enjoy your care more. This time is too busy, so busy that I even have to take a bath in a hurry Busy!"

"Speaking of it, you may not believe it. When I was served by you for the first time in South Vietnam, I can't forget that feeling."

"Later, you and Lie Yang tried to assassinate me, and I bypassed you again and again, not only because I value you as brother and sister, but more importantly, I'm really afraid that without you, no one will be able to serve me like this in the future !"

Hearing this, Yinyue seemed to recall the scene of serving Ying Shou for the first time, and couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Although today, I don't know how many times she has been served like this, but after all, she is still an innocent girl, and every time she thinks about it, she can't help but blush.

"According to what His Majesty said, the servants have to deal with the situation. On the first day Your Majesty went to Tianyue City, did the servants serve His Majesty?"

Yinyue smiled shyly.

"Well, so to speak, hahaha!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, turned around and said, "Come here, send out the memorial. It's getting late today, it's time to rest and get ready for tomorrow morning!"

With that said, Ying Shou walked towards his bedroom.

Yinyue hurriedly followed behind, entered the sleeping hall, changed clothes for the emperor herself, waited for the emperor to sleep, and then slowly exited the sleeping hall.

Zhao Qian, who had been hiding in the dark, saw all this scene in her eyes, and she couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

"Let me just say, other kings already had a lot of concubines before they ascended the throne. However, the emperor has not yet prepared to choose a concubine. It turns out that he has a concubine. Their relationship is really not simple!"

Zhao Qian thought to herself, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she quietly left here.

Morning court the next day... Yinyue started to get busy after serving the emperor.

When the sky was bright, Yinyue immediately led people to pull six carts of red boxes, as well as cloth, etc. to the palace where Princess An and Zhao Qian were.

"Princess, Princess, His Majesty's personal maid, Miss Yinyue, has come and said she wants to find you. I'm afraid His Majesty has an imperial order, so don't go to sleep!"

Princess An's maid hurriedly woke up the master, and said anxiously.

"Hey, what are you doing here so early in the morning, it really doesn't make you sleep well!"

Zhao Qian was very dissatisfied and got up from the bed.

Under the service of the maid, she dressed up a bit, and just before she came to the palace courtyard, she could not help but be astonished to see the carts of gifts from a distance.

"Servant Yinyue, I have met Her Royal Highness!"

Yinyue saluted from a distance.

"Miss Yinyue, what are you doing here so early in the morning, last night..."

Zhao Qian spoke quickly and almost said the wrong thing, so she hurriedly said: "I rested late last night, how about you?"

Yinyue smiled slightly, and said: "Thank you for your concern, Your Royal Highness, the servant is resting well."

"This is the dowry prepared by His Majesty for the princess. Your Majesty said that Daqin is poor now and cannot afford a good dowry for the princess. In the future, when Daqin becomes rich and strong, I will definitely prepare another good dowry for the princess!"

"Ah... is this the dowry prepared by the emperor for me?"

Zhao Qian couldn't help being surprised when she heard this.

She thought that her marriage with Yuwen Chengdu was just a process, but she didn't expect the emperor to prepare a dowry for him, so she really regarded her as one of her own.

"Well, these are the dowry His Majesty personally prepared for the princess."

"In addition, because the wedding dresses on the market are not very good-looking, so when the servants were preparing the dowry, they made arbitrarily arbitrarily assertive decisions and personally sewed a wedding dress for the princess. I hope the princess will not dislike it!"

Yinyue's voice is very gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"You personally prepare the wedding dress for this palace?"

Zhao Qian was stunned, and said, "Quick, show me!"

She was very clear that, as the emperor's personal maid, Yinyue had never taken care of anyone except the emperor.It's unbelievable that she actually sews a wedding dress for herself now.

"Look, princess!"

Yinyue took a box from the car, opened it and said.

(End of this chapter)

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