Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 271 Teasing Yinyue

Chapter 271 Teasing Yinyue

Zhao Qian couldn't help her eyes light up when she mentioned the wedding dress.

Looking around, this wedding dress is not very gorgeous, it is usually bright red, but the embroidery on it is very exquisite, giving people a very grand feeling.

Moreover, the style of the wedding dress is different from that of the Central Plains today. It seems to combine various wedding dress cultures, and it seems to abandon the wedding dress culture of various places, giving people a very novel feeling.

"What a beautiful wedding dress. Also, is the embroidery on this wedding dress a phoenix?"

"This phoenix, shouldn't it be on the clothes of the emperor and queen, why is it also on the wedding dress you gave me?"

The more Zhao Qian looked at it, the more she liked this wedding dress, she couldn't put it down, but she also knew the rules of etiquette, not everyone can wear this phoenix robe.

"Yes, this is a phoenix. It should be the phoenix that only appears on the clothes of emperors and empresses."

"However, before the maidservant and His Majesty mentioned the matter of wedding clothes, His Majesty said that there are three major happy events in a man's life, namely being named on the gold list, bridal chamber festive candles, and the birth of a precious son."

"However, there is only one happy event in a woman's life, the wedding ceremony."

"Therefore, the woman at the time of marriage should be the most noble and beautiful existence in the world, with thousands of bells and spirits in one body."

"You should wear a phoenix crown and Xiapei and marry into your husband's family to show the dignity of a woman, so that your husband's family will not bully you!"

"My servant felt that what His Majesty said was very reasonable, so I changed my ordinary red wedding dress in the Great Qin Central Plains, and added a golden phoenix on it."

"After this wedding dress was finished, the maidservant asked His Majesty to have a look, and His Majesty was very satisfied. He said that a married woman should be equipped with such a gown!"

Yinyue smiled slightly, instinctively making people want to get close.

In this era, there is no such thing as a phoenix coronet and Xiapei. It was gradually spread after the Han Dynasty.

What's more, in this era of strict regulations, the phoenix crown and xiapei, just like the emperor's dragon robe, are sacred and inviolable. Whoever dares to wear the phoenix crown and xiapei will be decapitated for treason.

But since the Fengguan Xiapei has been approved by His Majesty the Emperor, there is no need to worry about it.

"By the way, Your Royal Highness, there is also a phoenix crown personally sent by His Majesty to make for you. Please see if you like it!"

While talking, Yinyue thought of something, quickly opened another small box, and handed it to Zhao Qian.


Zhao Qian's eyes widened in an instant, and she was startled from ear to ear by the dazzling golden phoenix crown in front of her.

"What a beautiful phoenix crown!"

All women love beauty, seeing this phoenix crown, Zhao Qian felt excited, couldn't help stretching out her hand, hugged the phoenix crown in her arms, and looked at it carefully.

On the phoenix crown, there are feathers woven with gold thread, shining brightly, and a pearl is inlaid on it, which is about the same size as the lanthanum night pearl that the emperor of Zhou used to have, very noble and gorgeous.

Zhao Qian really couldn't imagine what it would be like to wear this wedding dress.

"What do you think of the princess, do you still like it?"

Yinyue smiled slightly and asked in a low voice.

"I like it, I like it so much!"

Zhao Qian pressed her lips together tightly, but she couldn't help her eyes turning red when she was speaking, she put down the Fengguan Xiapei abruptly, and hugged Yinyue.

"Thank you, Silver Moon, thank you so much!"

Yinyue was stunned for a moment, her body stiffened a little, and after realizing it, she shook her head and smiled, and said in a low voice: "Princess, the wedding is approaching, why are you still crying when you are so happy? You shouldn't be happy now, right? "

"Who said I'm unhappy?"

"I'm happy, really happy!"

"Yinyue, do you know that in our country of Zhao, when a woman gets married, it is always the mother who prepares the wedding dress for her."

"But now, I don't have a mother anymore. I didn't expect that someone would prepare a wedding dress for me today. They prepared it so well. Thank you, thank you so much!"

Zhao Qian wept with joy, choked with sobs, and hugged Yinyue even tighter.

"Okay, princess, what are you talking about? Now you are Princess Daqin, His Majesty's younger sister. When you get married, His Majesty will naturally have to prepare everything for you."

"As His Majesty's maid, the servant girl naturally has to help His Majesty handle these matters. You don't need to thank the servant girl. If you want to thank your majesty, you can go thank your majesty!"

Yinyue patted Zhao Qian's pink back lightly, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, you prepared these for me. Why should I thank him? These men are all thinking about the important affairs of their family and country. Who cares about our women? I don't believe he is so careful!"

Zhao Qian let go of Yinyue and snorted. While speaking, she still had some prejudice against the emperor.

"Princess, you are wrong to think so."

"To put it another way, His Majesty is busy with affairs of the day and is busy with government affairs, but at this time he can spare time to prepare the wedding ceremony for the princess, which is enough to prove how much His Majesty loves and values ​​the princess, isn't it?"

Yinyue shook her head and smiled, changing the subject.

"Hey, that's not right, I said Yinyue, why every time you see me, what you talk about is how good your emperor is, how you get it."

"I've never heard you say hello to yourself, but keep praising your emperor. Tell me, do you like His Majesty the Emperor?"

Facing Yinyue's good words about the emperor, Zhao Qian curled her lips, disapproving.Suddenly thinking of the scene I saw last night, my mind moved, and I couldn't help but joke.

"Your Highness, don't talk nonsense, the slave is just a maid in front of your majesty, how can you think nonsense!"

Yinyue's pretty face flushed, knowing that Daqin's rules are strict and not to jump casually, so she immediately waved her hand and said.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Zhao Qian said with a smile on her face, "Why do I feel that this is the case? Tell me, this emperor has already passed his coronation year."

"Other princes and nobles already had wives and concubines before being crowned, and the emperor has been crowned for so many years. As the emperor, he should choose beauties from the people to attack and register them in the harem."

"But until now, His Majesty has not moved. I wonder if you are seducing Your Majesty to prevent His Majesty from being registered as a harem?"

Yinyue's pretty face changed, and she hurriedly said: "Your Highness, shut up quickly, you can't talk nonsense about this matter, otherwise outsiders will hear it, and the consequences will be disastrous. Besides, how dare a servant do such a thing!"

At this moment, Yinyue was indeed quite frightened by Zhao Qian's words. After all, Daqin had strict rules and regulations, although the courtiers were not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the harem.

But the emperor's marriage has always been a top priority for the country.

Now that the officials are busy, they naturally don't have time to talk about this matter. When the officials are free, they will definitely ask the emperor to expand the harem to continue the blood of the Great Qin Dynasty.

If at that time, Zhao Qian's words were heard by those courtiers, maybe Yinyue would bear a serious crime of disrupting the government, which is not something he, a little girl, can afford.

The longer she stays in the palace, the more Yinyue understands Daqin's rules and understands Daqin's strength better.If this serious crime is committed, not to mention him, even if the elder brother helps, the two brothers and sisters will surely die.

(End of this chapter)

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