Chapter 272
In Yinyue's life, although she is young, she has gone through wind, frost, snow and rain, and experienced countless major events.

Having come out of countless trials of life and death, she is not afraid of death, but what she wants to do is to become the most beneficial assistant behind the emperor and help him solve all troubles.To be charged with such a crime, in her opinion, would be worse than death.

"Hey, look at your nervous look, I'm just joking, it's not okay!"

Zhao Qian shook her head and couldn't help joking.

She really didn't understand, this woman was clearly not an ordinary woman, why she was so submissive to the emperor, and why she was so cautious when mentioning the emperor.

"Your Highness, this joke can't be taken!"

Silver Moon waved her hand and said.

She is different from Zhao Qian. Zhao Qian is used to doing things according to her will, but she doesn't have any goals.

But now she has her own ideas, that is, to follow the emperor all her life, so she should be more vigilant about the rules of the Great Qin, especially the rules of the palace.

"Okay, I won't joke with you. But to be honest, Yinyue, you really don't like His Majesty the Emperor?"

Zhao Qian was helpless, but she couldn't help the woman's gossip while speaking, and asked with a smile.

"Slaves don't dare to think wildly!"

Yinyue shook her head and quickly replied.

"Hey, that's fine. I was thinking that you prepared a wedding dress for me. This kindness is as great as a mother's kindness. I decided to recognize you as my sister."

"If there is a chance in the future, I will ask the emperor to find out, I will be a matchmaker for you, and I will return you a wedding dress."

"Since you don't like the emperor, forget it. It seems that I have to find time to talk to the general about the emperor's choice of concubine."

"The general is deeply favored by His Majesty. Your Majesty should listen to the general and choose a concubine from the people!"

Zhao Qian chuckled and said deliberately.



"In this way, His Majesty will have to bother Her Majesty the Princess and the general about expanding the harem!"

Yinyue exclaimed, she couldn't help but look a little sad, and said in a low voice.

Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue quietly, and couldn't help but feel amused.

This woman clearly has feelings for the emperor, but she is always unwilling to speak out, and I really don't know how she can hold back.

Thinking about it, Zhao Qian couldn't continue teasing Yinyue, so she changed the subject and said, "Okay, Yinyue, let's not talk about this."

"What do you think of what I said just now? It just so happens that I am here in Xianyang. I have no relatives or reasons. If you wish, we will be married to Jinlan. As sisters, what do you think?"

Yinyue shook her head quickly when she heard the words: "Princess, no, how can a servant girl be a sister with the princess. If this is the case, won't it tarnish the noble status of the princess?"

"It's these rules and regulations again!"

Zhao Qian was a little dissatisfied, but she could tell that the woman in front of her was completely brainless when it came to these rules.

Since the other party was unwilling, she did not force it, but she firmly remembered the favor of the wedding dress.

On this side, when the two women met each other, on the other side, above the court, fell into a deep silence.

The civil and military men of the whole dynasty bowed their heads in thought and remained silent, and the emperor also had a pensive look on his face.

Daqin, which was originally developing in full swing, was completely shocked by a piece of news on this day.

This is news about the Xiongnu. In the first two months, the battle reports from the front were all about the Huns' civil strife and their inability to harass the Great Wall.

But just today, the news was that the civil strife in the Xiongnu subsided, and the new Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun killed Donghu Khan, seizing the opportunity of the civil strife in Donghu, and madly mopping up Donghu.

For Daqin, this is extremely bad news.

Although these years, Daqin has often fought with the Xiongnu and Donghu, but in the final analysis, the three-legged confrontation, neither the Donghu nor the Huns, can attack Daqin with all their strength, which makes Daqin a lot easier.

Even these years, the Donghu has been suppressing the Xiongnu, making the Xiongnu guard against the Donghu day and night, so they can't attack the Great Qin with all their strength.

And because of the existence of the Great Wall, Donghu didn't bother to gnaw on Daqin's bone, and put more pressure on the Xiongnu. All of this, for Daqin, was beneficial and harmless.

But now, the Eastern Hu was defeated, and the Xiongnu drove straight in.According to this style of play, at most one year, you can beat Donghu and destroy the country.

Explain that the border of Daqin, from the northeast to the northwest, is the territory of the Huns.

After the Xiongnu unified the Donghu, their territory was even wider than that of the Great Qin, and their combat power was even more unimaginable.

At that time, the Xiongnu, who have integrated the forces of the two countries, will put all their strength on Daqin. At that time, can Daqin still bear it?
At this moment, everyone was thinking about this, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and the more they thought about it, the more panicked they became, causing a tense atmosphere to spread quietly above the court.

Ying Shou noticed this nervousness and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although he was also meditating, his thoughts were completely different from those of the officials.

What the ministers thought was the result of the great war between the Xiongnu and Donghu, and if either of these two countries was destroyed, Daqin would suffer frenzied attacks afterwards.

But in Ying Shou's view, these are trivial matters.

Now, his subordinates set up the Military Aircraft Department, the Jixia Academy, and govern the world. With the Jixia Academy and hundreds of schools, it is enough to make the Great Qin prosperous ten times and a hundred times.

Let's talk about the military aircraft department, there are Li Yuanba, Lie Yang, Yuwen Chengdu, Xu Chu and other current generals.

Not to mention too much, just say that Xu Chu, who has the weakest combat power, is not something ordinary people can compete with.And Yuwen Chengdu, Lie Yang and others are all top generals among the ten thousand armies, a rare one hundred.Not to mention Li Yuanba, that is a fierce man who can defeat a hundred thousand troops by himself.

The most important thing is that he still has Grand Marshal Wei Liao, even if the Donghu and the Xiongnu really become one, he is not afraid.

In history, it was Emperor Wu of the Han who made the Xiongnu flee from east to west, and Emperor Wu of Han had generals such as Wei Qing, Li Guang, and Huo Qubing under his command.

Relatively speaking, his Generalissimo Wei Liao is better at commanding troops than Wei Qing, and his capable general, Li Yuanba, is more powerful than Huo Qubing, Yuwen Chengdu, etc., and even better than Li Guang.

With those people, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty could defeat the Xiongnu, and he could do the same.

Therefore, Ying Shou did not worry about the unification of the Xiongnu and Donghu at all. This is a trend and a historical necessity.

What he is thinking now is that there seems to be a slight deviation in this history.

Of course he knew the name Moton.

In the history of the previous life, Donghu also overwhelmed the Xiongnu, forcing them to pay tribute to horses, cattle and sheep every year.

But during the Huhai period of the Great Qin Dynasty, before Mao Dunshan killed his father, he began to defeat Donghu steadily, so that Donghu was finally wiped out, leaving only two remnant tribes of Donghu, namely Xianbei and Wuhuan.

When it comes to Xianbei and Wuhuan, in later generations, they are very awesome existences.The Huns were arrogant, and their arrogance only ended in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

But the two tribes of Donghu have been arrogant for more than 2000 years since Qin State.If it is counted from the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is almost 3000 years.

(End of this chapter)

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