Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 275 Hugging the bride and entering the bridal chamber

Chapter 275 Hugging the bride and entering the bridal chamber

"Okay, let's beat the drums and send the bride and groom to the church!"

Ying Shou was too lazy to talk nonsense, waved his big hand, and gave an order to enter the mansion first.

All the ministers came in together, and countless people surrounded the mansion of the general.

"Bride and groom pay homage!"

The master of ceremonies gave an order, and the emperor, as the emperor, was also the only elder of the two princess families, so he sat alone at the head.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

The master of ceremonies shouted, Yuwen Chengdu, the bride and Princess An held the big red flowers, and bowed to the door.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

The master of ceremonies shouted again, and the two turned around, bowing deeply to the elder brother who was like a father.

"Bye husband and wife!"

The master of ceremonies shouted again, Yuwen Chengdu and Princess An faced each other for two hundred.

Li Yuanba was on the side, quickly lowering his head, wanting to see his sister's peerless face.However, the red hijab was too big to be seen at all. Li Yuanba pouted his mouth in anger, childishly dissatisfied.

This scene aroused the great and small of the officials again.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

The voice of the master of ceremonies sounded again, and Yu Wencheng took the bride's hand and was about to send him to the east.



Suddenly, Xu Chu jumped out, stopped in front of him, and said, "I said Yuwen Chengdu, are you a lump of elm? This is sent to the east, but is it led away? Are you walking the dog? Pick it up!"

When Xu Chu walked the dog, everyone jumped in fright.

To say that the princess is a dog in front of the emperor is courting death.

But the latter sentence immediately attracted everyone's enthusiasm.

A group of people in the army, almost all of whom are vulgar and big men, shouted loudly for a while: "Hold up, hug up!"

Especially the childish Li Yuanba rushed up to join in the fun, stopped Yu Wencheng, and shouted: "Hold it up, or I won't give it up!"

Oops, this time, Yu Wencheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Although he has become a great general, he never relents in fighting on the battlefield, but his face is not as good as these rough men, and he doesn't know what to do for a while.

If you are too angry to do it, it is always a bad day on a big day.Don't do it, because his grandma won't be able to enter the bridal chamber today.

On the high hall, Ying Shou and Yinyue looked at each other and smiled, and couldn't help shaking their heads, but they didn't show any intention of stopping.

"Your Majesty, look at this..."

Suddenly, Yu Wencheng couldn't stand it any longer, and turned to look at Ying Shou.

Ying Shou looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, as if he didn't know, he just muttered to himself: "A man stands upright, he can't even lift up a woman, how can he pick up the world?"

"Hahaha...that's right, a man stands up to the sky and the earth, he can't even hold a woman up, so how can he hold up the world?"

"Hurry up, Yuwen Chengdu, hug me!"

Everyone laughed and made fun of Yu Wencheng.

This time, it was not only Yuwen Chengdu who was embarrassed, but also Princess He'an and Zhao Qian who were wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei under the red hijab.

At this moment, Zhao Qianqiao's face was so blushing that she could only rely on her head covering to hide her embarrassment, and stood there motionless.

She couldn't see the outside, but she kept imagining the scene outside the red hijab in her mind. At the same time, she also thought, should Yu Wencheng be hugged or not?

What will happen if you don't hold it, and what will happen if you hold it.

At this moment, the groom and the bride were really tortured.

"Hug, hug, a group of vulgar big guys, just watch!"

All of a sudden, Yu Wencheng gritted his teeth, his heart skipped a beat, he yelled, picked up the bride, and walked directly towards the backyard.

This time, everyone was very angry.

What does this mean?
What do you mean watching?
Oh, you are married in love, bullying us bastards!

"Okay, the worship ceremony is over, everyone, please take your seats!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, stood up suddenly, and greeted everyone.

"Don't dare..."

"Please, Your Majesty first!"

Although the emperor has warned the officials not to be too polite, but the emperor has not attended the banquet, so everyone dare not mess around!
"Okay, let's go down and let the table begin!"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and with an order, he came to the spacious front yard, facing south, and took the top spot.

When the ministers saw him sitting down, they all entered the table one after another.

"Come on, Yinyue, sit down!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou turned his head to look at Yinyue behind him, and laughed softly.

"Your Majesty, there are all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty, isn't it good?"

Yinyue hurriedly said in a low voice.

"Oh, the civil and military are all here, so you can't serve me, can you? Come and sit and cut meat for me!"

Ying Shou glared at Yinyue and waved his hands.


Yinyue was speechless, it was worth sitting down obediently, serving wine and cutting meat for the emperor herself.

This era is not as enjoyable as the later generations.

On top of such a big banquet, there is usually one person, a fruit plate, a piece of sauced meat on the table, a side dish, and a jar of wine, which is considered the largest size.

As the emperor or the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, he couldn't grasp and chew this sauced meat, so he used a knife to cut the meat just like the later generations in the West.

Of course, there is a knife to cut meat, but there is no fork, and chopsticks are still used.

Yinyue filled the wine for the emperor, gently cut off a piece of sauced meat, picked it up and sent it to the emperor's mouth.

When the officials saw it, they all looked sideways.

It is true that this maid serves the emperor, but it is not right to sit at the same table with the emperor.

"Could it be that the emperor has something for this girl..."

The officials couldn't help thinking wildly in their minds, and they used the topic to play, and thought of the matter of the eldest relative.

Thinking about it carefully, the emperor doesn't seem to have any concubines until now.

And the age of the emperor has already reached the time to start a family.

"Well, it seems that it's time to think about lifelong affairs for the emperor!"

Thinking about it, the officials suddenly became aware of it, and they were even ready to choose the concubine for the emperor.

"Old Minister Shusun Tong, Your Majesty Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, Uncle Sun Tong stood up and said with a smile.

"Well, drink..."

Ying Shou was not too polite, raised his wine bar and drank it in one gulp.

"Everyone, don't hesitate to have a meal, or you will lose face to the general!"

Without the emperor talking, some people, such as Li Yuanba, Xu Chu and others, have already feasted.

Other vulgar military generals also took action one after another, that is, civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty, who had too many rules, were ashamed of shame, and did not dare to mess around.

Hearing this, the officials responded, and still moved their hands gracefully.

"Your Majesty, on today's day of great joy, I have something to say, and I don't know if I should say it or not!"

Suddenly, after the toast, Shu Suntong spoke again.

"Hey, I'm very happy today, regardless of the government, don't talk about it, don't talk about it!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and refused without hesitation.

"No, Your Majesty, what the old minister said is not a court matter!"

Shu Suntong smiled wryly and said hastily.

"Oh, it's not about the court, it's about the family's misunderstanding, you can say it, you can say it!"

Ying Shou nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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