Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 276 Matchmaking for the Emperor

Chapter 276 Matchmaking for the Emperor

"May I ask Your Majesty, is the crowning year over?"

Shu Suntong looked at Ying Shou and asked with a smile.

"I'm in my thirties so far, and I've already passed the crowning year!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and replied with a smile.

"That's right!"

Shu Suntong nodded, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is over thirty, but so far, he has no heirs. This royal bloodline is related to my plans for the future of the Great Qin Dynasty!"

"If it were someone else, they would have wives and concubines before they were crowned."

"However, Your Majesty has stopped here, not to mention that there are no heirs, and there is no concubine in the harem. This is a major event related to the world."

"Today, taking advantage of General Yuwen's wedding, the veteran has no choice but to talk to His Majesty about this matter. I wonder how His Majesty thinks this harem matter should be handled?"

As soon as Shusun Tong said this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but put down their chopsticks and looked up at Ying Shou.

That's right, if Shu Suntong didn't mention it, everyone really didn't pay attention for a while.Thinking about it now, this is an earth-shattering event!
"That's right, Your Majesty, the matter of accepting a concubine in the harem should be sooner rather than later, and it can't be delayed any longer. Why don't His Majesty take advantage of General Yuwen's wedding day to decide his own affairs?"

Xiao He cupped his fists and followed suit.

"Yes, the ministers also very much agree with His Majesty's choice of concubine, such an important matter, there must be no delay!"

"Your Majesty, why don't you seize today's opportunity and settle this matter?"

During the conversation, the officials agreed, you said something, I said something, and Yin Yueyu's hand beside Ying Shou trembled slightly. Finally, did this thing happen?
If the emperor really decides this matter today and accepts the concubine in the harem, then can he still serve and take care of his majesty like today?

Ying Shou couldn't help shaking his head and smiling after listening to the ministers' advice.

That's all right, I won't talk about state affairs today, but in the end, I still talked about it.

The matter of accepting a concubine seems to be a family matter, but the emperor's family matter, in the final analysis, is a state matter.

However, others regarded it as a family matter, and he couldn't stop it.

"Your loves are right, um, it seems that it is time to prepare for this matter!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said with a smile: "It's just that I don't know how to choose the concubine? Also, this period of time is just when my Great Qin Dynasty is waiting for prosperity. I really don't have time to solve it."

"It's not as good as this, Zhuqing, let's put it aside for now, the future will be long, I will spare time to discuss this matter slowly with all my loves."

"Let's see which girl is suitable, and I will be brought into the palace again. What do you love ladies think?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help frowning.

The emperor's words are reasonable, but after careful consideration, they are not right.

The affairs of this world can be resolved by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and the emperor only needs to nod his head.It can be said that only the emperor has given the world a holiday, and no one in the world has given the emperor a holiday.

Whether he is busy or not depends entirely on the emperor's words.

Today, the emperor's words seem to be okay, but it is clearly an excuse.

Oh, this year's farming is too busy, so I don't have time to get married, will I have time in the future?
The more I thought about it, the more something went wrong, but before the officials could speak, the stupid Xu Chu jumped out again.

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong."

"What does it mean to be too busy now and have no time to settle the marriage? Are you serious? You still have time to marry Yuwen Chengdu!"

While talking, Xu Chu had a look of beating, and said again: "Now you say that our Daqin is busy, hey, that's right. After two years of being busy, hey, you have to go to find revenge for the Huns again. This time The war cannot be finished in just a few years. If it takes three to fifty years, will His Majesty still get married?"

This guy Xu Chu never kept his mouth open, and he never spoke, which attracted others to glare at him.

But as soon as these words came out, the officials immediately cast approving glances at him, and very rarely agreed with Xu Chu's statement.

Of course, it is one thing to agree, but it is another thing to be as straightforward as Xu Chu, at least the officials dare not talk to the emperor like this.

Xu Chu's words were agreed by everyone, but it caused Ying Shou's displeasure.

This guy, if you don't force me today, will he die?

"Oh, General Xu Chu, in your opinion, the matter of accepting a concubine is so simple, isn't it? Come on, I don't know what advice General Xu Chu has, let's hear it!"

With a dangerous gleam in Ying Shou's eyes, he said with a smile.

If it weren't for the fact that all the courtiers were here, he wouldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with Xu Chu now, so let's beat him up first.

"Hey... Your Majesty the Emperor, you are asking the right person. There is really someone to recommend for this general!"

Xu Chu didn't notice the emperor's displeasure at all, and when he heard the emperor asked him for advice, he immediately regained his spirits.

"Oh, General Xu Chu has a candidate, tell me!"

"Well, it seems that General Xu Chu really cares about His Majesty the most, please tell me, this candidate is a girl from various families, what is the beauty of this candidate, what is so amazing about it!"

The officials' eyes lit up, and they all looked at Xu Chu.

It is not an easy task to introduce someone to the emperor.

In the past, concubines in the harem were basically princesses from various countries, but now that all countries have been destroyed, the emperor can't go to the princess of the Xiongnu, right?At this time, it is natural to choose from the folks, or from the civil and military families of the Manchu Dynasty.And to be a concubine, one must not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have a lot of knowledge, otherwise she can be worthy of the emperor.If this is the object of introduction, a dissatisfaction may be missed by the emperor. It is not easy to be a matchmaker.

Now, Xu Chu, a big fool, would introduce without hesitation the moment he opened his mouth, and the officials would naturally be happy to see the result, at least let him try the waters first.

"Hey, it seems that all the ministers really want to know who the general is talking about, right? Hey, let me tell you, you ministers may not have seen this person, but he is definitely worthy of His Majesty the Emperor. Well, yes, Li Yuanba If you have seen this person before, ask him if this is the case!"

As he spoke, Xu Chu looked at Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba looked up stupidly: "Ah, have I seen it?"

Xu Chu quickly winked at him. This guy, one stupid and the other dumb, really get along very well. If there are any secrets, they are basically shared.

"Yuanba, it's that... the one in Xicheng Street!"

Xu Chu stared at Li Yuanba and said.

"Oh... oh... I remembered, yes... you were talking about the widow, right? Hehe, I remember, you always liked that widow, she was very beautiful. And you also said, he...he Very broad and profound, is that her?"

Li Yuanba came to his senses, nodded quickly and said in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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