Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 278 The Emperor and the Widow on a Blind Date

Chapter 278 The Emperor and the Widow on a Blind Date

"Report to Your Majesty, it's over!"

Yu Wencheng pounded wildly for a while, and after finishing beating, he calmly stopped and said to the emperor.

"Ouch, Your Majesty the Emperor, you have to decide for the last general!"

"Yu Wencheng, this kid is too dark, he did it before I finished speaking, it hurts him too much!"

When Xu Chu fell to the ground, he felt that his bones were almost broken, and he got up quickly, unable to stop howling.


Yinyue couldn't stop laughing again.


At this moment, Manchao Wenwu also burst into laughter.

They didn't dare to laugh at the emperor, but it was okay to laugh at Xu Chu.

I have to say that Xu Chu's appearance at this moment is really too funny. His whole head was beaten like a pig's head. When he walked, he was limping, which made people wonder if he was disabled by the beating.

This model should be very pitiful, but as long as he thinks about what he just said, it will make people feel refreshed.

You said, if someone introduces a concubine to the emperor, it’s fine for you to intervene, but you have to introduce a widow, or a widow who you peeked at, who will you beat if you don’t?
"As a general on the battlefield, you should strike first. By the time you finish speaking, the entire army has already been wiped out. You don't even understand this principle, and you deserve to be beaten!"

Yu Wencheng, who doesn't talk too much, snorted coldly and said sarcastically.


Xu Chu wailed and looked at the emperor again.

"Come on, this performance is very exciting. Let me drag General Xu Chu down to bask in the sun and heal his wounds. Whoever dares to let him escape from the sun and the moon within three days will be severely punished!"

Ying Shou had a sinister smile on his face, and he didn't bother to pay attention to Xu Chu. As soon as he gave an order, someone stepped forward, dragging the wailing Xu Chu away.

"No, Your Majesty, no..."

Xu Chu's wailing sounded for a long time, and then gradually became quieter, so that it disappeared.


The conversation was divided into two parts. On the other side, Li Yuanba did not sit still, galloped his horse, and in a short while came to a street in the west city and directly broke into a private house.

In the private house, a plump woman was drying clothes when someone broke into the yard suddenly, and she was shocked.

"who are you?"

The woman was taken aback and shouted at Li Yuanba.

As the saying goes, the widow's gate is the bachelor's courtyard. Is this widow's gate a place where you can enter as soon as you say it?Say it badly, and a woman's reputation will be ruined.

Although in this era, the reputation of chastity is not so important, but women have their own sense of shame, how can they touch it casually.

"Hey, sister-in-law, I'll take you to see brother!"

Li Yuanba laughed loudly, and as soon as he mentioned the widow, he rushed directly to the street.

As soon as he returned to the general's mansion, he saw Xu Chu being seriously injured and dragged out of the door.

"what happened?"

Li Yuanba hurried forward to stop him, saying, "Hey, why did you get beaten up like this?"

"Oh, Yuanba, you must avenge me."

"We introduced women to His Majesty the Emperor, and Yuwen Chengdu saw that we were unhappy, so he beat me up without giving me the slightest chance to prepare. You must avenge me!"

Xu Chu said to Li Yuanba with a look of lovelessness on his face.


"Is this Yuwen Chengdu so excessive?"

"He has married a wife and wants my brother to be a bachelor for the rest of his life. See if I don't beat him to death!"

When Li Yuanba heard this, he immediately lost his courage, mentioned the widow and walked into the general's mansion.

In the front yard of the general's mansion, just after Xu Chu was dealt with, Ying Shou was about to change the subject when he suddenly heard Li Yuanba's voice: "Yuwen Chengdu, you bastard, my brother took the trouble to marry you a wife, don't you?" Fortunately, if Xu Chu introduces a wife to my brother, you beat Xu Chu, you want my brother to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, see if I don't beat you to death!"

After the words fell, Ying Shou's heart bulged, and a bad feeling came over him.

Looking up, I saw Li Yuanba striding in with a woman in his arms.

"Let go of me, you let me go!"

The woman struggled crazily, but Li Yuanba was so strong that he didn't give her the slightest chance to struggle away.

"Oh my mother!"

Ying Shou stretched out his hand to rest his forehead, only to feel a headache.

This time it was really ugly.

He never expected that Li Yuanba would actually bring the widow here.


The officials were also stunned for a while, looked at the woman in Li Yuanba's hand, and then thought of what Li Yuanba said when he left just now.

Is this the widow?
Not to mention, although this widow's appearance is not alluring, she is not ugly either, and her figure is quite plump and sensual.

But when they thought that this was the concubine that Li Yuanba and Xu Chu had found for the emperor, the officials couldn't help but almost laughed.

It's not that people don't understand etiquette, and it's not that people are not serious enough, the point is, this is so fucking funny.

Under the eyes of everyone, Li Yuanba threw the woman on the ground and said, "Hey, stop screaming."

"Look clearly, that's my brother, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. From today onwards, you will be my brother's concubine. Get ready to have a wedding with my brother tonight!"

The woman trembled when she heard the words, she couldn't help looking at Ying Shou, and shouted, "Are you the emperor?"

Ying Shou had a headache for a while, and before he could speak, he heard the woman say with fear on her face: "Your servant obeys the order, and my servant will serve the king!"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yinyue, who was beside Yingshou, could no longer maintain a reserved smile that was not enough for a woman, and even more disregarded court etiquette, she smiled without showing her teeth, and just opened her small mouth to burst into a burst of laughter.

While laughing, she couldn't stop covering her stomach with her hands, obviously her stomach hurt from laughing.

After laughing for a long time, she couldn't help but rubbed her little face, which was cramped from laughing.

Yinyue swears that this is definitely the day when she laughs the most uncontrollably in her life.

Originally, she was in a bad mood when the emperor chose a concubine, but at this moment, she no longer had such thoughts.

Seeing the widow's appearance, she couldn't help laughing.

"Is it funny?"

Suddenly, Ying Shou's voice came from next to his ear, extremely low.

Yinyue was taken aback, she quickly put away her smile, turned her head to look, and saw Ying Shou's face, as dark as it could be, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"No...Your Majesty...servant...hahahaha...not funny...not funny..."

Below, the officials were mobilized by Yinyue's atmosphere, and seeing the emperor's expression one by one, they couldn't help but want to laugh.

But just now they dared to laugh at Xu Chu, but now they dare not laugh at the emperor unscrupulously. For a while, each of them endured very hard, and their faces turned red to the extreme.

"It's not funny, are you still laughing?"

Ying Shou couldn't stop scolding his mother in his heart. When he looked up, he saw that Li Yuanba didn't pay attention to this side at all. After putting down the widow, he glared at Yu Wencheng.

(End of this chapter)

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