Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 279 The Bride Chapter Gate

Chapter 279
"Yuwen Chengdu, you're pretty good at fighting, right? The matchmaker who dared to hit my brother, come here, let's fight!"

Li Yuanba glared at Yuwen Chengdu, raised his hand coldly, and said provocatively.

Yu Wencheng narrowed his eyes slightly, he is not afraid of trouble, since others provoke him, there is no reason not to fight.

But the emperor was right in front of him, and if the emperor didn't speak, he really couldn't do anything casually, and immediately asked the emperor for orders.

But before he could speak, the emperor shouted: "It's unreasonable, Yuanba, don't mess around. Today is the day of General Yuwen's wedding, if you dare to mess around like this again, I will get angry!"

"Hey, brother, you get along with this widow first, don't worry about me, I hit mine, you get along with you!"

Li Yuanba turned his head and hurriedly stopped Ying Shoudao.

As soon as these words came out, Ying Shou was really annoyed.

"Get along with each other, I will get along with you today!"

Ying Shou couldn't bear it anymore, stood up abruptly, stepped forward and grabbed Li Yuanba's collar, and left directly.

"Back to the palace..."

"General Yuwen, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, don't let the good time go!"

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Seeing this, Yu Wencheng and the officials got up one after another and bowed in the direction Ying Shou left.

Yinyue came back to her senses, and quickly suppressed her smile, and chased after her.

All the ministers knew very well that the emperor was really angry today, and for a while, no one dared to mention the matter of choosing a concubine in the harem.

Even in the next two months, no one dared to bring up this matter again.

However, these people did not dare to propose in front of the emperor, but it did not mean that they did not dare to discuss in private.

On the third day of Yuwen's wedding in Chengdu, according to the rules, the bride returned home.

Early in the morning, just after the morning court, Yuwen Chengdu brought He Princess An and Zhao Qian to the palace.

In the past two days, Ying Shou directly ordered that Yu Wencheng was not allowed to participate in the early court.

There was really no way, as soon as he saw Yuwen Chengdu, he thought of the embarrassing incident that day, and he couldn't get angry.

Although it was not Yuwen Chengdu's fault, it was purely other people's fault, but this incident happened on Yuwen Chengdu's wedding day.

Therefore, the appearance of Yuwen Chengdu is a symbol for Ying Shou to remind him all the time.

"I'm sorry to trouble my father-in-law to report and say that Yuwen Chengdu and Princess He'an are begging to see His Majesty the Emperor!"

Yuwen Chengdu followed Princess Hean to the outside of Yingshou's bedroom. According to reason, the emperor should have ordered people to greet him at this moment, but the door was closed at this moment, and there was no joy at all. This made Yuwen Chengdu and Princess Hean feel happy. They were a little dumbfounded, and immediately, Yu Wencheng was still able to ask to see him.

"Please wait a moment, General!"

The serving eunuch responded, turned and left.

Inside, the emperor had known for a long time that Yu Wencheng was coming back today. Hearing the words, he directly ordered: "Go, go, drive me out, just say that I don't want to see anyone today!"

Upon hearing the name Yuwen Chengdu, Ying Shou couldn't help but think of his wedding, and even more of the embarrassing things about the wedding.

In the past two days, whenever the officials saw him, they couldn't help but blushed.

Although none of them laughed out loud, Ying Shou couldn't see that these people clearly wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

"General Yuwen, His Majesty has ordered that I don't want to see anyone today, so go back!"

The serving eunuch came to the door of the bedroom and said to Yu Wencheng.

"Ah... His Majesty wants us to go back?"

Yu Wencheng was taken aback for a moment, he thought that the emperor had forgotten to return to the door today, why did he let them go back after notifying them now?

"what happened?"

Yu Wencheng couldn't help but look at Princess He'an and asked in doubt.

"how could I know?"

When that incident happened that day, Princess He An was in the new house, and Yu Wencheng didn't pay attention, only knowing that Li Yuanba sent a woman in the end, it seemed that he was going to give it to the emperor.

But Yuwen Chengdu has never been very curious, and he didn't ask much about this matter. In the next few days, the husband and wife didn't go out, so they just stayed at home, and naturally they didn't hear any rumors.

At this moment, the two of them were completely unaware that the emperor was embarrassing about this matter, and they were stunned for a while.

"Hey, General Yuwen, and Princess An, why are you standing outside this door and not going in?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Yinyue came from the direction of the imperial dining room with a food box in her hand.

"It's Silver Moon..."

Zhao Qian's eyes lit up, she hurried over, grabbed Yinyue's little hand, frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on, but when I came back today, the emperor asked my husband and I to go back, and we didn't even see each other."

"Yinyue, do you know why? Or is it because His Majesty is in a bad mood right now?"

Hearing this, Yinyue asked in confusion: "No way, how could His Majesty not see the princess and the general? These two days, His Majesty has not had any troubles, and His Majesty has already asked the servants to take care of the princess' return to the house before the princess got married." I made preparations, how could I not see the princess."

Immediately said: "Well, the princess and the general wait a moment, I will go in and ask!"

"Well, then please trouble Yinyue!"

Zhao Qian nodded and watched Yinyue enter the bedroom.

In the backyard of the palace, Ying Shou was in a very upset mood and came to the fish pond to play for nothing.

Suddenly, Yinyue's voice sounded, saying: "Your Majesty, it's time to eat!"

Ying Shou looked back, and after seeing Yinyue, his mood improved a lot.

Now, Ying Shou is not so embarrassing when facing this girl.Although that woman laughed the most heartlessly that day, but afterwards, this woman seemed to have forgotten everything.It's not like the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty. They don't say anything on the surface, but they are very gloomy, and they are always thinking about this matter in their hearts.

"What delicious food did you bring me today?"

Ying Shou came to the stone table and sat down, and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, did you forget to return home with Princess An today? The slaves have prepared some tea and snacks for Your Majesty according to the rules. The Princess and General Yuwen are still outside the door. Your Majesty sent them in. Empress Jincha, let's have some snacks!"

Yinyue smiled slightly and deliberately reminded.

"Hiss, I said Yinyue, which pot are you not picking up now, right? I haven't been ridiculed enough by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty these days, and you still have to bring Yuwen Chengdu in so that I can reconsider what happened that day. Reminisce memory?"

When Ying Shou heard about Yuwen Chengdu, his face darkened again, and he said very dissatisfied.

"Ah... Your Majesty doesn't want to see General Yuwen because of that matter? But that matter has nothing to do with General Yuwen, besides, who dares to laugh at Your Majesty in this court of civil and military affairs!"

When Ying Shou mentioned this, Yinyue suddenly thought of what happened that day, and couldn't help laughing, but she still said seriously.

"Look at you, look at you. Manchu civil and military people dare not laugh at me, but just like you now, you don't dare to laugh if you want to laugh, and you are not afraid of suffocating!"

Ying Shouqi waved his hand and said, "Don't forget, it was at his wedding banquet that day!"

"Hey, forget it, let them come in!"

As he said that, Ying Shou felt a headache and waved his hand to pass the order.

(End of this chapter)

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