Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 280 The Embarrassing Chapter Gate

Chapter 280 An Embarrassing Return to the Door

"Your Majesty, have you promised to meet General Yuwen and His Royal Highness the Princess?"

Yinyue suppressed a smile and asked Ying Shou.

"Go, go, go..."

Ying Shou waved his hand, didn't bother to say much, and ordered directly.

"it is good……"

Yinyue responded, turned around quickly, and left here.

When he walked to the door, he couldn't help laughing anymore.

She thought that the palace was big enough that the emperor would not be able to hear her laughter, but she still underestimated the emperor's sense of hearing. For a moment, Ying Shou was so angry that he wanted to grab this woman and beat her up.

I am embarrassed, is it necessary to laugh so unscrupulously?
Ying Shou didn't know that, for this matter, all civil and military officials were at most amused, but Yinyue was the happiest.

What Yinyue said was that the matter of concubine selection was settled, but she believed that no one would dare to talk to the emperor about the matter of concubine selection within half a year.

In this way, the happy Yinyue, coupled with the whole story of this matter, can't help but want to laugh every time she thinks about it.

"Yinyue, why are you smiling so happily!"

In front of the gate of the palace, Princess An couldn't help being curious when she saw Yinyue approaching with a big smile.

This was the first time she heard such joyful laughter in the palace.

"Nothing, nothing, His Majesty the Emperor said, His Majesty the Emperor said, let Her Royal Highness and General Yuwen go in!"

Yinyue hurriedly saluted, then said with a suppressed smile.

"Since His Majesty let us in, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty as soon as possible!"

Yu Wencheng took the topic, and while speaking, he pulled Princess An and walked towards the inside.

Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue with a strange face. A woman's natural gossip made her feel that there was a story in Yinyue's laughter, and she couldn't help but want to find out.

"The last general, Yuwen Chengdu, met His Majesty the Emperor!"

In front of the stone table, Yu Wencheng immediately bowed to the emperor when he saw the emperor.

"Concubine Zhao Qian, I have met the emperor's brother!"

Zhao Qian also bowed slightly and saluted Ying Shou.

"Let's get back together, we don't need such a big gift when our family meets each other!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, his old face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.


The two stood up, but the emperor refused to let them sit down, and the two dared not sit down, for a moment they didn't know what to do.

"Her Royal Highness, General Yuwen, it's time to offer tea!"

At this moment, Yinyue, who resolved the embarrassment, stepped forward, handed two cups of tea to the two, and said with a smile.

The two came back to their senses and quickly took the tea.

"Brother Emperor, please drink tea!"

Zhao Qian bowed and said.

Ying Shou glanced at her, and he didn't want to act too cold. He took a sip of the tea, put it down, and without waiting for Yu Wencheng to speak, took Yuwen Chengdu's teacup, took a sip and put it down, before saying: " Since you are returning home today, you two will stay for some snacks, and after dinner later, rest in the palace today, and return to the General's Mansion tomorrow!"

Hearing the words, the husband and wife bowed and agreed, and sat down beside them.

"Your Majesty, looking at your face, it seems that you are in a bad mood. I don't know what to worry about. You might as well speak up, so that the future will share your worries!"

Yu Wencheng sized up the emperor, clasped his fists and said.

"If you don't come to see me in the future, you will share my worries!"

Ying Shou blurted out.


Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian couldn't help being taken aback when they heard the words, there was something wrong with what the emperor said.

"Oh, General Yuwen, what His Majesty means is that the general will take good care of the princess at home, and it will be considered as a share of His Majesty's worries!"

On the side, Yinyue didn't know what the emperor was thinking at the moment, so she hurried forward to smooth things over.

"Oh... Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will take good care of the princess in the end, and will never let the princess suffer any grievances!"

The careless Yu Wencheng didn't notice the problem at all, but Zhao Qian, as a woman, was careful.

She sized up the emperor, and then Yinyue, feeling that something was going on.

It seems that to find time later, I have to ask Yinyue carefully.

Thinking about it, several people chatted one sentence at a time.

Ying Shouhe didn't bother to greet the two of them, but fortunately, Yinyue kept smoothing things over, and this was considered as a return, and it was considered as barely passing.

About half an hour later, Ying Shou left because he was busy with state affairs, and asked Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian to walk around the palace, while he went into the study by himself and continued to be busy.

Zhao Qian was not too polite, she asked Yinyue to accompany her.

Ying Shou looked at Yinyue's small face that had been suppressing a smile, and felt even more uncomfortable, so he waved his hand and agreed.

Yinyue followed Zhao Qian, and was immediately asked to the bottom of the casserole.

In the end, Zhao Qian couldn't bear Zhao Qian's questioning, and finally told the matter.

After listening to it, in another palace garden, two women burst out laughing unscrupulously.

Yu Wencheng did not accompany the two of them, but sat quietly on a fake rock mountain. Hearing the laughter of the two women, he couldn't help looking over.

And Ying Shou, who was busy in the study, also vaguely heard this laughter, and his face completely darkened for a moment.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor would be in such an embarrassing situation. I was so at a disadvantage that I missed such a scene that day!"

Zhao Qian laughed so hard that she finally understood why the emperor didn't want to see herself and Yu Wencheng so much.

Feelings are based on the situation. When you see the two of you, you will recall the situation that day.

Not to mention the emperor, it would be the same for anyone.

"That's right, Your Highness, you don't know that all the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were there that day. If you weren't afraid of Your Majesty, you would have laughed out loud!"

The two women mingled together, talking and laughing, becoming more and more harmonious.

"By the way, Your Royal Highness, I told you about this. You must not show it in front of Your Majesty at dinner later, or I will be punished!"

Suddenly, Yinyue rang something and reminded Zhao Qian.

"Don't worry, the emperor's brother loves you so much, how could he be willing to punish you? This civil and military court is a bunch of vulgar men, it's fine if you don't see it."

"You think I can't see it, His Majesty the Emperor clearly likes you, maybe it's because of you that he is reluctant to accept a concubine for so long!"

Zhao Qian waved her hand, and while speaking, she changed the subject and stared at Yinyue.

"Oh, what nonsense is your highness talking about, how could your majesty..."

Yinyue's pretty face changed, and she said hastily.

"Don't deny that, except for those careless ministers who only think about court affairs all day, fools can see it, okay? If you don't believe it, let's try it!"

Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue with a foolish expression on her face and said.

"Can you try this too?"

Yinyue couldn't help being moved, and said cautiously.

"Of course I can try. This emotional matter has never been out of control."

"Although you are in front of His Majesty now, His Majesty is indifferent, but if you are not here, I guarantee that His Majesty will think of you all the time!"

Zhao Qian thought of the scene she saw that night.

Ying Shou and Zhao Qian are fans of the authorities, but she has already seen through everything.

(End of this chapter)

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